Adding the MDX Report Parameters

Create the report parameters using a set of INSERT statements into the ReportParam table.

For more information about the ReportParam table and the various parameters, see Analysis/Reporting Schema.

Step 4

INSERTINTO [dbo].[ReportParam] (ReportID, ParamName, ParamDescription,

 ParamType, DataType, Opnd1, Val1, Ordinal)

VALUES (@ReportID, '[$TopCount]', 'Number of referrer domains',

 @ParamType_SelectOrder, @DataType\_integer, @SelectOrderOpnd\_Top,

 100, 1)

INSERT into [dbo].[ReportParam] (ReportID, ParamName, ParamDescription,

 ParamType, DataType, Opnd1, Val1, Ordinal)

VALUES (@ReportID, '[$SiteName]', 'Site Name', @ParamType\_SiteName,

 @DataType_text, @SiteNameOpnd\_Equals, 'Retail', 2)

After you have completed steps 1 through 4 (see Creating Static Reports Using MDX for information about the preceeding steps) successfully, the report will appear in the Reports module in Commerce Server Business Desk. The next step is to run or export the report from Business Desk. For more information, see Business Desk Analysis.

After the report is run, it can be viewed from Business Desk or you can programmatically display or export the report using the ReportRenderer or AsyncRpt objects. For information about programmatically displaying or exporting the report, see ReportRenderer Object.

A SQL script file is included in the SDK which creates a static MDX (OLAP) report. The file is located in the installation folder under \Microsoft Commerce Server\SDK\Samples\Business Analytics\Scripts.

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