Client-Side Global Variables

The Commerce Server Business Desk Framework defines the following client-side global variables:


A Boolean value indicating whether any fields on the page have changed since the last save operation. True indicates that changes have been made since the last save operation, and False indicates that no changes have been made.

This variable is declared and initialized to False in the file ActionPageUtil.asp, and its scope is the action page itself.


A Boolean value indicating whether any fields on the page still require values to be provided. True indicates that at least one required field does not yet have a value, and False indicates that all required fields have values.

This variable is declared and initialized to False in the file ActionPageUtil.asp, and its scope is the action page itself.


A Boolean used to indicate when the page is unloading because a task button was clicked. This forces the framework to suppress the display of the normal Internet Explorer unloading page warning that is displayed after the user clicks the close button for Business Desk.


A Boolean value indicating whether any fields on the page contain values that are not valid. False indicates that one or more fields have a value that is not valid, and True indicates that all fields contain valid values.

This variable is declared and initialized to True in the file ActionPageUtil.asp, and its scope is the action page itself.


An integer height in pixels for the find pane, initially set to 55 pixels. This variable is set by the SetFindByHeight routine before the ShowFindBy routine is called to display it.

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