ObservableCepStream.ToPointObservable<TPayload> Method (CepStream<TPayload>, StreamEventOrder)


Converts a CepStream of point events with the specified event order to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Observable (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Observable.dll)


public static ICepObservable<PointEvent<TPayload>> ToPointObservable<TPayload>(
    this CepStream<TPayload> stream,
    StreamEventOrder streamEventOrder
generic<typename TPayload>
static ICepObservable<PointEvent<TPayload>^>^ ToPointObservable(
    CepStream<TPayload>^ stream,
    StreamEventOrder streamEventOrder
static member ToPointObservable<'TPayload> : 
        stream:CepStream<'TPayload> *
        streamEventOrder:StreamEventOrder -> ICepObservable<PointEvent<'TPayload>>
Public Shared Function ToPointObservable(Of TPayload) (
    stream As CepStream(Of TPayload),
    streamEventOrder As StreamEventOrder
) As ICepObservable(Of PointEvent(Of TPayload))


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq.ICepObservable<PointEvent<TPayload>>

An event sink that supports observation.

Type Parameters

  • TPayload
    Type of the event payload.


Calling the Subscribe method of the observable event sink initializes and starts a query. The query is deleted when the subscription is disposed.

The ICepObservable<T> interface includes an overload of Subscribe that lets you specify a name and description for the query. These additional properties are useful for debugging.

For more information about the data types that are supported in the payload of an event, see Event Structure.

See Also

ToPointObservable Overload
ObservableCepStream Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace

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