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About sending MapPoint data to a mobile phone

You can send information about locations to a mobile phone.

The information is transmitted from MapPoint to your phone in the form of a text message. The maximum length of the text message varies depending on which phone service carrier you use (such as Verizon, AT&T, and others). If you have a data access plan with your carrier, you will be able to access a hyperlink in your text message that gives you access to online resources about your point of interest.

Important In order to send MapPoint data to your mobile phone, you must have Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, or Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 installed on your computer. If you install Outlook after having installed MapPoint, you must reinstall MapPoint for the Outlook add-in feature to function correctly on your computer. You must have a valid e-mail account in order to send MapPoint data to your mobile phone.

If you want to send a message to a phone using a European carrier, you may need to enable that phone to receive e-mail messages by sending a special code to the carrier. Also, you may need to add a zero before the phone number when sending the message. For assistance with this process, contact your phone carrier.

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