Management Pack Authoring Guide
Applies To: System Center Operations Manager 2007
Welcome to the Management Pack Authoring Guide for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007. This guide provides complete information about the design and implementation of management packs for System Center Operations Manager 2007.
This guide applies to IT professionals who use Operations Manager 2007 R2 and have to create a management pack that includes features beyond the basic scenarios that the Operations console provides.
In addition to experience with Operations Manager 2007 R2, you should have the following skills:
Basic familiarity with XML
Familiarity with XML Path Language (XPath)
Knowledge of a scripting language such as VBScript or Windows PowerShell
This guide primarily uses the System Center Operations Manager Authoring Console which is part of the System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Authoring Resource Kit ( to create management packs with all available elements and monitoring scenarios. The Authoring in the Operations Console section of the Operations Manager 2007 R2 Operations User's Guide describes how to create management packs by using the Operations console, which provides a more limited set of monitoring scenarios, but also requires significantly less understanding of relatively complex concepts. We recommend that you start with the Operations Manager 2007 R2 Operations User's Guide to gain experience with basic authoring concepts before reading this guide.
- Management Pack Basics
Covers the contents and structure of a management pack and provides an overview of editing tools and general concepts required for other sections.
- Service Model
Covers concepts of classes, relationships, and discovery, and provides guidance for designing a service model for an application that you have to monitor.
- Health Model
Defines several methods for measuring health state and collecting monitoring information for classes defined in the service model. Provides guidance for designing a health model for an application that you have to monitor.
- Presentation
Provides guidance for defining and creating Views and Linked Reports to display and analyze collected monitoring data in the Operations console.
- Composition
Defines the underlying concepts and structure of monitoring workflows and provides guidance for creating custom workflows not available with standard Authoring Console wizards.