Validate production flow upgrade (class form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Preprocessing upgrade checklist > Prepare application data for preprocessing. Click Prepare kanbans for migration or Prepare LOS schedules for migration. Click Next version base data > Production flows, and then click Validate.

Use this form to validate a production flow version. The validation performs the following tasks:

  • Ensures that the production flow activities are configured correctly.

  • Calculates the activity cycle times for all activities in the production flow version.

You can set up synchronous processing or batch group processing. Validation warnings and error messages are displayed in an Infolog.

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.

General tab




Enter the name of the production flow.


Enter the identifier of the version of the production flow.

Submit a batch job from a form or report

  1. In any batch-enabled form or report, click the Batch tab.

  2. Select the Batch processing check box.

  3. Set any of the following options:

    • Caption – Enter a description for the job.

    • Batch group - Assign the job to a batch group.

      Batch groups are designed to enable you to run specific types of jobs on a specific batch server, or to run jobs on batch servers that are available at specific times. Batch groups are created by system administrators.

    • Private – Select this check box to restrict other users from processing your batch job. A private job can be run only by the user who submitted it, from the Set up batch processing form, and only on the computer where the user is logged on.

  4. Click Recurrence to configure a batch job to recur on a specific schedule.

  5. Click Alerts to configure alerts for a batch job.


The Start date at the bottom of the form lists the next scheduled start time for the batch job.

Validation steps

The validation criteria are described in the following sections.

1. Check production flow activities

  • All activities must be connected by activity relations.

  • All picking activities that do not have predecessor activities must be inventory controlled.

  • All activities that do not have successor activities must be inventory controlled.

  • The activity relations do not define circular loops.

  • For the last activity, the unit of measure for the product quantity of an activity time must be convertible to the Per cycle unit of measure of the production flow version.

2. Check relations to other production flows

  • Feeder production flows must be activated.

  • For production flow versions that end with a feeder activity, the Average takt time time cannot be larger than the Required takt time time.

3. Calculate takt times, cycle times and throughput settings

  1. The average cycle time of an activity is calculated by applying the Average takt time time of the production flow version to the last activity in the production flow version.

    • If the production flow version ends with multiple process activities, the average cycle time is distributed to the upstream activities by using the following formula:

      average cycle time (activity) = (takt time (production flow version) X the sum of capacity (all parallel processes)) / capacity (process)

    • If the production flow version ends with multiple activities, and one of the end activities is a transfer activity, the average cycle time is distributed to the upstream activities. The following formula is used:

      average cycle time (activity) = (takt time (production flow version) X number of parallel processes) / 1

  2. The average cycle time of the last activity is used to calculate the cycle times of all upstream activities by using the following formula:

    • average cycle time (activity) = 1 / the sum of cycle time ratio (activity relation) / cycle time (downstream activity)
  3. For process activities that use the production flow model type Throughput, the maximum throughput cycle time of each work cell is calculated by using the following formula:

    • maximum throughput cycle time = available time of capacity period / average throughput quantity

If the calculated average cycle time of an activity is less than the calculated maximum throughput cycle time of the related work cell, the following is true. The work cell capacity that is defined is insufficient to support the required average cycle time. During activation or validation of the production flow version, a warning is displayed.

4. Check kanban rules

The validation is run for all instances of kanban rules that reference a production flow version with a first activity or a last activity.

  • The validity dates of a kanban rule and the validity dates of the referenced production flow versions must coincide.

    • If the Effective date of a kanban rule comes before the Effective date of the related production flow versions, the Effective date of a kanban rule is updated to the date when both the kanban rule and the production flow version are active.

    • If the Expiration date date of a kanban rule succeeds the Expiration date date of the related production flow versions, the Expiration date date of a kanban rule is updated to the first date when both the kanban rule and the production flow version are active.

  • Any kanban rules of a previous production flow version are updated to use the new Expiration date date and time of the related production flow version.

  • If the master planning configuration key is active, kanban rules that reference specific products have their coverage dimensions checked.

See also

Production flows upgrade (form)

Production flow version details upgrade (form)

Production flow activities upgrade (form)

Activate production flow upgrade (class form)

Recalculate takt times upgrade (class form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).