
The Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Catalog namespace contains the catalog functionality for the Commerce Server .NET Application Framework.

Namespace hierarchy

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Catalog Namespace Object Model



Class Description
CatalogContext Provides a context for interacting with the Commerce Server Product Catalog System. Wraps the CatalogManager COM object.
CatalogException Base type for all exceptions raised by the Product Catalog System.
CatalogInitializationException Exception thrown when there is a failure initializing the CatalogManager object.
CatalogNotFoundException Exception thrown when the catalog is not found.
CatalogSearch Controls the type of search performed on catalog data.
CatalogSearchOptions Used by database searches for catalog methods to specify which records to return and how to sort the result set. Can also specify paging and class types to return.
CatalogSetCollection Retrieves and caches information about all catalog sets in the Commerce Server Product Catalog System. Provides an enumerator and two indexers to retrieve the CatalogSet object information.
Category Represents a category in the ProductCatalog object. A Category object should be referenced only on the page in which it was created.
CategoryNotFoundException Exception thrown when the category is not found.
CommerceCatalogModule Responsible for creating the default CatalogContext object for the site.
Product Represents a product in the ProductCatalog object. A Product object should be referenced only on the page in which it was created.
ProductCatalog Represents a catalog in the Commerce Server Product Catalog System. A ProductCatalog object should be referenced only on the page in which it was created.
ProductNotFoundException Exception thrown when the product is not found.
SpecificationSearchPropertyResult Represents the result for a property in a specification search. The specification search APIs return arrays of these as part of the specification search process. Each result object represents a property and all of the distinct values for that property.


Enumeration Description
CatalogAttributesType Used with the CatalogContext.GetAttributes method. Specifies whether to return catalog attributes or property attributes.
CatalogClassTypes Used to specify which types of catalog objects to return from a search.
CatalogDataType Enumeration of the valid data types for catalog properties.
CatalogJoinType Used with the SetJoinTable method of the CatalogContext to specify the type of join to use across the Product Catalog System.


Example Description
Code to list catalogs on an ASP.NET Web form Describes how to list catalogs on an ASP.NET Web form.
Code to navigate Catalog categories on an ASP.NET Web form Describes how to navigate through catalog categories on an ASP.NET Web form.
Code to navigate Catalog products on an ASP.NET Web form Describes how to navigate through catalog products on an ASP.NET Web form.

See Also

Commerce Server .NET Application Framework Tutorial

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