Sisadmin.exe Commands
Applies To: Windows Storage Server 2008 R2
Although the Share and Storage Management snap-in can be used to enable or disable SIS on a volume, the primary administrative tool used for managing SIS is the Sisadmin.exe command-line utility. The syntax for Sisadmin.exe is:
sisadmin.exe [/m <server>] [command]
Valid command options for Sisadmin.exe include:
/m <server> - Shifts the focus of the command line to a remote server. If the /m option is not specified, the command line will be applied to the local server. <server> can be expressed as a host name, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or an IP address.
/? or /h –Displays a list of the valid command options for Sisadmin.exe.
/I <volumes> - Installs SIS for the designated volumes. If SIS is already enabled on the designated volumes this command preserves the current Enabled/Disabled status.
/f <volumes> - Sets the Groveler service to run as a foreground priority for the designated volumes.
/b <volumes> - Sets the Groveler service to run as a background priority for the designated volumes, which is the default setting for the service.
/r <volumes> - Initiates a full scan of the designated volumes.
/e <volumes> - Enables and starts the Groveler service on the designated volumes.
/d <volumes> - Stops and then disables the Groveler service on the designated volumes.
/v <volumes> - Displays statistics for the specified SIS-enabled volumes.
/l <volumes> - Displays a list of SIS-controlled files on the designated volumes.
/s <files> - Displays information about designated SIS-controlled files. <files> is expressed as a space delimited list of file names, including path.
/u <volumes> - Stops the Groveler service on the volume, restores all file copies, and removes reparse points. This option should always be used on each SIS-enabled volume prior to removing SIS from the server.
For each command option that uses <volumes> as a parameter, <volumes> represents a space delimited list of volume names (for example: d: e: f: g:).
To temporarily increase performance levels of the Groveler service on the E: and F: volumes of a server, you could use the following command:
sisadmin.exe /f E: F:
To disable the Groveler service on the E: volume of a server without removing SIS from the volume, you could use the following command:
sisadmin.exe /d E:
To stop the Groveler service on the volume, restore all file copies, and remove reparse points, or to remove SIS entirely from the F: volume of a remote server by using the IP address of the server, you could use the following command:
sisadmin.exe /m /u F: