
The following topics describe the supported data types and their formats.

  • DateTime Format

  • Strings

  • Supported Data Types

DateTime Format

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), OLE DB, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) applications should use the following escape clauses when specifying dates for input to INSERT and UPDATE statements. Use the 24-hour time format; do not use A.M or P.M to indicate morning or evening.

  • {ts 'YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS.FFF]'}, for example, {ts '2000-10-31 23:59:59.999'}

  • {d 'YYYY-MM-DD'}, for example, {d '2000-10-31'}

  • {t 'HH:MM:SS'} for example, {t '23:59:59'}

For further information, see Writing International Transact-SQL Statements in SQL Books Online.

On import, if one member of a multi-valued DateTime member is invalid, none of the DateTime members are imported.


The Commerce database supports strings of 4000 characters. Since the Data Warehouse only supports strings of 512 characters, any string consisting of more than 512 characters will be truncated to 512 characters when it is imported.

For multi-valued strings, the count includes one additional character (the semi-colon) per element, the length of the integer specifying the number of elements, plus one.

Supported Data Types

The following table contains the valid data types supported by OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server. The Support column specifies whether the data type is supported by the Data Warehouse, the Profiling System, or both. Binary data is not supported by the Data Warehouse, but is supported by the Profiling System in the following contexts:

  • Access by means of a ProfileService object or a Recordset object.

  • Modification by means of a ProfileService object or a Record object.

TypeName Support Description
BINARY Profiling System Binary
BOOL Both Boolean (0 or 1)
CURRENCY Both 64-bit currency
DATE Both Standard date
DATETIME Both SQL Date-time
FILETIME Data Warehouse Standard file date/time stamp
FLOAT Profiling System 4-byte floating point number
IDENTITY Data Warehouse 48-bit numerical identifier
IDENTITY6 Data Warehouse 48-bit numerical identifier
IMAGE Profiling System 128 KB binary data
INT64 Data Warehouse 64-bit integer
LONG Data Warehouse 32-bit integer
LONGREAL Data Warehouse 64-bit floating point number
LONGTEXT Profiling System Unicode string of length 4000 characters
None Data Warehouse Empty type
NULL Data Warehouse No value
NUMBER Profiling System 4-byte integer
REAL Data Warehouse 32-bit floating point number
SHORT Data Warehouse 16-bit integer
STRING Profiling System Standard string
TIME Data Warehouse Standard time
UINT64 Data Warehouse 64-bit unsigned integer
ULONG Data Warehouse 32-bit unsigned integer
UUID Data Warehouse Packed decimal number used for globally unique identifiers (GUID)
WORD Data Warehouse 16-bit unsigned integer
WSTR Data Warehouse Unicode string of length 255
WSTR8, WSTR12. WSTR16, WSTR24, WSTR32, WSTR48, WSTR64, WSTR80, WSTR96, WSTR112, WSTR128, WSTR144, WSTR160, WSTR255, WSTR400, WSTR512 Data Warehouse Unicode string of designated length
WSTR1K, WSTR2K, WSTR4K Profiling System Unicode string of designated length

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