AxdBase.getChangedEntityKeyList Method [AX 2012]

Retrieves all entity keys that pass the server-defined document filters.


public AifEntityKeyPage getChangedEntityKeyList(
    AifDocumentPaging _documentPaging, 
    utcdatetime _changedDateTime, 
    AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo _actionPolicyInfo)

Run On



  • _changedDateTime
    Type: utcdatetime
    The changed date and time of the entity. Only the entities changed on or after this date/time are returned.

Return Value

Type: AifEntityKeyPage Class
A list that contains the entity keys that define the documents that are identified by the query or the array of criteria.


The getChangedEntityKeyList method is implemented on the AxdBase Class. If a document does not provide the corresponding QueryEntityKeys action type, the getChangedEntityKeyList method must be overridden on the document class for the getChangedEntityKeyList method to throw an error if called. For an example, see the getChangedEntityKeyList method of the AxdSalesPackingSlip class.

See Also


AxdBase Class