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Server-Side Routines

The Commerce Server Business Desk Framework defines the following server-side routines:

Routine Name Description
AddCDATANode Adds a CDATA type item node to the specified XML document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

AddErrorNode Adds an error node to the specified XML document, causing the ListSheet HTC to display an error dialog box.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

AddItemNode Adds an item node to the specified XML document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

AddWarningNode Adds a warning node to the specified XML document, causing the ListSheet HTC to display a warning dialog box.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

bDenySecurityForTask Returns permissions for the current user and the given task page and task.
bDenySecurityForElement Returns permissions for the current user and the given entity, element, and right.
bInAdministratorGroup Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the current user is in the Administrators group.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

CheckSecurityForModule Checks permissions for the current user and the given module, and redirects to the access error page if this user is denied access.
dDictFromXML Converts a standard XML document into a Dictionary object.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

dGetAction Creates a Dictionary object and initializes it with the configuration information for a particular action page.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

dGetRequestXMLAsDict Returns the XML posted with a request as a Dictionary object.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

FinishWithXMLSecurityError Returns the XML security error and discontinue processing of the page.
GetSiteConfigField Retrieves a value from the Site Configuration store.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

InsertControlStylesheet Inserts a style sheet for edit controls so that input can be in a different language than specified by the main style sheet.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

InsertEditTaskBar Causes Business Desk to display the action page in edit mode, with the navigation frame hidden, including the display of the task buttons and initial status message.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

InsertTaskBar Causes Business Desk to display the action page in list mode, with the navigation frame visible, including the display of the task buttons and initial status message.

Defined in the file ActionPageUtil.asp.

oGetADOCommand Creates and initializes an ADO Command object.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

oGetADOConnection Creates and opens an ADO Connection object.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

rsGetRecordset Retrieves an ADO Recordset object based on the specified connection string, query, cursor, and lock type.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

SetError Saves server-side error information for synchronized display in the client.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sFormatString Performs string formatting using a format string with variable insertion points, similar to the C++ printf function.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sGetADOError Formats an ADO error into a string containing HTML table formatting directives.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sGetASPError Formats an ASP error into a string containing HTML table formatting directives.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sGetErrorById Retrieves an error message from the Message Manager.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sGetScriptError Formats a script error into a string containing HTML table formatting directives.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sGetXMLError Formats an XML error into a string containing HTML table formatting directives.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sMergeGroups2 Merges two single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single two-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as a string.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sMergeGroups3 Merges three single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single three-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as a string.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

sRelURL2AbsURL Converts a URL that is relative to the folder of an action page into its equivalent absolute URL.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

xmlGetCurrencies Retrieves an XML DOM object that contains information about various currencies.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

xmlGetLanguages Retrieves an XML DOM object that contains information about various languages.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

xmlGetRequestXML Returns the XML posted with a request as an XML DOMDocument object.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

xmlGetResource Loads and caches an XML DOM object that contains the contents of the specified XML file.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

xmlGetXMLDOMDoc Returns an empty XML DOMDocument object.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

xmlGetXMLFromQuery Creates an XML document node and populates it with record nodes corresponding to all of the records returned by the specified query.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

xmlGetXMLFromQueryEx Creates an XML document node and populates it with record nodes corresponding to some or all of the records returned by the specified query.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

xmlGetXMLFromRS Creates an XML document node and populates it with record nodes corresponding to all of the records in the specified ADO Recordset object.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

xmlGetXMLFromRSEx Creates an XML document node and populates it with record nodes corresponding to some or all of the records in the specified ADO Recordset object.

Defined in the file DBUtil.asp.

xmlMergeGroups2 Merges two single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single two-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as an XML document node.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

xmlMergeGroups3 Merges three single-tiered XML documents in the standard XML data record format into a single three-tiered XML document in the same format, returning the result as an XML document node.

Defined in the file ASPUtil.asp.

xmlXMLFromDict Converts a Dictionary object into a standard XML document.

Defined in the file HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

The following lists show server-side routines that are not intended to be called by module code, organized alphabetically and by the include file in which they appear:

  • ActionPageUtil.asp
    dGetPermissionDict, InsertHelpIconBtn, InsertIconBtn, InsertIconBtns, InsertNonClientArea
  • ASPUtil.asp
    dGetErrorDict, oGetAdminEventLog, sESCErrorText, sStripHTML
  • BizDeskObjects.asp
    BDError, dGetCategory, DumpDict, DumpList, DumpResults, DumpSubObject, LoadActions, LoadCategories, LoadModuleConfigs, LoadModules, LoadObjects, LoadTasks, PutObjectsInApp, SetDumpStyles, sGetChildText, ShowProgress, sObjFormatString, ValidateActions, VBError, XMLError, xmlLoadConfig
  • DBUtil.asp
    AddEmptyRecordNode, AddField, AddFormattedNode, sESCText, sStripGroupName
  • response_permissions.asp
  • response_session.asp
    xmlGetResponseFromRequest, xmlGetResponseXML

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