CatalogManager3.DeltaExportXML Method (PIA)

Use this method to export updated catalog data to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog
Public Sub DeltaExportXML(
  vrXMLAs Object,
  Optional vrTimeStamp As Object,
  Optional strCatalogsToExport As Object,
  Optional fRunSynchronously As Boolean,
  Optional eXMLFmt As CatalogXMLFmtEnum 
  Optional strLang As String 


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog;
public void DeltaExportXML(objectvrXML,


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • vrXML
    An Object that contains the XML file name or IStream object that is the target of the export.
  • vrTimeStamp
    An optional Object that contains the time stamp that specifies the limit of the export. The Variant can be of type Cdate or a String that can be converted to a valid date.
  • strCatalogsToExport
    An optional Object that contains the catalogs to export. See the Remarks section for more information.
  • fRunSynchronously
    A Boolean that specifies whether the method should be run synchronously. A value of True indicates that the method will not return until the export is completed. A value of False indicates that the method will return immediately after spawning the export thread. The default value is False.
  • eXMLFmt
    An optional CatalogXMLFmtEnum enumeration that specifies the XML format. The default value is cscFmtElementCentric. See the Remarks section for more detail.
  • strLang
    A String that contains the language identifier.


  • vrXML
    An object that contains the XML file name or IStream object that is the target of the export.
  • vrTimeStamp
    An optional object that contains the time stamp that specifies the limit of the export. The Variant can be of type Cdate or a String that can be converted to a valid date.
  • strCatalogsToExport
    An optional object that contains the catalogs to export. See the Remarks section for more information.
  • fRunSynchronously
    A bool that specifies whether the method should be run synchronously. A value of True indicates that the method will not return until the export is completed. A value of False indicates that the method will return immediately after spawning the export thread. The default value is False.
  • eXMLFmt
    An optional CatalogXMLFmtEnum enumeration that specifies the XML format. The default value is cscFmtElementCentric. See the Remarks section for more detail.
  • strLang
    A string that contains the language identifier.


This method may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.

The following table shows the custom COM errors that a COMException can wrap.

Name Value Description

[C#] 0x889800B5

[Visual Basic .NET] &H889800B5

The CatalogManager object has not been initialized. The CatalogManager object should be initialized before calling this method.

[C#] 0x889800C3

[Visual Basic .NET] &H889800C3

There was an error converting the date specified. Please specify a valid date.

[C#] 0x889800D9

[Visual Basic .NET] &H889800D9

The XML format that you specified is invalid.

[C#] 0x88980018

[Visual Basic .NET] &H88980018

The Catalog Export operation was unable to create the file you specified. Check that the file name you specified is valid and the directory that you specified exists and is not read-only.

[C#] 0x88980025

[Visual Basic .NET] &H88980025

This operation cannot be started because an import operation is currently in progress.


The following table shows the values in the CatalogXMLFmtEnum enumeration, and shows their associated names, and describes their use.

Name Value Description
cscFmtElementCentric 0 Export in Commerce Server 2000 format. (Default)
cscFmtAttributeCentric 1 Export in Commerce Server 2002 format.
cscFmtXDR 2 Export the Commerce Server 2002 schema as XML Data Reduced (XDR). (No data)

This method runs in a separate thread. Prior to spawning the thread, it checks that there is not an existing ImportCSV or ImportXML method in progress. After the new thread is spawned, this method returns immediately, if the parameter fRunSynchronously is False, with no errors. Any errors that occurred while importing the catalog are logged to the Windows NT Event Log. Use the Windows Event Viewer to view the Windows NT Event Log.

Some characters are not valid in an XML attribute name. When a catalog is exported in the attribute-centric mode these characters are encoded in the form _xHHHH_ where HHHH is the hex value of the character. The following characters are encoded:

  • Back slash (\)

  • Forward slash (/)

  • Ampersand (&)

  • Left angle bracket (<)

  • Right angle bracket (>)

  • All characters in the range 0xF900 to 0xFFFE

    Ee823716.caution(en-US,CS.20).gif Caution

    • If you call this method on a virtual catalog the resulting XML data will not include changes that are caused by changes in inclusion or exclusion rules. It will include changes inherited from a base catalog.

If there is a temporary loss of the SQL Server connection, longer than two minutes, an import or export will be stopped. Other methods should work after the interruption.

For more information about memory ownership issues related to COM property and method parameters, see Managing COM Parameter Memory.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: cataloglib (in cataloglib.dll)

See Also

CatalogManager3 Class

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All rights reserved.