Targeting System Event Messages

Campaigns Event Messages

Direct Mailer Event Messages

Campaigns Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for Campaigns.

Message ID Severity Comments
8192 Error The CacheManager encountered an error during a refresh of the cache: '%1'Errors during cache refresh are reported by this method. The error message logged includes the source component and description.
8193 Warning Commerce.WriteEvents: no performance dictionary found. The dictionary containing ad event data (request and click) was not present in the cache. WriteEvents can take no action if this is not present.
8194 Warning Commerce.WriteEvents: the campaign item with id %1 does not exist.<unused>
8195 Warning Commerce.LoadAdvertisements: no active advertisements were returned from the query. Consider scheduling house ads to avoid this message. Warning message logged by CSFLoadAdvertisements on the first refresh after app startup if there are no active ads in the database.
8196 Error 0.01Actual error message retrieved from resources based on the specific error that has occurred. All ListManager failures are logged.
8197 Error Marketing DTS: Unable to bind to the Commerce OLEDB Provider with the following URL : %1 OLEDB Error
8198 Error Marketing DTS: %1 Used to report a variety of fatal errors from the Marketing DTS task. The actual message inserted depends on the error.
8199 Error Unable to set the campaign connection string : %1 ADO call to put_ConnectionString failed
8200 Error Marketing DTS Import Started
8201 Error Error filling DB columns access structures for the class : %1OLEDB Error
8202 Error OLEDB Error
8203 Error Marketing DTS Import Successfully completed Logged on successful completion of the marketing DTS task.
8204 Warning List Manager Service Control Notification: %1Logged on service startup and shutdown

Direct Mailer Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for Direct Mailer.

Message ID Severity Comments
10 Informational Service has been started. DirectMailer service started.
11 Informational Service has been stopped. DirectMailer service stopped.
12 Informational The job %1 has completed execution. Job Name: %2. Start Time: %3. Finish Time: %4. Recipient Count: %5. Error Count: %6.Job completion message.
256 Warning Invalid control requestInvalid service control request received.
257 Warning Error opening or appending to the log file: %1. Logging will be disabled at this time. Error during logging operations. Logging terminated.
258 Warning The job '%1' has been aborted due to a fatal error or because the total errors number for this job exceeded the limitError limit exceeded.
259 Warning The job '%1' has been aborted due to system shutdown request. Job was aborted due to shutdown request.
260 Warning Attempt to connect to the Direct Mailer Database has failed. Please verify the configuration settings and the database server status. Database connection failure.
261 Warning The job %1 was aborted because the Direct Mailer database has become unavailable. Job Name: %2. Start Time: %3. Finish Time: %4. Recipient Count: %5 of %6. Error Count: %7. The job will continue to show a status of running (3) even once the database is back online. To restart the job, use "dmlrun.exe /run:%1" or stop and restart the direct mailer service. Job terminated because SQL database became unavailable and the configured number of retries were exhausted.
262 Warning The job %1 was terminated before running to completion. Job Name: %2. Start Time: %3. Finish Time: %4. Recipient Count: %5 of %6. Error Count: %7.Job terminated before completion. May be recovered.
512 Error Cannot start the service: Service Handler is not installed. Fatal error in service startup.
513 Error Cannot initialize the service due to the following error: %1. Please fix the problem and restart the service. Service startup error.
514 Error Cannot initialize the service - unknown exception has been raised. Unhandled exception during service startup.
515 Error Cannot access the service configuration information due to the following error: hr=0x%1!x! %2 Please fix the problem and restart the service. Error reading service config.
516 Error Cannot access service configuration - unknown exception has been raised. Unhandled exception while reading service configuration.
517 Error Unhandled exception in the module: %1 The module execution terminated. Unhandled exception in service. Terminating.
518 Error The service was initialized but failed to connect to the database. Please fix the problem and restart the service. Service will try to connect multiple times at startup and then will fail.
519 Error CDO Initialization failed: %1<unused>
520 Error ADO Initialization failed: %1<unused>
521 Error ADO connection to the DirectMailer database failed: %1. Please verify the configuration settings<unused>
522 Error Failed to execute ADO command due to the following problem: %1. Please verify the configuration settings<lame because not used consistently> Logged in a few places when ADO command failed.
523 Error Invalid configuration parameter(s)<unused>
524 Error Error while creating or manipulating with a Commerce Site Server core object '%1'. Error code %2.<lame> Used in one place during initialization to report a SimpleList Failure.
525 Error Error while creating or manipulating with an internal object '%1'. execution has been terminated.<lame> Used in one place during initialization to report what actually amounts to an out of memory situation.

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