ExpressionStore Methods (PIA)


Method Description
Connect Validates and stores the connection string to the specified expression store.
DeleteExpression Deletes an expression from the expression store.
Disconnect Sets the connection string to an empty string.
Export Exports expressions from the expression store to a file.
GetAllExprs Retrieves all expressions from the expression store.
GetExpression Retrieves an expression from the expression store.
GetExprID Translates an expression name into its corresponding expression ID.
GetExprName Translates an expression ID into its corresponding expression name.
Import Imports a set of expressions to the expression store from a file.
NewExpression Creates a new ADODB26Lib.Recordset object that contains an empty expression.
Query Queries for a list of expressions based on one or more criteria.
RenameExpression Renames an existing expression.
SaveExpression Saves a new or changed expression to the expression store.

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