
The QueryBuilder HTC supports the following methods:

  • Activate

  • Deactivate

  • GetExprBody

  • GetExprBodyXML

  • GetProfileList

  • SetExprBody

  • SetExprBodyXML

  • SetExprListXML


The Activate method activates the QueryBuilder HTC. When the bEdit parameter is True, editing of the displayed query is allowed. If the bEdit parameter is False, editing is not allowed.

This method returns False if a fatal error occurs, and True otherwise.

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The Deactivate method deactivates the user interface of the QueryBuilder HTC without clearing the current query. It does not take any parameters or return a value.

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The GetExprBody method returns a string containing an XML representation of the current query. If there is no current query, it returns NULL.

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The GetExprBodyXML method returns an XML DOMDocument object that represents the current query. If there is no current query, it returns nothing.

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The GetProfileList method returns a Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) SAFEARRAY containing the names of all of the profiles that are currently loaded in the QueryBuilder HTC. It does not take any parameters.

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The SetExprBody method allows the current query to be set. The only parameter is a string containing XML that specifies the query to be set. It returns True if it can successfully parse the query, and False if the parsing fails.

An empty string or NULL can be passed to clear the current query.

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The SetExprBodyXML method allows the current query to be set. The only parameter is an XML DOMDocument object that specifies the query to be set. It returns True if it can successfully parse the query, and False if the parsing fails.

An empty XML DOMDocument object, or the "Nothing" keyword, can be passed to clear the current query.

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The SetExprListXML method allows the caller to provide the QueryBuilder HTC with a list of named expressions from which the QueryBuilder HTC can build other expressions. This method is not likely to be used when the QueryBuilder HTC is being used by itself. Rather, it exists primarily for use by the ExpressionBuilder HTC when it needs to provide the QueryBuilder HTC with a list of named expressions.

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