RenderListBoxFromArray - Solution Sites Routine

This function prepares the HTML that will render a SELECT element and its subordinate OPTION elements, populating the values for the various attributes and content based on the values supplied by the parameters. It serves as a wrapper for the function RenderListBox, hardcoding the iSource parameter to the constant ARRAY_COLLECTION, and passing through all other parameters as is.


Function RenderListBoxFromArray(
  byVal sName,
  byVal sSelectedOption,
  byVal iSize,
  byVal bMultiple,
  byVal sAttList)


  • sName
    A string containing a value to be assigned to the NAME attribute.
  • arrItemNames
    An array that contains the names of the selection choices that the user will see in the listbox, specified as content of the corresponding OPTION elements.
  • arrItemValues
    An array that contains the values of the selection choices, used as the values assigned to the VALUE attributes of the corresponding OPTION elements.
  • sSelectedOption
    A string that, if found to match one of the values supplied in the colItemValues parameter, results in the SELECTED attribute being present in the corresponding OPTION element.
  • iSize
    A number containing a value to be assigned to the SIZE attribute.
  • bMultiple
    A Boolean, which if set to True, results in the MULTIPLE attribute being present in the SELECT element.
  • sAttList
    A string containing any additional, space-separated "attribute=value" pairs to be included in the SELECT element. This string, if non-empty, must begin with a space character.

Return Value

A string containing the HTML that will render the specified listbox.

Defined in File


Routines Called


Called By



The pair of arrays specified by the colItemNames and colItemValues parameters must each have the same number items.

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