Shipments and Address Structures

The list of shipments produced by the Splitter component contains several nested structures.

The Splitter component in the shipping configuration assigns the list of shipments to the Order.Shipments object. The ShippingMethodRouter component breaks this list down further into a list of shipments_to_process for each individual component run. The list of shipments is a SimpleList object of dictionaries, one for each shipment. The following table shows a sample of the keys in the shipment dictionaries.

Key Description
shipping_address_id The ID in the Address dictionary of the dictionary containing the address information.
shipping_method_id The shipping method ID,taken from the ShippingConfig database table.
shipping_method_name The name of the shipping method.
_cy_shipment_total The total shipping cost for the items in this shipment.
ItemIndexes A SimpleList object of indexes to the line items in the order.

The following example code shows how a component might get at the data in the shipments list:

' Assume that dContext is the Context dictionary.
For Each dShipment In dContext.shipments_to_process

    ' Get the address information by getting the Address dictionary.
    Set dAddress = dOrder.Addresses(dShipment.address_id)
    ' Manipulate the address information here.

    ' Get the information about each line item in the shipment.
    ' Items is a SimpleList of dictionaries. ItemIndexes stores
    ' the indexes of the items in the current shipment.
    For Each nIndx In dShipment.ItemIndexes
        ' Retrieve the dictionary for the given item.
        dItem = dOrder.Items(nIndx)
        ' Manipulate the individual item dictionary here.


Each address dictionary contains the following keys:

Key Description
address_name Descriptive name for the address.
address_type Address type:







first_name First name of the addressee.
last_name Last name of the addressee.
address_line1 First line of the address.
address_line2 Second line of the address.
city City name.
region_name Name of the state, region, or province .
region_code Code for the state, region, or province.
postal_code Postal code.
country_name Country/region name.
country_code Country code.
tel_number Telephone number.

Notice that although the shipping address is attached to each item, the billing address is attached to the order. The billing_address_id key identifies which address in the Addresses dictionary is the billing address:

' dOrder is an Order dictionary.
' dBillingAddress is a dictionary.
Set dBillingAddress = dOrder.Addresses(dOrder.billing_address_id)

See Also

Shipping Overview

Setting Up the Pipeline and Cache

Using the Splitter Component to Create Multiple Shipments

Previewing Shipping Costs

Adding Shipping Methods and Components

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