AxdBase.findEntityKeyList Method [AX 2012]

Finds entity keys that identify posted transactions in the database.


public AifEntityKeyList findEntityKeyList(AifQueryCriteria _queryCriteria, AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo _actionPolicyInfo)

Run On



Return Value

Type: AifEntityKeyList Class
A list that contains the entity keys that define the documents that are identified by the query or the array of criteria.


The findEntityKeyList method is implemented on the AxdBase Class. If a document does not provide the corresponding action type (QueryEntityKeys), the findEntityKeyList method must be overridden on the document class for the findEntityKeyList method to throw an error if called. For example, the AxdSalesPackingSlip.findEntityKeyList method.


The following example shows how to find entity keys on purchase requisitions in Microsoft Dynamics AX by using a query.

// Example on findEntityKeyList using a query.    AxdBase                     axdBase         =  AxdBase::newClassId(classnum(AxdPurchaseRequisition));    AifQueryCriteria            queryCriteria =  AifQueryCriteria::construct();    Query                       query;    QueryBuildDataSource        queryBuildDataSource;    QueryBuildRange             queryBuildRange;    AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo actionPolicyInfo = new  AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo();    AifEntityKeyList            entityKeyList;    query = new Query();    queryBuildDataSource =  query.addDataSource(tableNum(vendPurchOrderJour),  'vendPurchOrderJour');    queryBuildRange =  queryBuildDataSource.addRange(fieldNum(vendPurchOrderJour, purchId));    queryBuildRange.value('..00014_049');    queryCriteria.parmQuery(query);    entityKeyList = axdBase.findEntityKeyList(queryCriteria,  actionPolicyInfo);

The following example shows how to find entity keys on purchase requisitions in Microsoft Dynamics AX by using an array of criteria.

    // Example on findEntityKeyList by using an array of criteria.    AxdBase axdBase = AxdBase::newClassId(classnum(AxdPurchaseRequisition));    AifQueryCriteria            queryCriteria =  AifQueryCriteria::construct();    AifCriteriaElement          criteriaElement;    AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo actionPolicyInfo = new  AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo();    AifEntityKeyList            entityKeyList;    criteriaElement =  AifCriteriaElement::newCriteriaElement('vendPurchOrderJour',  'purchId', AifCriteriaOperator::LessOrEqual, '00014_049');    queryCriteria.addCriteriaElement(criteriaElement);    entityKeyList = axdBase.findEntityKeyList(queryCriteria,  actionPolicyInfo);

See Also

AxdBase Class

AifQueryCriteria Class

AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo Class

AifEntityKeyList Class

AxdPurchaseRequisition Class

Query Class

AifCriteriaElement Class