CepStream<TPayload>.Create Method (Application, Uri, EventShape, AdvanceTimeSettings)


Creates a bound stream for input from a given published stream.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.dll)


public static CepStream<TPayload> Create(
    Application application,
    Uri publishedStreamName,
    EventShape eventShape,
    AdvanceTimeSettings advanceTimeSettings
static CepStream<TPayload>^ Create(
    Application^ application,
    Uri^ publishedStreamName,
    EventShape eventShape,
    AdvanceTimeSettings^ advanceTimeSettings
static member Create : 
        application:Application *
        publishedStreamName:Uri *
        eventShape:EventShape *
        advanceTimeSettings:AdvanceTimeSettings -> CepStream<'TPayload>
Public Shared Function Create (
    application As Application,
    publishedStreamName As Uri,
    eventShape As EventShape,
    advanceTimeSettings As AdvanceTimeSettings
) As CepStream(Of TPayload)


  • publishedStreamName
    Type: System.Uri

    The name of the published stream.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq.CepStream<TPayload>

A bound input stream for the events in a given published stream.

See Also

Create Overload
CepStream<TPayload> Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace

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