GenID Object


Use this object to generate globally unique identifiers (GUID), or to create and maintain multiple, global sequential counters that are persisted in a database. A global counter is one that can work across multiple computers.

ProgID:   Commerce.GenID (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   GenID
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 GenID Type Library
DLL Name:   GenID.dll
Threading Model:   Both

The methods of the GenID object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
GenBase5GUIDString Generates a base5 GUID string.
GenGUIDString Generates a GUID string.
GetCounterValue Retrieves the value of the specified counter and then increments the counter.
Initialize Connects the GenID object to the database that stores the table of counters.
InitializeCounter Initializes a new counter or resets an existing counter.

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