HTML Routines for Solution Sites

For conceptual information about how HTML is constructed in the Solution Sites, see HTML Construction for Solution Sites.


The following HTML processing utility routines are defined in this file:

  • Bold
    This function surrounds the string specified by the s parameter with the tags "<B>" and "</B>", and then returns the resulting string.
  • BRTag
    This function appends the <BR> tag to the end of the string specified by the s parameter, and then returns the resulting string.
  • GetRepeatStyle
    This function creates an array with the number of array elements specified by the iCount parameter. Each array element is assigned the attribute string specified by the sAttList parameter. This is used to construct a table style array initialized to a common value.
  • InsertBlankSpace
    This function returns a string containing space characters, where the number of space characters is equal to the number of items in the passed array.
  • InsertLineBreaks
    This function returns a string containing a concatenation of each of the strings in the passed array, separated by BR elements, and ending with a BR element. In other words, it concatenates the strings in the array, appending a <BR> tag to each string in the process.
  • InsertParagraphBreaks
    This function returns a string containing a concatenation of each of the strings in the passed array, where each source string is wrapped in a P element. In other words, it concatenates the strings in the array, prepending a <P> tag to the beginning of each source string and appending a </P> tag to the end of each source string.
  • Italic
    This function surrounds the string specified by the s parameter with the tags <I> and </I> and then returns the resulting string.
  • PTag
    This function surrounds the string specified by the s parameter with the tags <P> and </P>, and then returns the resulting string.
  • RenderCheckBox
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "CHECKBOX", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderElement
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an arbitrary HTML element and its associated attributes and content, as specified by the parameters.
  • RenderForm
    This function prepares the HTML that will render the specified HTML form.
  • RenderHiddenField
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "HIDDEN", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderImage
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an IMG element for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderImageButton
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "IMAGE", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderLink
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a link (an HTML A element) for which the attribute values and hot text are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderListBox
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a SELECT element and its subordinate OPTION elements, populating the values for the various attributes and content based on the values supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderListBoxFromArray
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a SELECT element and its subordinate OPTION elements, populating the values for the various attributes and content based on the values supplied by the parameters. It serves as a wrapper for the function RenderListBox, hardcoding the iSource parameter to the constant ARRAY_COLLECTION, and passing through all other parameters as is.
  • RenderListBoxFromSimpleList
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a SELECT element and its subordinate OPTION elements, populating the values for the various attributes and content based on the values supplied by the parameters. It serves as a wrapper for the function RenderListBox, hardcoding the iSource parameter to the constant SIMPLELIST_COLLECTION, and passing through all other parameters as is.
  • RenderListFromSimpleList
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a sequence of formatted text items, each followed by the BR element.
  • RenderPasswordBox
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "PASSWORD", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderPreFormattedText
    This function prepares the HTML that will render the passed string as pre-formatted text.
  • RenderRadioButton
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "RADIO", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderResetButton
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "RESET", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderSubmitButton
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "SUBMIT", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderTable
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a TABLE element for which the attributes and content are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderTableDataRow
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a row of data within a table. In other words, a series of TD elements wrapped in a TR element. It serves as a wrapper for the function RenderTableRow, hardcoding the iRowType parameter to the constant DATA_ROW, and passing through all other parameters as is.
  • RenderTableHeaderRow
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a header row within a table. In other words, a series of TH elements wrapped in a TR element. It serves as a wrapper for the function RenderTableRow, hardcoding the iRowType parameter to the constant HEADER_ROW, and passing through all other parameters as is.
  • RenderTableRow
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a header or data row within a table. In other words, a series of either TH or TD elements wrapped in a TR element. It performs the real work for the functions RenderTableHeaderRow and RenderTableDataRow, which hardcode the iRowType parameter to the constants HEADER_ROW and DATA_ROW, respectively, and passing through all other parameters as is.
  • RenderText
    This function prepares the HTML that will render the specified string wrapped in FONT tags, and assigned the specified FONT-specific attributes.
  • RenderTextBox
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an INPUT element for which the TYPE attribute has been given a value of "TEXT", and for which other attribute values are supplied by the parameters.
  • RenderUnorderedList
    This function prepares the HTML that will render an unordered list from the data in the passed array. In other words, a series of LI elements wrapped in a UL element.
  • RenderUnorderedListFromSimpleList
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a series of list elements from the data in the passed SimpleList object. In other words, a series of LI elements.
  • Tag
    This function encloses the text segment between a beginning and an ending HTML tag.

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