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Include Files

The Commerce Server Business Desk Include directory contains a number of files that provide a variety of functionality for use within Business Desk modules. Not all of them are relevant to authors of Business Desk modules. The following table provides a brief description of the purpose of each relevant file in the Include directory.

File name Description
ActionPageUtil.asp This Active Server Pages (ASP) file contains much of the implementation of the Business Desk Framework. It contains both server-side and client-side utility functions, constants, and global variables that are useful for module development.

It also performs certain universal action page initialization tasks, such as displaying the taskbar. Note that most of the functions inserted with the taskbar call into the parent frame (bizdesk.asp) in order to decreace the client code download size.

Nested include files: BizDeskPaths.asp, BizDeskStrings.asp, SharedStrings.asp.

ASPUtil.asp This ASP file contains miscellaneous functions that are useful on pages that do not need all of the display-related code that is in the file ActionPageUtil.asp. An example is a page that performs server-side processing and then redirects to another page.

This file contains localizable strings.

Nested include files: None. The file ASPUtil.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BDHALUtil.htm This ASP file contains code to resize buttons and select controls to uniform sizes. It is primarily intended for use in HTML dialog boxes.

Nested include files: None. The file BDHALUtil.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BDHeader.asp This ASP file contains code to set the codepage, response headers, and script language for HTML pages. It should be included at the top of any page that displays HTML in the Business Desk content pane.

Nested include files: None. The file BDHeader.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BDXMLHeader.asp This ASP file contains code to set the codepage, response headers, script language, and XML declaration node for pages that return XML. It should be included at the top of any page that returns XML to one of the Business Desk HTML Components (HTCs) that run XMLHTTP operations (for example, the ListSheet HTC and the TreeView HTC).

Nested include files: None. The file BDXMLHeader.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BizDesk.css This file is the cascading style sheet for Business Desk. Global changes to how Business Desk appears, such as the colors and fonts used, should be made in this file. All module action pages should specify this file as their style sheet so that they participate in any such global changes. This enhances the overall consistency of Business Desk as new modules are added.

The content for this file is generated by importing the file styles\bizdesk_css.asp. This file is determines which CSS file in the include\styles folder to use by concatenating the current theme prefix and "bizdesk.css".

BizDeskObjects.asp The routines in this file are intended for internal framework use only.

This file contains localizable strings for Business Desk developer errors that show only when initially loading the application in DEVELOPER mode.

Nested include files: None. The file BizDeskObjects.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BizDeskPaths.asp This ASP file contains the declarations of a number of server-side global variables that store Business Desk paths and Internet Information Server (IIS) virtual roots useful to module code. For more information about these global variables, see Server-Side Global Variables.

Nested include files: None. The file BizDeskPaths.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BizDeskStrings.asp This ASP file contains the definitions of string constants used within the Business Desk Framework, greatly reducing the effort required to translate the Business Desk Framework into other languages.

Refer to the include file itself for the particular constants and corresponding strings, as well as documentation about the naming convention used for the constants.

This file contains localizable strings.

Nested include files: None. The file BizDeskStrings.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

BizDeskUtil.asp This ASP file is normally included by Business Desk module action pages. Its main purpose is to consolidate the inclusion of several other files.

It also contains code to prevent module action pages from being browsed outside the Business Desk Framework. If this code does not detect the Business Desk Framework, it redirects the page to Business Desk.

Nested include files: DBUtil.asp, ASPUtil.asp, ActionPageUtil.asp.

ClientDateUtil.asp This ASP file contains several client-side routines for working with dates.

Nested include files: None. The file ClientDateUtil.asp is not dependent on code in any other file. You must explicitly include this file to use the functions in it.

DBUtil.asp This ASP file contains a number of server-side functions for creating ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) connections, performing SQL queries, and then converting the data in the resultant Recordset objects into XML data-islands. It also provides numerous ADO constant definitions.

Nested include files: None. The file DBUtil.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

DialogUtil.asp This ASP file is normally included by Business Desk module dialog pages. Its main purpose is to consolidate the inclusion of several other files, without the redirect code in the file BizDeskUtil.asp.

Nested include files: DBUtil.asp, ASPUtil.asp, ActionPageUtil.asp.

dlg_confirm.asp This ASP file is useful for showing a standard confirmation dialog box, and can be passed as an argument to the showModalDialog DOM method. See the file ActionPageUtil.asp for examples.

Nested include files: BDHeader.asp, SharedStrings.asp, BizDeskStrings.asp, BizDeskPaths.asp, ASPUtil.asp.

dlg_debug.htm This ASP file is useful for showing a standard debug dialog box, and can be passed as an argument to the showModalDialog DOM method. See the file HTTPXMLUtil.htm for examples.

Nested include files: None. The file dlg_debug.htm is not dependent on code in any other file.

dlg_error.asp This ASP file is useful for showing a standard error dialog box, and can be passed as an argument to the showModalDialog DOM method. See the file ActionPageUtil.asp for examples.

Nested include files: BDHeader.asp, SharedStrings.asp, BizDeskPaths.asp, ASPUtil.asp.

dlg_permissions.asp This ASP file is useful for showing a standard Business Desk permissions dialog box, and can be passed as an argument to the showModalDialog DOM method. See the file ActionPageUtil.asp for examples.

Nested include files: BDHeader.asp, DialogUtil.asp, HTTPXMLUtil.asp.

dlg_warn.asp This ASP file is useful for showing a standard warning dialog box, and can be passed as an argument to the showModalDialog DOM method. See the file ActionPageUtil.asp for examples.

Nested include files: BDHeader.asp, SharedStrings.asp, BizDeskStrings.asp, BizDeskPaths.asp, ASPUtil.asp.

HTTPXMLUtil.asp This ASP file contains a number of server-side functions for creating XML documents, adding nodes to a document in a standard way, converting an XML document to a Dictionary object and vice versa. It also provides functions for retrieving XML posted to an XMLHTTP response page.

Nested include files: None. The file HTTPXMLUtil.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

HTTPXMLUtil.htm This HTM file contains a number of client-side functions for creating XML documents, adding nodes to a document in a standard way, converting an XML document to a Dictionary object and vice versa. It also provides functions for posting XML to an XMLHTTP response page and various server-side state routines as well (using the response_session.asp response page).

Nested include files: None. The file HTTPXMLUtil.htm is not dependent on code in any other file. You must explicitly include this file to use the functions in it.

NavTree.css This style sheet file is used by the navigation pane frame and is not intended to be linked to by any other Business Desk files.

The content for this file is generated by importing the file styles\navtree_css.asp. This file is determines which CSS file in the include\styles folder to use by concatenating the current theme prefix and "navtree.css".

response_permissions.asp This file contains code used to set Business Desk permissions using XMLHTTP. This file is intended for internal framework use only.
response_session.asp This file contains code used to set, get, and clear server state using XMLHTTP. Routines in this file are intended for internal framework use only.
ServerSecurityUtil.asp This file contains routines used for server-side security.
SharedStrings.asp This ASP file contains the definitions of string constants used within multiple Business Desk modules that ship as part of Commerce Server 2002. Having such string constants centralized greatly reduces the effort required to translate them into other languages.

Refer to the include file itself for the particular constants and corresponding strings, as well as documentation about the naming convention used for the constants.

Module writers who are authoring multiple modules that share strings or functions can easily add another file for their shared code in the Common folder, provided for this purpose. Microsoft discourages adding code to the file SharedStrings.asp since this may create multiple versions for different third parties.

This file contains localizable strings.

Nested include files: None. The file SharedStrings.asp is not dependent on code in any other file.

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