Sample: SDK.TabSamples.js

[Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011]

This sample code is for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, and can be found in the following location in the SDK download: SDK\SampleCode\JS\FormScripts\SDK.TabSamples.js


This sample code represents a JScript library that can be added as a Web resource. Before a function in a JScript library can be used as a form event handler, the JScript library must be added to the form libraries available for that form. The full name of the function must be used in the form event handler. For example, the toggleTabDisplayState function must be called using SDK.TabSamples.toggleTabDisplayState.


This library contains examples of the following Xrm.Page.ui tab methods and Xrm.Page.ui tab.sections Collection methods:


//If the SDK namespace object is not defined, create it.
if (typeof (SDK) == "undefined")
{ SDK = {}; }
// Create Namespace container for functions in this library;
SDK.TabSamples = {};

 // tab.getDisplayState() example
 // tab.setDisplayState() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.toggleTabDisplayState function toggles the display state of every tab Shows the display state of 
 // every tab on the current form to the user.
SDK.TabSamples.toggleTabDisplayState = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];
  var currentTabState = tab.getDisplayState();
  var newTabState = "";

  if (currentTabState == "expanded") {
   newTabState = "collapsed";
  else if (currentTabState == "collapsed") {
   newTabState = "expanded";


 // tab.getLabel() example
 // tab.setLabel() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.toggleTabLabels function will show or hide a specified prefix for all tabs on the form.
SDK.TabSamples.toggleTabLabels = function (prefix) {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();
 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];
  var currentLabel = tab.getLabel();
  if (currentLabel.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix) {
   var newLabel = currentLabel.substring(prefix.length);
  else {
   tab.setLabel(prefix + currentLabel);

 // tab.getParent() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.validateTabParent function demonstrates that the tab.getParent() function returns the Xrm.Page.ui
SDK.TabSamples.validateTabParent = function () {
 var firstTab = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(0);
 var tabParent = firstTab.getParent();

 if (tabParent == Xrm.Page.ui) {
  alert("The tab.getParent() function does return the Xrm.Page.ui object.");
 else {
  alert("The tab.getParent() function does not return the Xrm.Page.ui object.");

 // tab.getVisible() example
 // tab.setVisible() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.toggleVisibleTabs function hides or reveals all tabs except the first tab on the form each time the event occurs.
SDK.TabSamples.toggleVisibleTabs = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();
 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];
  if (i > 0) {
   if (tab.getVisible()) {
   else {

 // tab.setFocus() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.setFocusDemo function will open a new page containing a table with rows for each visible tab. 
 // Each row contains a button that will use the window.opener to access the Xrm.Page object to call the setFocus method 
 // for the tab in the entity record form.
SDK.TabSamples.setFocusDemo = function () {
 var html = "<!DOCTYPE html ><html lang='en-US' ><head><title>Set focus demo</title>";
 html += "<style type=\"text/css\">body { font-family:Calibri;}";
 html += "table {border:1px solid gray; border-collapse:collapse;}";
 html += "th {text-align:left; border:1px solid gray;}";
 html += "td {border:1px solid gray;}</style>";
 html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\" >";
 html += "function setFocus(index) { ";
 html += "window.opener.Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(index).setFocus();";
 html += "}";
 html += "</script>";
 html += "</head><body>";
 html += SDK.TabSamples.buildFocusDemoTable();
 html += "</body></html>";
 var theWindow ="", "_blank", "height=400,width=450,scrollbars=1,resizable=1", false);;

SDK.TabSamples.buildFocusDemoTable = function () {
 var html = "<table summary='This table displays a row for each visible tab. Each row contains a button to call the setFocus method on the tab in the page.'><thead><tr><th scope='col'>Tab Label</th><th scope='col'>Set Focus</th>" +
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();
 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];
  //setFocus will cause an error if used on a tabs that is not visible.
  if (tab.getVisible()) {
   var tabLabel = tab.getLabel();

   html += "<tr><td>" + tabLabel +
         "</td><td><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"setFocus(" + i +
          ");\" value='Set Focus on " + tabLabel + "' /></td></tr>";
 html += "</tbody></table>";
 return html;

 // Examples:The following two examples perform the same task. 
 // Both examples display a message showing the hierarchy of tabs and sections on the current form.

 // tab.sections.forEach() example 1
 // This example uses an anonymous function defined within the argument.
SDK.TabSamples.listFormHierarchy = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();

 var message = "The hierarchy of the current form is:\n\n";

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];

  message += "  \u2219 " + tab.getLabel() + "\n";

  tab.sections.forEach(function (section, sectionIndex) {
   var sectionLabel = section.getLabel();
   if (sectionLabel == null) {
    sectionLabel = "No Section Label Defined";

   message += "      \u2219 " + sectionLabel + "\n";


 // tab.sections.forEach() example 2
 // This example passes a reference to a function defined outside the argument.
SDK.TabSamples.listFormHierarchy_Example2 = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();

 window.message = "The hierarchy of the current form is:\n\n";

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];

  window.message += "  \u2219 " + tab.getLabel() + "\n";


 window.message = null;

SDK.TabSamples.listSectionName = function (section, index) {
 var sectionLabel = section.getLabel();
 if (sectionLabel == null) {
  sectionLabel = "No Section Label Defined";

 window.message += "      \u2219 " + sectionLabel + "\n";

 // tab.sections.get() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.showSectionLabels function loops through all of the sections in the first tab and display their label.
SDK.TabSamples.showSectionLabels = function () {
 var firstTabSections = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get(0).sections.get();

 var message = "The following sections are in the first tab on the form:\n\n";
 for (var i in firstTabSections) {
  var sectionLabel = firstTabSections[i].getLabel();
  if (sectionLabel == null) {
   sectionLabel = "No Section Label Defined";

  message += "  \u2219 " + sectionLabel + "\n";


 // tab.sections.get(number) example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.showFirstSectionPerTab function displays the name of the first section in every tab.
SDK.TabSamples.showFirstSectionPerTab = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();

 var message = "The first sections in every tabs are:\n\n";

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];
  var firstSection = tab.sections.get(0);
  var sectionLabel = firstSection.getLabel();
  if (sectionLabel == null) {
   sectionLabel = "No Section Label Defined";

  message += "  \u2219 " + sectionLabel + "\n";


 // tab.sections.get(string) example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.doesSectionExistByName displays if there is a section with the given name on the form.
SDK.TabSamples.doesSectionExistByName = function (sectionName) {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();
 var sectionCount = 0;

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];

  var section = tab.sections.get(sectionName);
  if (section != null) {

 alert("There are " + sectionCount + " section(s) on the form with the name '" + sectionName + "'.");

 // tab.sections.get(function(section, index)) example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.showSectionsVisibility function shows the visibility of every section on the form.
SDK.TabSamples.showSectionsVisibility = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();
 var message = "The following is a list of tabs and their display state:\n\n";

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];

  tab.sections.get(function (section, index) {
   var sectionLabel = section.getLabel();
   if (sectionLabel == null) {
    sectionLabel = "No Section Label Defined";

   var visibility = "";
   if (section.getVisible()) {
    visibility = "Visible";
   else {
    visibility = "Hidden";

   message += "  \u2219 " + sectionLabel + " - " + visibility + "\n";


 // tab.sections.getLength() example
// Example: The SDK.TabSamples.listMultipleSectionTabs function lists every tab that contains two or more sections.
SDK.TabSamples.listMultipleSectionTabs = function () {
 var tabs = Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();

 var message = "The following tab(s) contain multiple sections:\n\n";

 for (var i in tabs) {
  var tab = tabs[i];

  var sectionsCount = tab.sections.getLength();
  if (sectionsCount > 1) {
   message += "  \u2219 " + tab.getLabel() + "\n";

 //End of Tab Samples Functions

See Also


Xrm.Page.ui tab methods
Xrm.Page.ui tab.sections Collection


Write Code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forms
Use JavaScript with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Other Resources

Xrm.Page Sample Libraries

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
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