Product Catalog Routines


The following product catalog utility routines are defined in this file:

  • EnsureUserHasRightsToCatalog
    This sub ensures that the user has access rights to the given catalog. If not, the user is redirected to the "bad catalog item" error page (error\baditem.asp).
  • GetCatalogForUser
    This function returns the ProductCatalog object specified by the sCatalogName parameter. If the user does not have rights to this catalog, the user is redirected to the "bad catalog item" error page (error\baditem.asp).
  • GetPriceAndCurrency
    This sub retrieves both the price and a formatted price string for a product.
  • htmRenderCatalogList
    This function creates a string that contains a series of links to different catalogs, separated by carriage returns.
  • htmRenderCategoriesList
    This function creates the HTML representation of a list of links to the categories within the passed Recordset object.
  • htmRenderCategoryPage
    This function renders a category page, which lists subcategories and products within a category.
  • htmRenderProductsTable
    This function renders a Recordset object containing products in a table format. The table has the following four columns: identifying property (for example SKU), name, description, and price. If the identifying property and name are the same, only three columns are shown.
  • mscsGetCategoryObject
    This function gets the Category object for the given category name. If the category name is "" (meaning the root category), this function returns Nothing, as the catalog does not have a Category object for the root category.
  • mscsGetProductList
    This function returns the product Recordset object for a specified category, using the specified paging information.
  • mscsGetSubCategoriesList
    This function returns the child categories Recordset object for the Category object specified by the oCategory parameter.
  • mscsUserCatalogs
    This function returns a Recordset object that contains the catalogs associated with the current user.
  • mscsUserCatalogsetID
    This function returns the ID of the catalog set associated with the current user. If it is not found, the ID of the catalog set associated with the user's organization is returned. If it is not found, the ID of the default catalog set for the type of the current user is returned.
  • mscsUserCatalogsFromID
    This function returns a Recordset object containing the catalogs associated catalog set ID specified by the CatalogSetID parameter.
  • RenderCatalogLink
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a link to the specified catalog, using the specified FONT element attributes for the link text style.
  • RenderCatalogURL
    This function constructs the URL for a catalog. This produces the same result as calling the RenderCategoryURL function with an empty string for the sCategory parameter and the number one (1) for the nPage parameter.
  • RenderCategoryLink
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a link to the specified catalog, category, and page number, using the specified FONT element attributes for the link text style.
  • RenderCategoryURL
    This function constructs the URL for a category by appending the specified catalog, category, and page number as arguments to the category page URL stored in the MSCSSitePages Dictionary object.
  • RenderProductLink
    This function prepares the HTML that will render a link to the product specified by the parameters, using the specified FONT element attributes for the link text style.
  • RenderProductURL
    This function constructs the URL for the specified product.
  • RenderSearchResultRow
    This function prepares the HTML that will render the current record from a Recordset object containing search results.
  • RenderSearchResults
    This function prepares the HTML that will render the search results contained in the passed Recordset object.
  • rsFreeTextSearch
    This function performs a free text search and returns the results as a Recordset object. The number of records retrieved is set in the iRecordCount parameter.
  • sUserCatalogsAsString
    This function retrieves the catalogs associated with a user as a comma-separated list, suitable for passing to various catalog methods that accept a list of catalogs as a parameter.

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