SPWebApplication.GetDeletedSites method (Guid)

Gets a list of deleted sites with the specified site collection identifier (ID).

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public Function GetDeletedSites ( _
    siteId As Guid _
) As SPDeletedSiteCollection
Dim instance As SPWebApplication
Dim siteId As Guid
Dim returnValue As SPDeletedSiteCollection

returnValue = instance.GetDeletedSites(siteId)
public SPDeletedSiteCollection GetDeletedSites(
    Guid siteId


  • siteId
    Type: System.Guid

    The ID of the list of sites.

Return value

Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDeletedSiteCollection
The list of deleted sites.


This method gets a list of deleted sites with the site collection ID specified by the siteId parameter.

See also


SPWebApplication class

SPWebApplication members

GetDeletedSites overload

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace