ObservableCepStream.ToEdgeStream<TInput, TPayload> Method (IObservable<TInput>, Application, Expression<Func<TInput, EdgeEvent<TPayload>>>, AdvanceTimeSettings, String)


Converts an observable input stream to a stream of edge events, and provides the temporal characteristics of the input.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Observable (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Observable.dll)


public static CepStream<TPayload> ToEdgeStream<TInput, TPayload>(
    this IObservable<TInput> source,
    Application application,
    Expression<Func<TInput, EdgeEvent<TPayload>>> selector,
    AdvanceTimeSettings advanceTimeSettings = null,
    string streamName = null
generic<typename TInput, typename TPayload>
static CepStream<TPayload>^ ToEdgeStream(
    IObservable<TInput>^ source,
    Application^ application,
    Expression<Func<TInput, EdgeEvent<TPayload>^>^>^ selector,
    AdvanceTimeSettings^ advanceTimeSettings = null,
    String^ streamName = null
static member ToEdgeStream<'TInput, 'TPayload> : 
        source:IObservable<'TInput> *
        application:Application *
        selector:Expression<Func<'TInput, EdgeEvent<'TPayload>>> *
        advanceTimeSettings:AdvanceTimeSettings = null *
        streamName:string = null -> CepStream<'TPayload>
Public Shared Function ToEdgeStream(Of TInput, TPayload) (
    source As IObservable(Of TInput),
    application As Application,
    selector As Expression(Of Func(Of TInput, EdgeEvent(Of TPayload))),
    advanceTimeSettings As AdvanceTimeSettings,
    streamName As String
) As CepStream(Of TPayload)


  • application
    Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Application

    Application instance that hosts the event source. This parameter cannot be null. The application must belong to an embedded server that was generated by calling one of the overloads of Server.Create.

  • streamName
    Type: System.String

    Name of the stream.

    A stream name supports “importing” CTI events from one stream to another using AdvanceTimeImportSettings. These settings require the user to indicate the name of the input stream from which the CTI events are imported.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq.CepStream<TPayload>

A stream of edge events.

Type Parameters

  • TInput
    Type of the input.
  • TPayload
    Type of the event payload.

See Also

ObservableCepStream Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace

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