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More demographic data from AGS


Applied Geographic Solutions brings a host of data options to MapPoint users.

Applied Geographic Solutions, Inc. (AGS) is a leading supplier of premium quality demographic and marketing databases. AGS has vast data resources that provide detailed, accurate, and fresh information about consumers, businesses, geographic areas, and demographics. MapPoint users now have the opportunity to purchase additional databases for use within MapPoint.

Visit AGS for MapPoint or e-mail for a list of the MapPoint data packages that are available.

Extensive Census Demographics   Includes data from the 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 Censuses.

Estimates and Projections   Hundreds of additional variables for current year estimates, 5-, and 10-year projections, covering population, households, income, labor force, and dwellings.

Consumer Expenditures and Retail Potential   Current and projected expenditure estimates of market demand for over 400 categories of expenditures and 50 different retail store types.

Consumer Behavior   Survey-driven preferences and activities of households, covering a wide range of lifestyle, financial, and product preference categories.

BusinessCounts Daytime Population   Vital daytime information including detailed employment, establishment, retail sales, payroll information, and daytime occupations.

Assets and Debts   Estimates of disposable income, asset ownership and value, debt by type, and net worth.

CrimeRisk   Relative risk of specific crime types based on extensive analysis of crime statistics.

WeatherRisk and QuakeRisk   Neighborhood level hazard indexes for earthquake and severe weather hazards.

Neighborhood SegmentationMOSAICTM   Multi-national geodemographic segmentation system from Experian available in over 20 countries worldwide. The Mosaic product for the United States is built in partnership with Experian and utilizes their market-leading household data alongside AGS vast data resources.

For complete methodology on data and more information about AGS, visit AGS.