Preprocess inventory dimension groups (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Preprocessing upgrade checklist > Prepare application data for preprocessing > Inventory dimension group upgrade.

Use this form to map company-specific inventory dimension groups to product, storage, and tracking dimension groups.


You can map the inventory dimension groups individually, or you can map all inventory dimension groups in the existing data set. The type of mapping depends on the method of mapping that you use. You can choose among three mapping methods. The method that you choose is largely determined by the complexity of the data set.


The new product, storage, and tracking dimension groups are not company-specific. These dimension groups are shared among all companies.

When you start the mapping process, a set of new dimension groups is created. The new dimension groups are based on the active dimensions in the preexisting inventory dimension groups. The active dimensions in the new dimension groups correspond to the active dimensions in the preexisting inventory dimension groups.


The three new dimension groups control the setup of the preexisting active item and storage dimensions:

  • Product dimension group – Controls the setup of the item dimensions, Color, Size, and Configuration.

  • Storage dimension group – Controls the setup of the following inventory dimensions: Site, Warehouse, Location, and Pallet ID.

  • Tracking dimension group – Controls the setup of the following inventory dimensions: Batch number and Serial number.


If an inventory dimension group in the preexisting data set has no active item dimensions, a product dimension group is not created. However, storage and tracking dimension groups are created, even if the preexisting inventory dimension group has no active storage or tracking dimensions.

Tasks that use this form

Inventory dimension group upgrade


  • The following tables show the product, storage, and tracking dimension groups that are created by a 1:1 mapping and a mapping by ID.

Mapping 1:1

Inventory dimension group

Product group

Storage group

Tracking group

ALL (from Company A)




ALL (from Company A)




WMS (from Company A)



WMS (from Company B)



Mapping by ID

Inventory dimension group

Product group

Storage group

Tracking group

ALL (from Company A + Company B)




WMS (from Company A + Company B)



  • For an example of a mapping that is based on the setup of the inventory dimension group, see the section about mapping by setup in Inventory dimension group upgrade.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View all of the company-specific inventory dimension groups in the existing data set.


View the details of the inventory dimension group that is selected on the Overview tab. You can also change the product, storage, or tracking dimension group that is selected as the mapping target.




Dimension group mapping

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Map dimension groups 1:1 – Create a new set of dimension groups for each preexisting inventory dimension group. If an inventory dimension group has active item, storage, and tracking dimensions, three new dimension groups are created. The names of the new dimension groups consist of consecutive numbers prefixed by PDG_, SDG_, or TDG_.

    For more information, see Map dimension groups 1:1 (form).


    When you click Map dimension groups 1:1, a dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can change the prefixes and starting numbers that are used for the names.


    Both a storage dimension group and a tracking dimension group are created if a preexisting inventory dimension group has active storage or tracking dimensions. Therefore, even if an inventory dimension group has only active storage dimensions, a tracking dimension group is also created.

  • Map dimension groups ID – Consolidate inventory dimension groups either from the same company or from different companies that use identical naming conventions. Both a storage dimension group and a tracking dimension group are created if a preexisting inventory dimension group has active storage or tracking dimensions. The names of the new dimension groups are copied from the preexisting inventory dimension group. If the inventory dimension group has more than one version, the versions are consolidated into the new storage and tracking dimension groups.

    For more information, see Map dimension groups by ID (form).


    If inventory dimension groups have identical names but different settings, the mapping produces a validation error. You must resolve all validation errors before you can set the mapping of the dimension groups to ready for upgrade.

  • Map dimension groups by setup – Map inventory dimension groups according to the active dimensions in the preexisting inventory dimension groups. The mapping is based only on the setup of the active dimensions in the preexisting groups. Information about naming conventions and company affiliation is disregarded. The naming convention for the new dimension groups is the same as the naming convention for a 1:1 mapping.

    For more information, see Map dimension groups by setup (form).


    This method of mapping creates no invalid dimension groups. The number of new dimension groups is kept as small as possible.

Dimension groups

View each new type of dimension group that has active dimensions.

Validation report

Create a validation report, so that you can validate the mappings. The report lists the validation errors that are created during the mapping.


Validation errors can only occur when you map by ID. This method of mapping consolidates all inventory dimension groups that have identical IDs into one group. However, if the settings of the inventory dimension groups are different, you receive one or more validation errors.

Set to ready for upgrade

Set the mapping of the inventory dimension groups to ready for upgrade.




Partition key

Select a data partition for preprocessing.



This control is available only if you are upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 or AX 2012 R3.

Company accounts

The company for which the preexisting inventory dimension group was set up.

Dimension group

The identifier of the inventory dimension group. The inventory dimension group is listed for each company where it is used.


A descriptive name for the inventory dimension group.

Product dimension group

The dimension group that is based on active dimensions of the Size, Color, and Configuration types in the preexisting inventory dimension group.

Storage dimension group

The dimension group that is based on active dimensions of the Warehouse, Site, Location, and Pallet ID types in the preexisting inventory dimension group.

Tracking dimension group

The dimension group that is based on active dimensions of the Serial number and Batch number types in the preexisting inventory dimension group.


The reference to the unique record for the inventory dimension group.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).