
This class represents the header information for an order form. An OrderFormHeader object has contact information, buyer information, and other data necessary to process an order form. An OrderFormHeader object links to zero or more OrderFormLineItems objects, representing the ordered items. An OrderGroup object, representing a purchase order, links to zero or more OrderFormHeader objects.

Data Members

Data Member Name Data Type Default Value Description
billing_currency WSTR None None
buying_org_name WSTR None Stores the name of the buyer organization.
cc_auth_number WSTR None Stores the authorization code for the credit card.
d_DateCreated DATETIME None None
d_DateLastChanged DATETIME None None
g_UserIDChangedBy WSTR None None
OrderForm_date DATETIME None Stores the date of the order form.
OrderForm_date_UnNorm DATETIME None None
OrderForm_Id UUID {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Stores the second part of the unique key for the object.
ordergroup_id UUID {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Stores the first part of the unique key for the object.
po_number WSTR None None
receiver_email_address WSTR None None
receiver_fax_number WSTR None None
receiver_first_name WSTR None Stores the first name of the receiver.
receiver_last_name WSTR None Stores the last name of the receiver.
receiver_tel_number WSTR None None
saved_cc_expiration WSTR None Stores the expiration code for the saved credit card.
saved_cc_number WSTR None Stores the number of the saved credit card.
saved_cy_tax_total CURRENCY None None
saved_cy_total_total CURRENCY None None
selling_org_name WSTR None Stores the name of the seller organization.
tax_exempt_code WSTR None None
tax_exempt_id WSTR None None
total_lineitems LONG None None
user_email_address WSTR None Stores the e-mail address for the purchaser.
user_fax_number WSTR None Stores the fax number for the purchaser.
user_first_name WSTR None Stores the first name of the purchaser.
user_id WSTR None Stores the user ID for the purchaser.
user_last_name WSTR None Stores the last name of the purchaser.
user_name WSTR None Stores the name of the purchaser.
user_org_id WSTR None Stores the identifier of the organization for the purchaser.
user_org_name WSTR None Stores the organization name of the purchaser.
user_tel_number WSTR None Stores the phone number for the purchaser.

Class Key

OrderFormHeaderKey is composed of the following data members:

**   ordergroup_id + OrderForm_Id**


For a description of the relation type, see Data Warehouse Classes.

Relation Name Parent Child Type
DateToOrderFormHeader Date OrderFormHeader 194
OrderFormHeaderToOrderFormLineItems OrderFormHeader OrderFormLineItems 2
OrderGroupToOrderFormHeader OrderGroup OrderFormHeader 2

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