Sample: SDK.ControlSamples.js

[Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011]

This sample code is for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, and can be found in the following location in the SDK download: SDK\SampleCode\JS\FormScripts\SDK.ControlSamples.js


This sample code represents a JScript library that can be added as a Web resource. Before a function in a JScript library can be used as a form event handler, the JScript library must be added to the form libraries available for that form. The full name of the function must be used in the form event handler. For example, the showControlParents function must be called using SDK.ControlSamples.showControlParents.


This library contains examples of the following Xrm.Page.ui Control Methods:


//If the SDK namespace object is not defined, create it.
if (typeof (SDK) == "undefined")
{ SDK = {}; }
// Create Namespace container for functions in this library;
SDK.ControlSamples = {};

 // control.addCustomView() example
 // control.getDefaultView() example
 // control.setDefaultView() example
 // control.getName() example
 // Example: The addCustomView function will add a new custom lookup called “SDK Sample View” to any lookup on the form that has a 
 // default view that shows account records.

SDK.ControlSamples.addCustomView = function () {
 // Most of the code in this example is simply to look for any account lookups in a given form.
 // Actually setting the custom view is done in the SDK.ControlSamples.setCustomViewOnAccountLookup function below.
 var lookupControls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(SDK.ControlSamples.isLookup);
 for (var i in lookupControls) {

SDK.ControlSamples.isLookup = function (control, index) {
 return control.getControlType() == "lookup";
SDK.ControlSamples.processLookup = function (lookupControl) {
 //Is this a lookup for the account entity?
 // Retrieve the lookup attribute and check the Targets property.
 var currentEntity =;
 var LookupAttributeName = lookupControl.getAttribute().getName();
 //Use the SOAP endpoint
 var request = ["<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\"><soapenv:Body>",
  "<Execute xmlns=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\">",
  "<request i:type=\"a:RetrieveAttributeRequest\" xmlns:a=\"\">",
  "<a:Parameters xmlns:b=\"\">",
  "<b:value i:type=\"c:string\" xmlns:c=\"\">" + currentEntity + "</b:value>",
  "<b:value i:type=\"ser:guid\"  xmlns:ser=\"\">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</b:value>",
  "<b:value i:type=\"c:boolean\" xmlns:c=\"\">false</b:value>",
  "<b:value i:type=\"c:string\"   xmlns:c=\"\">" + LookupAttributeName + "</b:value>",
  "<a:RequestId i:nil=\"true\" /><a:RequestName>RetrieveAttribute</a:RequestName></request>",

 var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
 var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();

 if (serverUrl.match(/\/$/)) {
  serverUrl = serverUrl.substring(0, serverUrl.length - 1);
 }"POST", serverUrl + "/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web", true);
 req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*");
 req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
 req.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
 req.onreadystatechange = function () {
  if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
   if (SDK.ControlSamples.isAccountLookup(this)) {

SDK.ControlSamples.isAccountLookup = function (resp) {
 var targets = null;
 var returnValue = false;
 // Verify that the lookup attribute is for the account
 // The Targets property should only contain a single node with the values 'account'.

 if (typeof resp.responseXML.selectSingleNode != 'undefined') {
  //For IE
  targets = resp.responseXML.selectSingleNode("//c:Targets");
  if (targets.childNodes.length == 1 && targets.firstChild.text == "account") {
   returnValue = true;
 else if (typeof resp.responseXML.evaluate != 'undefined') {
  // For other browsers
  var nsResolver = function (prefix) {
   var ns = {
    "default": "",
    "s": "",
    "a": "",
    "i": "",
    "c": "",
    "d": ""
   if (prefix == null || prefix == "") {
    return ns["default"];
   else {
    if (ns[prefix] == null)
    { return null; }
    else {
     return ns[prefix];

  targets = resp.responseXML.evaluate("//c:Targets", resp.responseXML, nsResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
  if (targets.childNodes.length == 1 && targets.firstChild.textContent == "account") {
   returnValue = true;

 return returnValue;
SDK.ControlSamples.setCustomViewOnAccountLookup = function (lookupControl) {

 var viewId = "{C7034F4F-6F92-4DD7-BD9D-9B9C1E996380}";
 var viewDisplayName = "SDK Sample View";
 var fetchXml = "<fetch version='1.0' " +
                            "output-format='xml-platform' " +
                            "mapping='logical'>" +
                        "<entity name='account'>" +
                        "<attribute name='name' />" +
                        "<attribute name='address1_city' />" +
                        "<order attribute='name' " +
                                "descending='false' />" +
                        "<filter type='and'>" +
                            "<condition attribute='ownerid' " +
                                        "operator='eq-userid' />" +
                            "<condition attribute='statecode' " +
                                        "operator='eq' " +
                                        "value='0' />" +
                        "</filter>" +
                        "<attribute name='primarycontactid' />" +
                        "<attribute name='telephone1' />" +
                        "<attribute name='accountid' />" +
                        "<link-entity alias='accountprimarycontactidcontactcontactid' " +
                                        "name='contact' " +
                                        "from='contactid' " +
                                        "to='primarycontactid' " +
                                        "link-type='outer' " +
                                        "visible='false'>" +
                            "<attribute name='emailaddress1' />" +
                        "</link-entity>" +
                        "</entity>" +

 var layoutXml = "<grid name='resultset' " +
                                  "object='1' " +
                                  "jump='name' " +
                                  "select='1' " +
                                  "icon='1' " +
                                  "preview='1'>" +
                              "<row name='result' " +
                                   "id='accountid'>" +
                                "<cell name='name' " +
                                      "width='300' />" +
                                "<cell name='telephone1' " +
                                      "width='100' />" +
                                "<cell name='address1_city' " +
                                      "width='100' />" +
                                "<cell name='primarycontactid' " +
                                      "width='150' />" +
                                "<cell name='accountprimarycontactidcontactcontactid.emailaddress1' " +
                                      "width='150' " +
                                      "disableSorting='1' />" +
                              "</row>" +
 try {
  lookupControl.addCustomView(viewId, "account", viewDisplayName, fetchXml, layoutXml, false);
  alert("The '" + lookupControl.getName() +
                          "' lookup was updated with a new default view.\n\nThe new view id is '" +
                          lookupControl.getDefaultView() + "'.");
 catch (e) {

 // control.addOption() example
 // control.clearOptions() example
 // control.getAttribute() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.reverseOptions function reverses the order of all available options in the first optionset control on the form. 
SDK.ControlSamples.reverseOptions = function () {

 var optionsetControl = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(SDK.ControlSamples.isOptionSet)[0];
 if (optionsetControl != null) {
  var options = optionsetControl.getAttribute().getOptions();

  // Reverse all of the options in the optionset.
  for (var i = 1; i <= options.length; i++) {
   if (options[options.length - i].value != "null") {
    optionsetControl.addOption(options[options.length - i], i - 1);

  alert("The options for the " + optionsetControl.getLabel() + " field have been reversed.");
 { alert("There are no Option set controls in this form."); }


SDK.ControlSamples.isOptionSet = function (control, index) {
 return control.getControlType() == "optionset";

 // control.getControlType() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.showControlTypes function will display a page in a new window showing the control type for every control on the form.
SDK.ControlSamples.showControlTypes = function () {
 var html = "<!DOCTYPE html ><html lang='en-US' ><head><title>Show Control Types</title>";
 html += "<style type=\"text/css\">body { font-family:Calibri;}";
 html += "table {border:1px solid gray; border-collapse:collapse;}";
 html += "th {text-align:left; border:1px solid gray;}";
 html += "td {border:1px solid gray;}</style>";
 html += "</head><body>";
 html += SDK.ControlSamples.getControlTypes();
 html += "</body></html>";
 var theWindow ="", "_blank", "height=400,width=450,scrollbars=1,resizable=1", false);;

SDK.ControlSamples.getControlTypes = function () {
 var html = "<table summary='This table displays information about each control on the form.'><thead><tr><th scope='col'>Control Label</th><th scope='col'>Attribute Type</th>" +
    "<th scope='col'>Attribute Format</th><th scope='col'>Control Type</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();
 for (var i in controls) {
  var control = controls[i];
  var label = control.getLabel();

  if (label == null) {
   var attributeName;
   try {
    attributeName = control.getName();
    if (attributeName != "undefined") {
     label = "attribute: " + attributeName;
   catch (e) {
    label = "Control is not bound to an attribute and does not have a label.";

  var attributeType;

  try {
   attributeType = control.getAttribute().getAttributeType();
  catch (e) {
   attributeType = "No Attribute";

  var attributeFormat;
  try {
   attributeFormat = control.getAttribute().getFormat();
  catch (e) {
   attributeFormat = "No Attribute";

  var controlType = control.getControlType();
  html += "<tr><td>" + label +
         "</td><td>" + attributeType +
         "</td><td>" + attributeFormat +
         "</td><td>" + controlType +

 html += "</tbody></table>";
 return html;

 // control.getDisabled example()
 // control.setDisabled() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.toggleEnableControls function sets a value that indicates whether the control is disabled based on the results of the getDisabled method. 
SDK.ControlSamples.toggleEnableControls = function () {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();
 for (var i in controls) {
  var control = controls[i];
  if (control.getDisabled()) {
  else {

 // control.getLabel() example
 // control.setLabel() example
// Example:The SDK.ControlSamples.toggleControlLabels function will show or hide a specified prefix for all control labels on the form.
SDK.ControlSamples.toggleControlLabels = function (prefix) {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();
 for (var i in controls) {
  var control = controls[i];
  var currentLabel = control.getLabel();
  if (currentLabel.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix) {
   var newLabel = currentLabel.substring(prefix.length);
  else {
   control.setLabel(prefix + currentLabel);

 // control.getParent() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.showControlParents function will display a page in a new window showing the section label values for controls on the page.
SDK.ControlSamples.showControlParents = function () {
 var html = "<!DOCTYPE html ><html lang='en-US' ><head><title>Show Control Parents</title>";
 html += "<style type=\"text/css\">body { font-family:Calibri;}";
 html += "table {border:1px solid gray; border-collapse:collapse;}";
 html += "th {text-align:left; border:1px solid gray;}";
 html += "td {border:1px solid gray;}</style>";
 html += "</head><body>";
 html += SDK.ControlSamples.getControlParents();
 html += "</body></html>";
 var theWindow ="", "_blank", "height=400,width=350,scrollbars=1,resizable=1", false);;

SDK.ControlSamples.getControlParents = function () {
 var html = "<table summary='This table displays the parent section label for each control on the form.'><thead><tr><th scope='col'>Control Label</th><th scope='col'>Section Label</th></tr>" +
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();
 for (var i in controls) {
  var control = controls[i];

  var controlLabel = control.getLabel();
  var sectionLabel = control.getParent().getLabel();
  if (sectionLabel == null) {
   sectionLabel = "No Label";

  html += "<tr><td>" + controlLabel +
         "</td><td>" + sectionLabel +
 html += "</tbody></table>";
 return html;

 // control.getSrc() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.showIframeUrls function displays the url for every Iframe on the form
SDK.ControlSamples.showIframeUrls = function () {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(SDK.ControlSamples.isIframe);
 if (controls.length > 0) {
  var iframeUrls = [];
  for (var i in controls) {

  var message = "The iframes on the current form have the following urls:\n\n- " + iframeUrls.join("\n- ");
 else {
  var message = "There are no iframe controls on the current form.";


SDK.ControlSamples.isIframe = function (control, index) {
 return control.getControlType() == "iframe";

 // control.getInitialUrl() example
 // control.setSrc() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.redirectAllIframes function sets the src for every Iframe on the form to, 
 // and then alerts the user with the old and new url.
SDK.ControlSamples.redirectAllIframes = function () {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(SDK.ControlSamples.isIframe);
 if (controls.length > 0) {
  for (var i in controls) {
   var control = controls[i];

   var controlName = control.getName();

   var newUrl = "";

   var oldUrl = control.getInitialUrl();
   alert("The source of the iframe '" + controlName + "' has been changed from '" + oldUrl + "' to '" + newUrl + "'.");
 else {
  alert("There are no iframe controls on the current form.");

 // control.getVisible() example
 // control.setVisible() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.toggleVisibleControls function hides or reveals all controls on the form each time the event occurs.
SDK.ControlSamples.toggleVisibleControls = function () {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();
 for (var i in controls) {
  var control = controls[i];
  if (control.getVisible()) {
  else {

 // control.refresh() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.refreshAllSubGrids function refreshes every sub-grid on the form.
SDK.ControlSamples.refreshAllSubGrids = function () {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(SDK.ControlSamples.isSubGrid);

 if (controls.length > 0) {

  var subGridNames = "";
  for (var i in controls) {
   subGridNames += (" - " + controls[i].getName() + "\n");
  alert("The following subgrids were refreshed: \n" + subGridNames);
 else {
  alert("There are no subgrid controls on the current form.");

SDK.ControlSamples.isSubGrid = function (control, index) {
 return control.getControlType() == "subgrid";

 // control.removeOption() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.removeLastOption function removes the last option from the first optionset control on the form.
SDK.ControlSamples.removeLastOption = function () {
 var controls = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(SDK.ControlSamples.isOptionSet);
 if (controls.length > 0) {
  var firstOptionSet = controls[0];
  var options = firstOptionSet.getAttribute().getOptions();
  //The last option may be null when no default value is set.
  // Make sure the null option is not the one being removed.

  var lastOptionIndex = options.length - 1;
  var lastOption = null;

  if (options[lastOptionIndex].value != "null") {
   lastOption = options[lastOptionIndex];
  else {
   lastOption = options[lastOptionIndex - 1];

  if (lastOption.value != null) {
   alert("The option '" + lastOption.text + "' has been removed from the '" + firstOptionSet.getName() + "' control.");
  else {
   alert("The '" + firstOptionSet.getName() + "' control does not have any options.");
 else {
  alert("There are no optionset controls on the current form.");

SDK.ControlSamples.isOptionSet = function (control, index) {
 return control.getControlType() == "optionset";

 // control.setFocus() example
// Example: The SDK.ControlSamples.setFocusDemo function will open a new page containing a table with rows for each enabled and visible control 
 // corresponding to an attribute. Each row contains a button that will use the window.opener to access the Xrm.Page object 
 // to call the setFocus method for the control in the entity record form.
SDK.ControlSamples.setFocusDemo = function () {
 var html = "<!DOCTYPE html ><html lang='en-US' ><head><title>Set focus demo</title>";
 html += "<style type=\"text/css\">body { font-family:Calibri;}";
 html += "table {border:1px solid gray; border-collapse:collapse;}";
 html += "th {text-align:left; border:1px solid gray;}";
 html += "td {border:1px solid gray;}</style>";
 html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\" >";
 html += "function setFocus(name) { ";
 html += ";";
 html += "}";
 html += "</script>";
 html += "</head><body>";
 html += SDK.ControlSamples.buildFocusDemoTable();
 html += "</body></html>";
 var theWindow ="", "_blank", "height=400,width=400,scrollbars=1,resizable=1", false);;

SDK.ControlSamples.buildFocusDemoTable = function () {
 var html = "<table summary='This table displays a row for each enabled and visible control corresponding to an attribute. Each row has a button to call the setFocus method for that control on the page.'><thead><tr><th scope='col'>Control Label</th><th scope='col'>Set Focus</th>" +
 var attributes =;
 for (var i in attributes) {
  var control = attributes[i].controls.get(0);
  //setFocus will cause an error if used on a control that is 
  //disabled, not visible, or cannot accept focus.
  if (control != null && !control.getDisabled() && control.getVisible()) {
   var controlLabel = attributes[i].controls.get(0).getLabel();
   var attributeName = attributes[i].getName();
   html += "<tr><td>" + controlLabel +
         "</td><td><input type=\"button\" onclick=\"setFocus('" + attributeName +
          "');\" value='Set Focus on " + controlLabel + "' /></td></tr>";
 html += "</tbody></table>";
 return html;
 //End of Control Samples Functions

See Also


Xrm.Page.ui Control Methods


Write Code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forms
Use JavaScript with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Other Resources

Xrm.Page Sample Libraries

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
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