Creating the MDX Base Report Definition

Create the base report definition using a set of INSERT statements into the Report table. The MDX query created in Step 2 is inserted into the [Query] field.

The ReportType is set to Static_MDX (3). The Protected bit is cleared (set to 0) which allows the report to be overwritten or deleted.

For more information about the Report table, see Analysis/Reporting Schema.

Step 3

DECLARE @ReportID int

DECLARE @ReportStatusID int

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Report] ([DisplayName], [Description], [ReportType],

 [Category], [Query], [CreatedBy], [Protected], [Definition])

VALUES ('Visits by Referrer', 'Visits by Referrer', @Static\_MDX, 'Web Usage',

 MDX Query, 'the almighty creator', 0, "Long report description goes here")

SELECT @ReportID = @@identity

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