Common Event Messages

The following table lists some common event messages.

Event ID Event Message Comments
0x8011 (<InternalID>:<ThreadID>)cls: <StorageClassName>, S: signalling termination of batch due to error, hr: 0x4, time: This event occurs when the storage layer is attempting to Search for items that occur in the database. This can happen with malformed queries or some kind of underlying SQL error.

The user should re-run the process with the "CSDWDBGSRV.EXE -f Trace" process running in a separate command window and send the report (along with a reproducible data set) to Product Support for escalation.

0x8014 (<InternalID>:<ThreadID>)cls: <StorageClassName>, I: exception: signalling termination of batch due to error, hr: 0x4, time: This event occurs when the storage layer is attempting to Insert data in the database. This can happen if the database has been altered or schema doesn't match for some reason which causes an underlying SQL error.

The user should re-run the process with the "CSDWDBGSRV.EXE -f Trace" process running in a separate command window and send the report (along with a reproducible data set) to Product Support for escalation.

0xC018 Log Import Task: Failed to import logs for site : <File name> General error when there is a failure in the Web server log import DTS.
0xC008 Log Import Task: No log files were selected for import for site: <File name> No log files available.
0x81D2 In ParseCookie2: URL decoding for cookie value failed. Attempt to decode an invalid cookie.
0XC009 Log Import Task: Failed to initialize, either the connection information is invalid or the Data Warehouse is in an incorrect state Invalid connection string or the Data Warehouse database is offline.

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