Browse All Principals Dialog Box

Use the Browse All Principals dialog box to select a database principal to change the principal’s permissions on the selected project or on all projects contained in a selected folder.

What do you want to do?

  • Open the Browse All Principals dialog box

  • Configure the Options

Open the Browse All Principals dialog box

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the Integration Services server.

    You’re connecting to the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine that hosts the SSISDB catalog.

  2. In Object Explorer, expand the tree to display the Integration Services Catalogs node.

  3. Expand the SSISDB node.

  4. To change the principal’s permissions on all projects contained in a selected folder, right-click the folder and then click Properties.

    To change the principal’s permissions on a selected project, expand the folder that contains the project, right-click the project, and then click Properties.

  5. Select the Permissions page, and then click Browse.

Configure the Options

This page displays the principals from the catalog view, sys.database_principals, of the SSISDB database.

Selecting principals adds them to the Logins or roles list on the Permissions page of the parent dialog box when you click OK and close the Browse All Principals dialog box. After adding principals to the Logins or roles list, you can change their permissions on the selected project.

  • Selection column
    Select to add the principal to the Logins or roles list on the Permissions page of the parent dialog box.

  • Icon column
    An icon that corresponds to the Type of the principal.

  • Name
    The name of the principal.

  • Type
    The type of the principal. The common types are:

    • SQL User

    • Windows User

    • Database Role