
The classes in the Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime namespace contain the functionality needed for authentication, event logging, and other core runtime services.

Namespace hierarchy

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime Namespace Object Model



Class Description
AddItemToBasketEvent Captures additions to the basket events.
AuthenticationInfo Abstracts the authentication components.
AuthManager Performs user identification and authentication and is used to manage user security information.
AuthTicket Contains the authentication ticket for the user.
BaseCommerceEvent Abstract base class from which all Commerce event classes derive.
BasketEvent Provides base functionality for all the basket related events. This class cannot be used as a commerce event. Use the AddItemToBasket class or the RemoveItemFromBasket class as a commerce event instead.
CommerceApplicationModule The primary CommerceModule responsible for initialization of the site framework. This module must be listed before all other CommerceModules in the httpModules section.
CommerceAuthenticationException Base class for exceptions thrown from Authentication sub-system.
CommerceAuthenticationFailedDecryptionException Base class for exceptions thrown from the Authentication sub-system.
CommerceAuthenticationModule Provides a framework context for managing the authentication of site visitors, client side cookie detection, and creation of an instance of the AuthManagerInfo class at page scope.
CommerceContext The primary class used to interface with Commerce Server. Provides access to request-level Commerce Server context such as the current UserObject.
CommerceCreateObjectException Exception raised when a COM object could not be created.
CommerceDebugException A special exception raised by components of a Commerce Server application when they encounter an error during the Debug or Checked mode of operation.
CommerceEventAttribute Attributes that identify a class as being a Commerce Event.
CommerceEventMemberAttribute Marks properties as Commerce event properties.
CommerceException Base type for all .NET-based Commerce Server exceptions.
CommerceModule All Commerce Server modules inherit from CommerceModule. CommerceModule is an IHttpModule.
CommerceModuleDependencyException Exception raised when a module depends on another module that has not been configured.
CommerceResourceDependencyException Exception raised when a resource does not exist in the Commerce Server Administration database.
CommerceServerInfo Gets the installed culture for Commerce Server 2002.
Dictionary Supports the creation, storage, and retrieval of name/value pairs in memory.
ProfileTicket Contains the profile ticket for the user.
QueryStringBuilder Builds encrypted query strings for cookie and cookieless browsers.
ReadOnlyStringCollection Provides a read-only string collection. Inherits from the ReadOnlyCollectionBase class.
RemoveItemFromBasketEvent Event used whenever items are removed from the shopping basket.
SimpleList Allows creation of an array of Variants that support enumeration.
SubmitOrderEvent Event used whenever orders are submitted for processing.
TicketBase Provides the base functionality for ticket handling operations in the Commerce Server 2002 Application Runtime.


Enumeration Description
LogStatus Enumerator listing the return type values for the LogCommerceEvent method.


Example Description
Code to Build a Login Page Describes how to check for authenticated users, to set tickets to identify users, and to add and modify ticket properties.

See Also

Commerce Server .NET Application Framework Tutorial

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