Command Line Utility
Applies To: Opalis 6.3
Opalis Integration Server enables you to run policies from a command line. You can install the Command Line Utility on any computer in your network that can access the Management Server computer.
Policies that you run from the Command Line Utility must begin with a Custom Start object. If you need to submit parameters from the Command Line Utility to the policy, you must configure those parameters in the policy before you run it from the Command Line Utility.
Type the path where the executable is stored:
System Drive
:\Program Files\ Opalis Software \Opalis Integration Server\Management Service
where System Drive is the drive letter where Opalis Integration Server was installed.
Type the following at the command prompt according to the following syntax example:
The name of the Command Line Utility executable, OIS5StartPolicy
The name of the folder that contains the policy, if required
The name of the policy (if you are not using the /id flag)
The name of the Management Server, if the computer that hosts the Management Server is different from where you have installed the Command Line Utility
The parameters that you are submitting to the policy
Any flags that you want to run as part of the command
Syntax example:
OIS5StartPolicy PolicyFolder\PolicyName /ms:ManagementServerNameorIPaddress "parameter1=value1" "parameter2=value2" /wait
If your folder or policy name includes a backslash, use a double backslash in the Command Line Utility. For example, if the folder and policy name in the example above used backslashes, it would look like the following:
OIS5StartPolicy Policy\\Folder\Policy\\Name /ms:ManagementServerNameorIPaddress " parameter1=value1" "parameter2=value2" /wait
Use any of the following flags in your command:
Flag |
Syntax |
Additional Information |
/id - specify the policy that you want to run using its GUID. |
Do not use the policy folder or policy name in the command when using this flag. |
/search - list GUIDs for all policies, or all policies in a folder that you specify. |
This flag returns the name of policies, their GUIDs, and folder names that match the search string that you provide. It is not case-sensitive. You can provide partial strings to search for policies that contain the string that you provide. If there is a space in your string, enclose the string in quotes to treat the entire string as a single argument. |
/wait - the Command Line Utility remains active until the policy has finished executing. |
If you are using other software to launch the Command Line Utility, you can configure the other software to wait until the Command Line Utility is no longer active before proceeding with the next job. |
/? - view a syntax example in the command prompt. |
To submit values into the Custom Start object of the policy that you are launching, type the name of the parameter as configured in the Custom Start object, the equals sign, and the value that you are assigning to that parameter.
Start Policy1 in the MyPolicies folder on the local Management Server: |
Submit a parameter to the policy in example 1 above: |
Run Policy1 on another Management Server and submit a parameter: |
Run Policy1 on another Management Server, submit a parameter, and instruct the Command Line Utility to remain active until the policy has finished running: |