Microsoft Dynamics AX glossary
This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.
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Term |
Definition |
3PL |
A party that provides logistics services to customers. See also |
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ABC classification |
A system for ranking discrete categories of items according to Pareto's 80/20 principle that states that a small percentage of items account for the largest fraction of significance. See also ABC code for carrying cost classification |
ABC code |
A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification. See also ABC code for carrying cost classification |
ABC code for carrying cost classification |
A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their carrying cost. See also |
ABC code for contribution margin |
A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their contribution margin. See also |
ABC code for revenue |
A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their revenue. See also |
abend |
The premature ending of a program because of a program error or system failure. |
account |
A chronological record that describes the changes in value classified as assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenue. See also |
account balance |
The difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period. See also |
account entry |
A record of the increase or decrease in economic value classified by a ledger account. See also |
account reconciliation |
The practice of reconciling accounts. See also |
account rule |
A rule in an accounting system that controls the valid financial dimension value combinations when the requirements of the financial dimension structure condition are met. See also |
account structure |
A configuration of the main account financial dimension and other financial dimensions. See also |
accounting |
The practice of recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting the financial consequences of accounting events. See also |
accounting category |
A classifier used to group journal account entries according to their economic characteristics. See also |
accounting currency |
The customary monetary unit of measure that is used to record the monetary value of economic resources in ledger accounts. See also |
accounting currency unit |
A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events. See also |
accounting cycle |
A recurring set of documenting, journalizing, balancing, and statement preparation activities performed by parties that report on and analyze the financial position and performance of accounting entities. See also |
accounting distribution |
A distribution of the financial consequence of an economic transaction to ledger accounts. See also |
accounting distribution line |
The subline of a source document line documenting the financial consequence of an economic transaction that documents the distribution of an aliquot portion of the financial consequence to a ledger account. See also |
accounting entity |
A real or conceptual economic unit that uses ledger accounts to record and report on its financial and management performance. See also |
accounting event |
The occurrence of an accounting action in an accounting system. See also |
accounting event liquidity classification |
The liquidity classification of an accounting event. See also |
accounting journal |
A journal that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events in an accounting system. See also |
accounting journal entry |
A record of original entry in an accounting system that records a date, one or more accounts, and the monetary value to be debited or credited to each account. See also |
accounting policy |
A policy that prescribes the general principles and procedures that an organization follows to prepare statements that report on its performance. See also |
accounting rule |
A rule in an accounting system that controls the principles, methods, and procedures for classifying, recording, and reporting the financial consequences of accounting events. See also |
accounts payable |
A subclassification of a liability account classification that describes the changes in value owed to vendors or creditors. See also |
accounts receivable |
A subclassification of an asset account classification that describes the changes in value owed by customers. See also |
accrual accounting |
An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when they are received or paid. See also |
accrued revenue |
Revenue earned in one accounting period but received in a subsequent accounting period. See also |
An electronic funds transfer system available in the United States that facilitates the transfer of funds between receiving party and originating party bank accounts. See also |
acquisition date |
The date that an asset is acquired. See also |
action |
An act that has an effect in a system. |
active ingredient |
An ingredient in a formula that has a specified concentration and potency. |
activity |
A functional work structure in which one or more persons and pieces of equipment participate and in which resources are consumed, produced, and used. An activity can be decomposed into subactivities. See also |
activity log |
A historic record of the state of a source document. See also |
activity occurrence |
An instance of an activity. See also |
actual cost |
The definite cost incurred in the performance of an activity. See also |
actual demand |
The demand for products driven by customer orders. See also |
actual quantity |
The measured quantity that is input into or output from an activity. See also |
ad hoc report |
A type of report that requires users to select the data that they want to display on the report and to design the layout of the report. See also |
address book |
A list of party records. See also |
address verification service |
The service that is provided by a credit card processor that validates that the billing address provided by a card holder matches the information on file with the issuing bank. See also |
advance ship notice |
A business document that documents the notification of the shipment of product. See also |
age |
A time period of existence or a time period after the occurrence of an event. See also |
aggregation |
A collection of shared objects. |
aging |
The process of classifying time periods by age. See also |
aging period |
The number of days in a time period used to report an overdue customer payment balance. See also |
agreement |
An arrangement between two or more parties based on a mutual understanding about their respective rights and obligations. A number of requirements must be satisfied for an agreement to be legally binding. See also |
agreement |
A commitment between two or more parties based on a mutual understanding about their respective rights and obligations. See also |
The framework that provides a collection of features, tools, and infrastructure that uses a services programming model to support application integration. |
alert |
A class of notification of significance to a user. An alert message is a notification that is generated by a user-defined rule designed to notify a user of an event, condition, or status. See also |
allocate |
To assign a portion of a resource for a particular use or purpose. |
allocation |
An assignment of a portion of a resource for a particular use or purpose. See also |
alternate key |
A candidate key that is not designated as the primary key and is used to uniquely identify records in a database table. See also |
amount |
A definite magnitude of currency, a quantity of currency, or an indefinite magnitude of an uncountable substance or quality. See also |
answer file |
A text file that stores the information that a user provides through the Setup wizard, along with the command-line arguments for the actions performed by Setup. This file can be used later to run unattended installations with the same settings. |
A navigable view of the element objects in an application model. |
A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. These routines usually carry out maintenance tasks such as managing files and displaying information. |
applicant |
A person who makes a formal written or electronic request to work for or fill an open position in an organization. See also |
application |
A document that records the profile of the applicant. See also |
application basket |
A list of applications reviewed by human resource personnel. See also |
Application Integration Framework |
The framework that provides a collection of features, tools, and infrastructure that uses a services programming model to support application integration. |
application layer |
A set of application models that take precedence over application models that are in lower application layers. The lowest layer is named SYS. See also |
application model |
Within a single application layer, a model that includes a specific set of developer elements such as classes, tables, and forms. See also |
Application Object Tree |
A navigable view of the element objects in an application model. |
application program interface |
A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. These routines usually carry out maintenance tasks such as managing files and displaying information. |
appointment scheduling |
The process of reserving dates and times for the pickup and delivery of truckloads of goods at specific warehouse locations. |
apportionment engine |
An engine that determines and processes the apportionment of freight charges, either by weight or by volume. |
approve |
To manually or automatically authorize the occurrence of future events in a system. See also |
approved vendor |
A vendor that is authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities. See also |
approximate taxes |
The estimated taxes from production and supply chain that apply to an item or service. |
A business document that documents the notification of the shipment of product. See also |
asset |
An accounting classifier used to classify the value of economic resources that are owned by a party. See also |
assign |
To designate an object for a particular use or purpose. See also |
assignment |
A designation that forms an association among objects. See also |
associate |
To connect peer objects. See also |
association |
A relationship between peer objects. See also |
The portion of inventory that is not allocated and which can be used to fulfill new orders and requirements. See also |
authorize |
To sanction the future occurrence of an event in a system. See also |
Automated Clearing House |
An electronic funds transfer system available in the United States that facilitates the transfer of funds between receiving party and originating party bank accounts. See also |
automated task |
A workflow task that is completed by an automatic operation. See also |
auto-report |
A type of report that is automatically generated from the data that is displayed on a form. See also |
available to promise |
The portion of inventory that is not allocated and which can be used to fulfill new orders and requirements. See also |
The service that is provided by a credit card processor that validates that the billing address provided by a card holder matches the information on file with the issuing bank. See also |
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back payment |
A payment made by a customer for a past due obligation. See also |
backflush costing |
An accounting method that flows product and production costs to cost of goods sold accounts during an accounting period and that backflushes those costs to raw material and finished goods accounts for products not sold at the close of the accounting period. See also |
bailor |
A person or an organization that transfers personal property or items, but not proprietary rights, to another person or organization for storage purposes. |
balance |
The amount of economic resource required to bring opposite economic resource flows to a state of equilibrium. See also |
balance sheet |
A statement of the financial position of an organization that reports the state of assets, liabilities, and equity on a specified date. See also |
balance sheet account |
An account that describes the changes in value reported on a balance sheet. See also |
balanced scorecard |
A strategic performance management report that aligns, tracks, and measures key organization activity against objectives. See also |
bank payment order |
A source document that documents a request for a bank to perform an electronic funds transfer service. See also |
bank reconciliation |
A practice of reconciling a ledger account that represents a bank account by matching ledger account entries to bank statement entries. See also |
bank statement |
A statement that itemizes economic activity recorded in one or more accounts over a specified period of time. |
base |
A mathematical object that is the basis for a derivation, system, or formulation. See also |
base class |
A class that assumes a parent role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with another class. See also |
base currency unit |
The computed currency unit in an exchange rate calculation. See also |
base table |
A table that assumes a parent role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with another table. See also |
base unit |
A fundamental unit of measure in a system of measurement from which other units are derived. See also |
batch |
A quantity of one or more items produced in one operation. See also |
batch attribute |
A product attribute of a process batch or a transfer batch. See also |
batch balancing |
A process that adjusts the required quantities of ingredients that are used in the production of a formula based on the level of potency of active ingredient of a specific inventory batch. |
batch job |
A set of computer processes that can be run without user interaction. |
batch process |
A production process for producing items in batches. See also |
beneficiary |
A person who is a member of an organization that provides benefits, or a party who is designated as the recipient a benefit. See also |
benefit |
Indirect compensation or reward offered by an organization. See also |
best before date |
A recommended date for obtaining the optimum quality or characteristic of a product. See also |
best before period |
The time period in which to obtain the optimum quality or characteristic of a product. See also |
best practice rule |
A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design. See also |
bill of exchange |
A source document that documents an unconditional request for a third-party to pay a second party on demand. See also |
bill of lading |
A business document issued by a carrier to a shipper that serves as the document of title. See also |
bill of materials |
A list of products and their quantities that are required to produce one product. See also |
bill of materials item |
An itemized product defined by a bill of materials. See also |
billing classification |
A payment request classifier documented on customer invoices that govern payment terms and conditions and the processing of the invoices. See also |
bin |
A handling unit for storing and transferring items. See also |
blocking |
The action of placing a document or product on hold. See also |
The model-view-controller framework that synchronously or asynchronously controls the execution of immediate or batched business operation implementations. |
book value |
The net value of an asset reported on a statement of financial position. See also |
budget |
A financial plan that control expenditures for planned activities. See also |
budget control |
A practice of authorizing expenditure only when budget funds can be reserved to meet future payment commitments. See also |
budget control dimension |
A combination of active financial dimensions values used to allocate budget funds to pay for planned activities. See also |
budget control rule |
The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations. See also |
budget cycle time span |
A time period specified as a number of fiscal calendar periods. The budget period can be different from the accounting period. |
budget group |
A set of financial dimension values in a budget dimension hierarchy that is used to calculate aggregate budget funds allocated to superordinate financial dimension values by summing budget funds allocated to subordinate financial dimension values. See also |
budget model |
A planning structure used to schedule budget fund allocations and expenditures. See also |
budget plan |
A document that is used to develop estimates for amounts and units in budget plan scenarios. |
budget plan scenario |
A classification of budget plan lines, such as Prior year or Department request, that describes the budget that you are working with or planning for. |
budget planning process |
A process that identifies the budget cycle and ledger for the budget planning period and defines how the budget plans will be routed, reviewed, and approved in an organization hierarchy. |
budget revision |
A change to a budget that affects the current and remaining available budget funds. See also |
budget schedule |
A schedule for the planned expenditure of allocated financial resources. See also |
bulk item |
A formula item input into a product delivery activity. See also |
bundle |
The combination of a number of products for sale as one unit. See also |
business classification |
A classifier that classifies organizations in an industry classification system. See also |
business document |
A view of a source document that is issued by one party and received by one or more other parties. See also |
business event |
The abstraction of an economic event and an accounting event. See also |
business operation |
A logical business action controlled by the business operation framework and implemented by a class that communicates with the framework using data contracts. See also |
Business Operation Framework |
The model-view-controller framework that synchronously or asynchronously controls the execution of immediate or batched business operation implementations. |
business unit |
A semi-autonomous operating unit that is created to meet strategic business objectives. See also |
buyer's push |
The process where products are purchased by a centralized purchasing department and then distributed to stores. |
by-product |
A item produced as a consequence of producing another item. See also |
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campaign |
A planned set of activities developed by an organization to meet the objective of increasing market shared over a distinct time period. See also |
Canadian Payments Association Standard 005 |
A standard for the exchange of financial data on automatic funds transfer (AFT) records that is maintained by the Canadian Payments Association (CPA). |
cancel |
To terminate an event prior to processing. See also |
capable to promise |
The portion of product output from available operations resources and available input product required to fulfill a specific customer requirement. See also |
capacity |
The actual or potential ability of a resource to perform an activity or to produce output in a specified time period. See also |
capacity load |
The maximum amount of scheduled work that a work center can perform at a required capacity level. See also |
capacity planning |
A procedure for determining the resource capacity requirements that meet the demand of future output during specific time periods. See also |
carry forward |
To transfer closing account balances from one accounting period to opening account balances in the subsequent accounting period. See also |
carry-forward budget |
The budget that is transferred from one fiscal year to the next and that is reserved for open purchase orders in the new fiscal year. See also |
cash |
A currency limited to money. See also |
cash discount |
A discount that depends on prompt payment. See also |
cash float |
An amount of cash provided for the purpose of giving change or exchanging cash. |
cash on delivery |
A payment policy that requires payment in full for product upon delivery. See also |
cash receipt |
A source document that documents the receipt of cash or cash equivalents. See also |
cash register |
An electronic or mechanical device with a till that records sales, calculates totals, calculates change, and generates product receipts. |
cash-generating unit |
The smallest group of classifiable assets that generates cash independently of other assets within an organization. These groups of assets are used to measure impairment losses that will be incurred. |
Catalog Maintenance Request file |
A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog. See also |
catch weight |
The actual or nominal weight of a sales item or inventory item. See also |
category |
A classifier, designation, or division of objects that share a common property. |
category |
A classifier used to group parties, locations, products, and activities. See also |
category hierarchy |
A structure that orders categories using a superordinate-subordinate relationship. See also |
centralized processing |
A shared service that pools resources for leveraging or cost reduction purposes. See also |
The smallest group of classifiable assets that generates cash independently of other assets within an organization. These groups of assets are used to measure impairment losses that will be incurred. |
charge |
The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery. See also |
charge variance |
The difference between an expected charge and an actual charge. See also |
chart of accounts |
An account structure whose valid value combinations are constrained by integrity constraints and account rules. See also |
chart of accounts |
A list of main accounts. |
check |
A bill of exchange drawn on a bank. See also |
check digit calculator engine |
An engine that calculates apportionment based on check digits. |
child table |
A table that assumes a child role when it participates in an integrity relationship with another table and whose foreign key attribute values are migrated from the table assuming the parent role in the relationship. See also |
circulating card |
A reusable card that signals process and transfer activities as it circulates between the material’s point of origin and point of consumption. See also |
circulating kanban card |
A reusable card that signals process and transfer activities as it circulates between the material’s point of origin and point of consumption. |
class |
A set of objects that share a common definitional property, that share common operations and behavior, or both. |
classification |
A systematic organization of classes. |
client bank |
A program that is used to make electronic payments to banks and to receive information from banks. This information includes acknowledgements of payments that were made, information about incoming payments, and bank account balances. |
closed |
The state in a period in which an activity cannot occur, the state of an operational process, or the status of a source document. See also |
closed fiscal period |
The state of a fiscal period that cannot be reopened and that prevents its use as a time period classifier for account entries. See also |
closing |
An accounting procedure that transfers the balances of the temporary owners’ equity accounts to the permanent owners’ equity account, which leaves the temporary accounts with zero balances. See also |
cloud |
The collection of hardware and software that enables the five essential characteristics (on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service) of cloud computing. The cloud infrastructure can be viewed as containing both a physical layer and an abstraction layer. The physical layer consists of the hardware resources that are necessary to support the cloud services being provided, and typically includes server, storage and network components. The abstraction layer consists of the software deployed across the physical layer, which manifests the essential cloud characteristics. Conceptually the abstraction layer sits above the physical layer. |
cluster |
A group of warehouse-related work items of the same type, based on user-defined criteria (such as location and inventory number). |
CMR file |
A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog. See also |
A payment policy that requires payment in full for product upon delivery. See also |
Code 39 |
A barcode symbology standard maintained by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). |
An accounting category used to sum the financial consequences of manufacturing products and carrying inventory. See also |
commitment |
A promise or obligation to perform an activity in the future. See also |
commitment accounting |
A practice of recording the financial consequences of budget fund reservation accounting events in pre-encumbrance and encumbrance journal accounts for financial and management reporting and analysis. See also |
committed cost |
A commitment made by a legal entity to incur a cost when a future obligation comes due. See also |
commodity |
Interchangeable products with no physical differentiation that are supplied by multiple vendors. See also |
commodity code hierarchy |
A category hierarchy that orders categories that are created from commodity codes. See also |
commodity pricing |
A pricing strategy for updating the price of sales items produced from commodities subject to frequent price changes. See also |
compensating ingredient |
A type of ingredient in a formula whose quantities can be adjusted. This adjustment is based on the difference between the quantities of active ingredient that are estimated and the quantities of active ingredient inventory batches that are reserved based on the potency of active ingredient. |
compensation |
Direct or indirect monetary and nonmonentary rewards in exchange for services rendered, or an award for damages sustained by an injury or by the violation of a contract. See also |
completed |
The state of having reached the normal or expected end to a program or process. See also |
composition |
A whole-part relationship in which the life cycle of the part object is dependent on the life cycle of the whole object. See also |
confirm |
To affirm the past occurrence of an event in a system. See also |
confirmation of receipt policy |
A policy that prescribes the functional location where the physical acceptance of items takes place. See also |
confirmed ship date |
The date that the selling party confirms that the items will ship to a customer or vendor. See also |
conform |
To be in accordance with requirements, specifications, or explicit expectations. See also |
conforming |
In accordance with requirements, specifications, or explicit expectations. See also |
consolidated invoice |
A vendor invoice that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced vendor invoice. See also |
consolidated order |
A source document that documents more than one referenced order. See also |
consolidated source document |
A source document that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced source document of the same class. See also |
consolidation account |
The main account in the parent legal entity that is used for ledger consolidation. |
consolidation opportunity |
A potential cost-savings event obtained by grouping approved requisition line items in order to negotiate a more favorable price with vendors. See also |
Constraint-based configuration |
A configuration technology that uses constraints to develop product masters and to configure distinct products. See also |
contact |
A person, inside or outside your organization, for whom you have created an entry where you can save several types of information, such as street and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and Web page URLs. See also |
container |
A handling unit for shipping and receiving items. See also |
contract |
A legally binding agreement between two or more parties. See also |
contractor |
A role assumed by a person who participates in a contractor-employer relationship with a legal entity. See also |
conversion cycle |
A recurring set of production and logistics activities performed by parties that manufacture or distribute items. See also |
co-product |
An item produced jointly with another item. See also |
cost |
The value of an economic resource that is quantified in monetary units and that is measured using an accounting valuation principle. See also |
cost accumulation method |
The method used to classify and allocate transformation costs. See also |
cost center |
An operating unit whose managers are accountable for budgeted and actual expenditures. See also |
cost of goods sold |
An accounting category used to sum the financial consequences of manufacturing products and carrying inventory. See also |
cost variance |
The difference between an expected cost and an actual cost. See also |
costed |
To calculate, assign, and allocate the cost of economic resources acquired, produced, or delivered by an organization. See also |
costing |
The process of calculating, assigning, and allocating the cost of economic resources acquired, produced, or delivered by an organization. See also |
credit card authorization |
The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled. See also |
credit card capture |
The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness when a sales order is fulfilled. See also |
cross-docking |
A distribution practice in which items flow from receiving to shipping, with limited or no storage required. |
The portion of product output from available operations resources and available input product required to fulfill a specific customer requirement. See also |
cumulative threshold |
The maximum limit of a cumulative transaction value, up to which a tax on the transaction value is not calculated. |
currency |
A medium of exchange in circulation that is not limited to money. See also |
currency code |
An alphanumeric identifier that represents a currency unit. See also |
currency unit |
A discrete division of currency value. See also |
customer advance |
A payment received from a customer in anticipation of the delivery of items or of the performance of a service. See also |
customer invoice |
A source document that documents a customer payment request. When a payment is received, it can be matched to the invoice. See also |
customer loyalty program |
A structured program that rewards customers with incentives or other benefits for loyal buying behavior. |
cycle counting |
An inventory counting method where items that are stored in different warehouse locations are counted to verify the on-hand inventory levels and to facilitate inventory-level corrections. |
cycle time |
The time taken to complete an activity. See also |
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data entity |
An information structure that represents the data characteristic of an entity. |
data event |
The X++ event that is raised when a data value in a table changes. See also |
dataset parameter |
A type of parameter that is created by the reporting framework when a dataset is created based on the Query property and the Dynamic Filters property of the dataset. |
default report |
A type of report that does not allow a user to modify the layout but that does allow a user to filter and sort the data in the report. See also |
deferred input VAT |
The calculated value-added tax (VAT) amount that is not due until the invoice is paid. This amount is posted to an unrealized purchase VAT account and can be claimed only after the receipt of a receipt/tax invoice or a tax invoice. |
deferred output VAT |
The calculated value-added tax (VAT) amount that is not due until the invoice is paid. This amount is posted to an unrealized sales VAT account and can be claimed only after a receipt or tax invoice is printed. |
delegate |
A type that references a method. Once a delegate is assigned a method, it behaves exactly like that method. Delegates are roughly similar to function pointers in C++; however, they are type-safe and secure. |
delivery note |
A business document that documents the delivery of products between two parties. See also |
delivery schedule |
A schedule for the planned delivery of products. See also |
demand during lead time |
The average daily demand for a product multiplied by the average lead time. See also |
demand forecast |
A prediction of future product demand. See also |
demand forecasting |
A business process that estimates future demand and creates demand forecasts based on historical transaction data. |
dependent |
A role assumed by one person, place, or thing that participates in a relationship. See also |
dependent party |
A party who assumes a dependent role when it participates in a relationship with another party. See also |
dependent workflow |
A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance. See also |
depreciation |
The expiration of a portion of the original cost of a fixed asset during a specific time period. See also |
dereference |
To programmatically access a memory address assigned to a pointer variable or reference variable. |
derivation rule |
A rule to determine a classifier for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event. See also |
derived class |
A class that assumes a child role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with a parent (or base) class whose methods can be extended or redefined and whose member access can be restricted. See also |
derived table |
A table that assumes a child role when it participates in an inheritance relationship with another table. See also |
destination company account |
The legal entity that is the recipient of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction. See also |
destination inventory location |
An inventory location where materials required by a final kanban production activity or transfer activity are received. See also |
destination-based sales tax |
A sales tax levied in some states in the United States on a product based on the destination in which the buyer takes ownership or receives the product. See also |
dimension |
A classifier that characterizes the magnitude or extent of a quantifiable property of an object or activity. See also |
dimension derivation rule |
A rule to determine a ledger dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event. See also |
Dimension-based configuration |
A configuration technology used to create product variants by selecting values for product dimensions. See also |
dimensionless measurement |
A measurement whose dimension is one and whose unit of measure is either a dimensionless unit of measure or the unit one. See also |
direct compensation |
The fixed and variable compensation awarded to an employee in exchange for services rendered. See also |
disallowed vendor |
A vendor that is not authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities. See also |
discount |
A fixed amount or percentage deducted from a quoted price or price total. See also |
discount period |
The time period within which a customer can discount their payment obligation. See also |
discount variance |
The difference between an expected discount and an actual discount. See also |
distinct product |
A uniquely identifiable product. See also |
dock management |
A warehouse process where you can control inventory items for multiple orders, shipments, loads, or waves at the docks when inbound items are received or outbound items are loaded. |
document blocking |
A method of placing an operations process on hold while ordered items are in a quality assurance process. See also |
document management system |
An application service for storing and handling an organization's documents. See also |
document services |
The application integration services that provide create, read, update, delete, and find operations for XML documents mapped using an Application Object Tree (AOT) query element. See also |
doing business as |
The assumed, fictitious name under which an organization is registered in the United States. See also |
domain entity |
A conceptual structure that represents an independent entity that is capable of separate existence. See also |
domain event |
The occurrence of an activity in the organization resource management domain. See also |
domain role |
A behavior pattern that is assumed by domain entities when participating in role relationships. |
downcast |
An expression that modifies an object type into the type of a derived class. See also |
duty |
A responsibility to perform one or more tasks or to provide services for a job. See also |
duty |
In the security model, a set of application access privileges that are required for a user to carry out their responsibilities. See also |
dynamic filter |
A property on the dataset that determines how report filters are created for a report. See also |
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A 13-digit international barcode standard maintained by GS1. |
economic event |
The occurrence of an economic exchange action in an economic system. See also |
economic resource |
A resource that is consumed, produced, and used to add value to an organization’s product delivery activities. See also |
ecosphere |
The general environment, which is usually specified as being the air, water, or ground. |
A networked system for transferring funds from one bank account to another. |
electronic filing |
The process of submitting documents to an authority using an electronic communications medium. |
electronic funds transfer |
A networked system for transferring funds from one bank account to another. |
employee |
A role assumed by a person who participates in an employee-employer relationship with a legal entity. See also |
employee compensation |
Direct or indirect monetary and nonmonetary rewards offered to an employee by an organization. See also |
encumbrance |
A commitment made by legal entities to reserve budget funds for expenditure obligations. See also |
engine |
A system component that provides complex capability and performs operations on objects. |
enterprise portal |
A Web site that provides a single point of entry for internal and external users of an organization to access a wide variety of business information. See also |
entity |
An object that can be uniquely identified. See also |
An international non-profit association that supports and promotes the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) banking industry initiative. |
A Lean concept that is used to establish a regular repeating production cycle. |
equity |
The net worth of an organization after deducting liabilities from assets. See also |
escalation path |
A series of workflow escalation actions that can be taken to complete a workflow work item when it cannot be complete by the current assignee. See also |
estimated cost |
The approximate cost incurred in the performance of an activity. See also |
European Article Number |
A 13-digit international barcode standard maintained by GS1. |
European Payment Council |
An international non-profit association that supports and promotes the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) banking industry initiative. See also |
event |
The occurrence of an action in a system. See also |
event handler |
A software routine that executes in response to an event. See also |
Every Product Every |
A Lean concept that is used to establish a regular repeating production cycle. |
exceptional threshold |
The maximum limit of an individual transaction value that is a part of a cumulative transaction value, up to which a tax on the transaction value is not calculated. The exceptional threshold is applied to an individual transaction value that is a part of a cumulative transaction value that is within the cumulative threshold. |
exchange rate |
The value of one exchange currency unit relative to another exchange currency unit. See also |
exchange rate adjustment |
A modification to a converted monetary amount when the exchange rate between the quotation unit and the base unit change. See also |
exchange rate type |
A classification that groups exchange rates. See also |
expenditure |
A cost or expense that is expended during an accounting period. See also |
expenditure cycle |
A recurring set of procurement, receipt, payment, and transfer activities controlled by one or more parties that participate in exchange and nonexchange transactions. See also |
expenditure recognition accounting rule |
A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements. See also |
expense |
A cost that expires when the benefits that incurred the cost are received during an accounting period. See also |
expense product |
A received product that is a current asset, not held for sale or consumed in production, and for which there is no stock control policy requiring quantity tracking or inventory control policy requiring stock value tracking, and for which there is an accounting policy requiring the recording of the cost as an expense. See also |
expiration date |
The date on which something ceases to be effective. |
extended price |
The price of a quantity of product expressed in purchase units calculated from the sales unit price, multiplied by the product quantity in purchase units, divided by the sales unit quantity. See also |
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face value |
The stated value that is displayed on the face of a monetary unit, such as a bill, coin, or gift card. For gift cards, the face value is the starting balance, which was paid when the gift card was issued. |
feeder flow |
A production flow that can supply other downstream production flows. See also |
FIFO inventory valuation method |
A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement. |
filler ingredient |
A type of ingredient in a formula that is used to increase the total quantity of a product. The filler ingredient has no chemical influence on any of the active ingredients in the formulation. |
filter |
A tool that you can use to categorize inventory items for quick searching. Filters also restrict the availability of items to customers, vendors, and warehouse processes. |
financial dimension |
A financial data classifier created from the parties, locations, products, and activities in an organization and used for management reporting. See also |
financial dimension value |
A data element in the domain of a financial dimension. See also |
financial dimension value constraint |
A hierarchical financial dimension relationship that restricts the set of all possible financial dimension value combinations to a set of valid financial dimension value combinations. See also |
financial statement |
A report that documents the financial information and financial position of an organization. See also |
fiscal period |
A time period division of a fiscal year. See also |
fiscal year |
An approximate 12-month fiscal period used by an organization that prepares annual financial statements. See also |
fixed asset |
An accounting classifier used to classify any long-term asset whose cost expiration is recognized over more than one year. See also |
fixed compensation |
Compensation, independent of performance, that is awarded to an employee by an organization. See also |
fixed cost |
A cost that does not vary with changes in product delivery throughput or output. See also |
fixed exchange rate |
An exchange rate that pegs one currency's value to another currency's value. See also |
fixed location |
A permanent location that is assigned to an item in a warehouse. Multiple items can have the same fixed location, and a single item can have multiple fixed locations. |
fixed quantity kanban |
A type of kanban that is used when the number of kanbans that are assigned to a kanban rule is constant. See also |
fixed-price project |
A type of project in which the customer pays a predetermined amount for the entire project. See also |
fixed-price project estimate |
The estimated total cost to complete a fixed-price project. See also |
flexible authentication |
An authentication process where users in a variety of identity management systems can be authenticated. |
A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit. |
forecast dimension |
A dimension that is used to characterize the level of detail for which a forecast is defined. |
foreign currency revaluation |
A procedure for recording revalued assets and liabilities that account for differences in exchange rates between an original transaction currency unit and accounting currency unit conversion and a period end transaction currency and accounting currency conversion. See also |
foreign currency translation |
A procedure for recording revalued functional currency account balances when restating account balances in a reporting currency. See also |
foreign currency unit |
A currency unit of a country/region that is not the functional currency unit of the primary legal entity. See also |
foreign key |
A set of fields whose values are migrated from a primary key or an alternate key from a parent table. See also |
formula |
A numeric relationship among production process inputs and production process outputs. |
formula item |
An output of a batch process controlled by a formula. See also |
Free On Board |
A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit. |
freight forwarder |
A person or company contracted by a customer to consolidate loads into shipments and then transport and deliver those loads to specified destinations. |
freight terms |
The agreed-upon method for handling shipping costs. Freight terms identify the party responsible for the payment of freight charges. |
fully qualified account number |
A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are entered and validated. See also |
functional currency unit |
A currency unit of a country/region in which a primary legal entity locates its business activities and in which it generates most of its revenue and expenses. See also |
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general budget reservation |
A document that is often used by public sector entities to set aside or earmark budgeted funds so that those funds are not available for other purposes. |
general ledger |
The register of debit and credit entries classified using accounts listed in a chart of accounts. See also |
generic engine |
An engine that determines the apportionment of freight charges by weight. |
giro |
An electronic funds transfer system available in the European Union that permits a payer to transfer funds from their bank account to a payee's bank account. See also |
global address book |
A complete list of party records. See also |
Goods and Services Tax |
A value-added tax levied in some countries/regions. See also |
goods in transit |
Items that have been dispatched from the shipping location but have not yet arrived at the delivery location. |
goodwill |
The difference between the perceived value and the book value of an asset. See also |
grace period |
The time period beyond a specified date during which an obligation can be fulfilled without penalty. See also |
gross amount |
An amount excluding deductions, charges, and adjustments. See also |
gross margin |
The difference between the sales and the direct costs of the products sold. See also |
group |
A set of objects that share a common relation. See also |
A value-added tax levied in some countries/regions. |
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handling unit |
A uniquely identifiable logistics unit of material that can be transferred, stored, received, and shipped. See also |
hard booking |
A project booking that commits a resource to a project or activity, usually for a specified period of time on a project schedule. See also |
Harmonised Sales Tax |
A value-added tax (VAT) levied in some Canadian provinces that combines the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the provisional sales tax. See also |
heijunka |
A method of production scheduling that levels the production flow and that places the production schedule in a visible location so that any production issues can be seen at an early stage. See also |
hot-swap |
To replace an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory. See also |
hot-swapping |
The replacement of an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory. See also |
A value-added tax (VAT) levied in some Canadian provinces that combines the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the provisional sales tax. See also |
human capital management cycle |
A recurring set of recruitment, hiring, training, compensation, and performance evaluation activities performed by parties that compensate employees and contractors in exchange for services. See also |
hybrid cloud |
The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds). |
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IaaS |
The capability provided to the consumer of provisioning processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, and deployed application, and possibly has limited control of select networking components (e.g., host firewalls). |
A set of integrated tools for developing software. The tools are generally run from one user interface and consist of a compiler, an editor, and a debugger, among others. |
identification |
Proof or evidence that supports an identity claim. |
identifier |
A distinguishing label assigned to data entities. |
inbound port |
A port for servicing inbound requests. See also |
indirect compensation |
The fixed compensation awarded to an employee in order to promote employee retention. See also |
indirect cost |
A cost that is not directly attributed to the production of an item or the performance of a service. See also |
infrastructure as a service |
The capability provided to the consumer of provisioning processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, and deployed application, and possibly has limited control of select networking components (e.g., host firewalls). |
input VAT |
The tax on an organization’s purchases or input supplies, which is levied on the purchase price. |
inspection item |
An itemized product that participates in an inspection process. See also |
instantiate |
To create an instance of an object in object-oriented programming. |
integrated development environment |
A set of integrated tools for developing software. The tools are generally run from one user interface and consist of a compiler, an editor, and a debugger, among others. |
IntelliSense |
A feature of an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides logical code elements that the user can select from a drop-down menu while coding. See also |
intercompany |
Occurring between or relating two or more legal entities that are part the same organization that consolidates the accounts of all legal entities. See also |
intercompany customer invoice |
A customer invoice that documents a customer payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities. See also |
intercompany economic transaction |
An economic transaction between legal entities that are part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of the legal entities. See also |
intercompany master scheduling |
The process for generating a timetable for two or more legal entities that are part the same organization. See also |
intercompany purchase order |
A purchase order that one legal entity generates from a sales order sent by another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities. See also |
intercompany sales order |
A sales order that one legal entity places with another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities. See also |
intercompany vendor |
A legal entity that assumes the role of a vendor that is authorized to supply products to one or more legal entities that are part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of all of the legal entities. See also |
intercompany vendor invoice |
A vendor invoice that documents a vendor payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities. See also |
interest |
An amount charged for the use of money or credit. See also |
interest note |
A source document that documents an interest payment obligation. See also |
international ACH transaction |
An Automated Clearing House (ACH) funds transfer between an originating party and a receiving party that involves at least one depository financial institution that is not located in the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. See also |
International Organization for Standardization |
An international association of 157 countries/regions, each of which is represented by its leading standard-setting organization-for example, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) for the United States. The ISO works to establish global standards for communications and information exchange. Primary among its accomplishments is the widely accepted ISO/OSI reference model, which defines standards for the interaction of computers connected by communications networks. See also |
International System of Units |
The international metric system of units of measurement. |
interop |
The technology that one software component uses to interoperate with another software component. |
interunit accounting |
An accounting process where due-to and due-from account entries are automatically created to ensure that an accounting entry is balanced for one or more specified financial dimensions in a legal entity. |
in-transit lead time |
The lead time required for an item to leave the shipping party and arrive at the receiving party. See also |
Intrastat |
The system for collecting and generating statistics on the trade of items between countries/regions in the European Union. See also |
inventory |
Items that an owning organization uses in its product delivery activities. The value of an item is calculated by using an inventory valuation method and is recorded in inventory accounts. See also |
inventory item |
An itemized product that participates in an inventory process. See also |
inventory location |
A functional storage facility where the stock value is recorded in accounting journals using inventory account classifications. See also |
inventory registration policy |
A policy that controls when stock that is stored in a supermarket is registered as inventory. See also |
invoice |
A source document that documents a payment request from another party. See also |
invoice matching |
A practice of matching vendor invoice prices and product quantities to purchase orders and product receipts. See also |
An international association of 157 countries/regions, each of which is represented by its leading standard-setting organization-for example, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) for the United States. The ISO works to establish global standards for communications and information exchange. Primary among its accomplishments is the widely accepted ISO/OSI reference model, which defines standards for the interaction of computers connected by communications networks. See also |
ISO 14000 |
Standards and guidelines that were developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to help organizations minimize the negative effect their operations have on the environment and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. See also |
issue slip |
A report that is generated by a bailor when items are shipped to a bailee for storage purposes. |
item |
A tangible or intangible thing. See also |
item allocation key |
A product family grouping that is used for forecast and demand scheduling. |
item relation |
A reference to the item allocation group or the item and its product dimensions in a kanban rule. See also |
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job |
An occurrence of an activity performed between specific start and end times and at specific locations. See also |
job |
A grouping of responsibilities, duties, and job functions that compose an activity. See also |
job description |
A statement of the essential responsibilities, duties, job functions, and requirements of a job. See also |
job function |
One or more tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are assigned to a job. See also |
job order costing |
A costing method that uses production orders to assign incurred production costs to specific jobs. See also |
journal |
A register of original accounting entries. See also |
journal entry |
A record of the financial consequence an accounting event. See also |
journalize |
To record the financial consequences of accounting events in the subledger journal. See also |
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kanban |
A signal that communicates a requirement for a quantity of product. See also |
kanban card |
A printed document that represents a kanban on the shopfloor, on a physical kanban board or Heijunka board, in a shipment, or in inventory. See also |
kanban job |
A process or transfer activity in a production flow that is triggered by a kanban. See also |
kanban job consumption |
The withdrawal of product components from inventory in order to complete the kanban production jobs. See also |
kanban product quantity |
The number of item requirements that are carried on a kanban based on a kanban rule. See also |
kanban quantity |
The numeric parameter in a kanban rule that controls the number of kanbans to create when the rules product requirement condition is met and the rule is evaluated. See also |
kanban rule |
A rule in a lean manufacturing system that realizes material planning and replenishment policies by controlling how process and transfer activities are coordinated in production flows. See also |
knowledge article |
A document that documents unique characteristics for a case. |
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ledger |
The part of an accounting system that is used for classifying the monetary value of economic transactions by using a chart of accounts, a fiscal calendar, and one or more currencies. See also |
ledger account |
A classifier created from the combination of main account value and other financial dimension values listed in a chart of accounts and used to classify the financial consequences of economic activity. See also |
ledger dimension |
A classifier created from the combination of financial dimension values listed in a chart of accounts and used to classify the financial consequences of economic activity. See also |
ledger reconciliation |
The practice of reconciling general ledger accounts. See also |
legal entity |
An organization with a registered or legislated legal structure that is granted the authority to enter into legal contracts and that is required to prepare statements that report on its performance. See also |
liability |
A classifier used to classify the value of economic resources that are owned by creditors. See also |
license code |
An alphanumeric key that grants a party the right to use software or software components as prescribed in the terms of the license agreement, and that activates and inactivates software modules, software capabilities, and software functions. See also |
license plate number |
A unique number that is assigned to a warehouse entity such as a pallet, bin, cart, or individual item for tracking inventory. You can use this number to ascertain the item location, item quantity, product dimension, and tracking dimension of the entity. |
LIFO inventory valuation method |
An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes. |
line item workflow |
A workflow created for each line item in a workflow document. See also |
line item workflow work item |
A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance. See also |
liquidity |
The ability of a party to use current assets to settle current liabilities. See also |
liquidity classification |
A systematic organization of time intervals that predict the liquidity of a party. See also |
liquidity ratio |
The proportion of a party's current assets that can be used to settle current liabilities. See also |
load |
The maximum amount of activity that can be performed by a resource in a time period. See also |
load planning |
The process of scheduling, picking, packing, and consolidating one or more shipments of warehouse inventory items for transportation and delivery. |
location |
A geographic point or region. |
location |
A physical address. |
location |
An electronic address. |
location |
A functional facility. |
lot |
A quantity of one item or a number of items of the same kind. See also |
lot inheritance |
The practice of configuring items so that their product characteristics and shelf life information can be updated based on their ingredients. |
loyalty program |
A structured program that rewards customers with incentives or other benefits for loyal buying behavior. |
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magnetic ink character recognition |
A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters. |
magnetic stripe reader |
A device used to interpret data that is encoded on a magnetic stripe card. |
magnitude |
The numeric component of a measurement. See also |
main account |
A classifier of economic resource value based on the claims parties make on the economic resources owned by a legal entity and that is used to classify debit and credit entries in an accounting system. See also |
main account category |
A classifier of a main account. See also |
main account derivation rule |
A rule to determine a main account dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event. See also |
mandate |
The authorization given by a payer to a payee, or by the institution with which the payer's account is held, consenting to the debiting of the payer's account. See also |
mandate |
An authorization or command issued by a government authority. |
marshal |
To package and send interface method parameters across thread or process boundaries. |
master data |
Entities that describe the parties, locations, products, and activities that are referenced by entities that document and record economic, resource flow, and accounting events. See also |
master scheduling |
The process for generating a timetable for matching supply with demand. See also |
matching policy |
A policy that controls the purchase order, product receipt, and vendor invoice matching requirements in the accounts payable process. The policy can mandate no matching requirement or a combination of unit price matching, extended price matching, quantity matching, line matching, or total matching requirements. See also |
mathematical equation |
A mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two mathematical expressions. See also |
mathematical expression |
A mathematical statement whose symbols comprise numbers, variables, and mathematical operations. See also |
mathematical formula |
A mathematical statement in a formal language that can be given a semantic meaning. See also |
mathematical statement |
A combination of symbols that form a logical sentence that is true or false under a given interpretation. See also |
measure |
A property of an object that can be quantified numerically. See also |
measure dimension |
A dimension used to characterize the magnitude of a measurement. See also |
measurement |
The magnitude of the property of an object calibrated against one or more units of measure. See also |
A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters. |
mileage engine |
An engine that determines the mileage that freight will travel between its origin and destination points, and calculates the shipping rate for the freight accordingly. |
milestone billing |
A method of requesting payment when predefined milestones are reached. See also |
milk run |
A freight delivery route that entails two or more stops, where the carrier delivers loads either from a single supplier to multiple buyers or from multiple suppliers to a single buyer. |
mobile device |
A piece of handheld equipment such as a portable music or video player, PDA (personal digital assistant), mobile phone, or warehouse device that works on its own but can also be connected to a computer. Many of these devices can sync information with Windows. Warehouse mobile devices use barcode technology to process inventory operations. |
model |
A representation of a declarative structure and behavior. See also |
model store |
A Microsoft SQL Server database where all objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT) are stored. |
monetary amount |
A class of measurement that represents a characteristic of the financial consequence of an economic, resource flow, or accounting event. See also |
money |
A medium for exchanging ownership of the economic values represented by one or more currency units. See also |
MorphX |
The Microsoft Dynamics AX integrated development environment (IDE). See also |
MorphX report |
A report that is developed using the MorphX integrated development model. See also |
MorphX Type Hierarchy Browser |
A view that displays the structure of the selected Application Object Tree (AOT) class node and its inheritance hierarchies. See also |
multidimensional measurement |
A measurement with many characterizations of the magnitude or extent of the property of an object. See also |
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An organization that operates the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. See also |
National Automated Clearing House Association |
An organization that operates the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. See also |
natural key |
A primary key or alternate key whose values identify objects in the real world. See also |
net amount |
The amount including all deductions, charges, and adjustments. See also |
net book value |
The value of a fixed asset calculated as the difference between the original cost of the fixed asset minus its accumulated depreciations. See also |
nominal account |
An account that is closed out each fiscal period and whose balance is transferred to retained earnings account. See also |
non-negotiable check |
A non-negotiable instrument ordering a drawee organization to pay a specified amount of money to the holder. See also |
non-negotiable instrument |
A document of title or written order that cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or transferred. |
nonoperating income |
Income that includes profits or losses from activities that are not related to an organization’s core operations. Examples of nonoperating income include revenue from dividend income, profits and losses from investments and foreign exchanges, and asset write-down income. |
non-recoverable sales tax |
A sales tax levied on purchased products that is not deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party. See also |
not sufficient funds |
The lack of enough funds in an account to cover a payment or withdrawal. |
notification |
A communication generated by the occurrence of an event that a system or user asynchronously sends for receipt. A notification message is a communication that is intended to be read by a recipient. See also |
number |
A sequence of alphanumeric characters in a number system. |
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object permission |
A permitted create, read, update, delete, or execute operation on a securable object. |
obligation |
A legally binding commitment. See also |
occupational illness |
An illness caused by exposure to environmental factors in the work environment. See also |
occupational injury |
An injury resulting from an accident in the work environment. See also |
A method of translating images of printed text into machine-encoded text. |
offset account |
In double-entry accounting, the account used to balance a transaction so that debits equal credits. |
offset account |
An account used to reduce the gross amount of another account to create a net balance. See also |
on account |
The extension of credit for purchases. |
on hold |
The state of an operational process that has been suspended or the status of a document and product that participate in a process that is suspended. See also |
on-account payment |
A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan. See also |
one-dimensional measurement |
A measurement with a single characterization of the magnitude or extent of the property of an object. |
on-hold fiscal period |
The state of a fiscal period that can be reopened and that prevents its use as a time period classifier for account entries. See also |
open |
The state in a period in which activity can occur, the state of an operational process, or the status of a source document. See also |
open fiscal period |
The state of a fiscal period that allows its use as a time period classifier for account entries. See also |
opening balance |
The balance of an account at the beginning of a fiscal period. See also |
operating unit |
An organization that divides the control of economic resources and operational processes among people who have a duty to maximize the use of scarce resources, to improve processes, and to account for their performance. See also |
operations journal entry |
A record of the operational and legal consequences of a resource flow event. See also |
operations register |
A register that is used to record the operational and legal consequences of resource flow events in an accounting system. See also |
operations resource |
An economic resource provided by products that flow into or flow out of operations activities. See also |
opportunity |
A potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, that needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion. See also |
opposite account |
An account used to balance the gross amount in part or in whole of one or more referenced accounts in an accounting equation. See also |
optical character recognition |
A method of translating images of printed text into machine-encoded text. |
order discount |
A fixed amount or percentage deducted that applies to an order total. See also |
order entry |
A method of capturing sales orders and purchase orders using a software application. See also |
organization |
A work structure that divides the responsibility for economic resources and processes. See also |
organization hierarchy |
A structure that orders organizations using a superordinate-subordinate relationship. See also |
organization model |
Internal control, data access, and performance reporting structures designed to divide responsibility for human and operations resources and work processes. See also |
outbound port |
A port for servicing outbound requests. See also |
output product |
The physical products that result from an activity. See also |
output VAT |
The tax on an organization’s sales, which is levied on the sales price. |
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PaaS |
The capability provided to the consumer of deploying onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly of the configuration settings for the application-hosting environment. |
packing slip |
A source document that documents the item quantities in a shipment. See also |
parent table |
A table that assumes a parent role when it participates in an integrity relationship with another table and whose attribute values migrate to foreign key attributes in the table assuming the child role in the relationship. See also |
partially qualified account number |
A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are not entered. See also |
participant |
A party that contributes to a process or assumes a role in a relationship. See also |
partition |
A division of an application’s processing into logical or functional parts. |
party |
An entity that assumes a legally binding role when participating in contractual relationships. See also |
party |
A person or organization that participates in economic activities. See also |
patch layer |
An application layer that is paired above an application layer, and used only for hotfixes and service packs. The name of each patch layer ends with the letter 'P', and one pair is named SYS and SYP. |
payment |
A past, present, or future settlement of an obligation. See also |
payment amount |
A quantity of currency that is offered or accepted to settle a past, present, or future obligation. See also |
p-code |
A machine language for a nonexistent processor (a pseudomachine). Such code is executed by a software interpreter. |
pegging |
The process of tracing the quantity of a required item to its source. See also |
pegging event |
A resource flow event that signals the demand for a product. See also |
pending closed |
The state when the period or operational process can only transition to a closed state, or when a source document can only transition to a closed status. See also |
performance dimension |
A dimension used to distinguish and categorize key performance activity against objectives. See also |
permission |
One or more securable object permissions that secure access to logical units of application data and functionality. See also |
phantom bill of materials item |
A bill of materials item that is produced but not stocked. See also |
phantom item |
An item that is produced but not stocked. See also |
picking list |
A list of the items, along with their quantities and locations, that are required to fill a manufacturing order or shipping order. |
plan |
An anticipated progression of interrelated activities that do not have assigned start and end times or assigned resources. See also |
planned intercompany demand |
Predicted demand for a product by a legal entity that assumes the role of a vendor. The planned demand is generated from planned demand for the product from a downstream legal entity. See also |
planned production order |
A source document that documents production requirements generated from a production plan. See also |
planned purchase order |
An order proposal generated by a master scheduling calculation to fulfill a requirement for a purchased item. See also |
platform as a service |
The capability provided to the consumer of deploying onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly of the configuration settings for the application-hosting environment. |
PO |
A source document that documents the offer to buy products or the acceptance of an offer to sell products in exchange for payment. |
point of sale |
The place at which the ownership of products is transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment. |
point of sale terminal |
A computer terminal at the point of sale that records and tracks the ownership and transfer of products from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment. |
policy |
One or more rules or procedures that operationalize internal controls. See also |
policy processing sequence |
The order in which conflicts between policy rules are resolved. Policy rules defined at a lower level of the sequence always override conflicting policy rules at higher levels of the sequence. See also |
policy rule |
A rule in a policy that controls the actions that can or must be taken when the requirements of the condition are met. See also |
port |
An inbound or outbound service endpoint that binds a communications protocol and data contract with a network address. |
The place at which the ownership of products is transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment. |
POS terminal |
A computer terminal at the point of sale that records and tracks the ownership and transfer of products from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment. |
post |
To record the monetary value of an economic event in a specific account, or to summarize and reclassify general and subsidiary journal account entries into general and subsidiary ledger account entries. See also |
post-event |
An asynchronous event whose handler runs only after the action that raised the event is complete. See also |
posting layer |
A current, tax, or operations ledger classification that is assigned to accounting journal entries. See also |
potency |
A relative measure of the strength characteristic of an item. See also |
potency management |
A method of classifying and managing active ingredients and items that contain a particular concentration of an active ingredient. |
practice |
A repeatable process that improves or maintains performance. See also |
pre-encumbrance |
A commitment made by management to reserve budget funds for expenditure requests. See also |
pre-event |
A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event starts. See also |
preparer |
The person who creates a source document to initiate a request for economic resources. See also |
prepayment journal voucher |
An amount that is paid for items or services that have not been received. See also |
price |
The market value or exchange value of a product. See also |
price adjustment |
A modification to a quoted price. See also |
price discount |
A discount applied to a quoted price. See also |
price variance |
The difference between an expected price and an actual price. See also |
primary key |
A candidate key that is selected to be the principle identifier for uniquely identifying records in a database table. See also |
prior period adjustment |
An accounting journal entry entered in a current fiscal period that corrects an error in accounting for an economic event that occurred in a fiscal period that is currently closed. See also |
private cloud |
The cloud infrastructure provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises. |
privilege |
One or more permissions a user requires to perform a task. See also |
pro forma invoice |
A business document that is a view of a customer invoice or vendor invoice that documents a payment request but is not an offer or a demand for payment. See also |
procedure |
A repeatable sequence of steps that are followed in a specific order to meet the requirements of a task. See also |
process |
A functional work structure that an organization is responsible for designing, controlling, and improving. A process comprises a coordinated set of activities in which one or more participants consume, produce, and use economic resources to achieve one or more organizational goals. See also |
process batch |
The quantity of one or more items that is produced or that can be produced. See also |
procurement catalog |
A listing of product offerings that are grouped by procurement category. A procurement catalog is used to request products for internal use by an organization. See also |
procurement category hierarchy |
A category hierarchy that orders categories that are created to group products that have similar procurement management and accounting characteristics. See also |
product |
An item, service, or right that is output from an economic activity. See also |
product attribute |
A representation of a product property. See also |
product component |
A part of a product. See also |
product dimension |
The size, color, or configuration product attributes that are used for dimension-based configuration. See also |
product family |
A unique grouping of items, services, or rights that either participates in the same production or delivery activities or that are offered to the same market segments. In Microsoft Dynamics AX, the grouping is represented by using a forecast allocation key. See also |
product item |
An item that is a type of product. See also |
product master |
A standard or functional product representation that is the basis for configuring product variants. See also |
product receipt |
A source document that documents the receipt of products ordered, the receipt of products returned, or the receipt of products received on consignment. See also |
product sequencing |
The practice of classifying and managing characteristics of items so that products with similar characteristics can be scheduled to be produced together. |
product variant |
A configuration of a product master. See also |
production flow |
A production process designed using Lean principles. See also |
production flow model |
A representation of the production capacity provided by a group of work cells in a production flow process. See also |
production order |
A source document that documents the requirements for producing items to meet a demand. See also |
production planning period template |
A user-defined timetable that is used to structure and display existing product requirements. See also |
production schedule |
A schedule to produce a specific item and item quantity at a specific time and by specific human and operational resources. See also |
production signal |
A documented notification of a resource flow event that triggers a production or transfer activity. See also |
profit |
The difference between revenue obtained from sales and expense incurred in product delivery activities. See also |
profit margin |
A measure of profitability that is calculated by using the formula: profit margin = net income before tax and interest / revenue. It can be expressed as a percentage or a number. |
programming element attribute |
A descriptive declaration that can be applied to programming elements such as types, fields, methods, and properties. |
programming event |
The occurrence of a programming action in a software system. See also |
progress billing |
A method of requesting payment when work progress objectives or rate targets are reached. See also |
project |
A program of work. |
project budget revision |
A change to a project budget that affects the current and remaining available budget funds. See also |
project funding rule |
A rule in a project system that controls how project activities are funded by one or more funding sources based on project criteria and other conditions. See also |
project quotation |
A source document that documents an offer to supply a quantity of products output from project activities for a specified price and by a specified date in response to a request for quotation in a sales process. See also |
projected available inventory |
The inventory quantities that are expected to be available at a future point in time calculated by adding scheduled supply to on-hand inventory and subtracting scheduled demand. See also |
promissory note |
A source document that documents an agreement between two parties based on an understanding that one party will commit to paying the other party at a specified time or on demand. See also |
promotional allowance |
A payment offered to a customer by a vendor in exchange for promoting their products. See also |
prospect |
A participant that has the existing and potential ability to provide a service or probable future economic benefit to a legal entity. See also |
prospective vendor |
A vendor whose abilities or capabilities to supply products to one or more legal entities are under review before being granted an approved vendor status. See also |
proxy |
A software component that intermediates requests from client software components and responses from service or server software components that respond to those requests. |
public cloud |
The cloud infrastructure that is provisioned for open use by the general public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government organization, or some combination of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider. |
purchase agreement |
A source document that documents an agreement between two or more parties based on an understanding that a buying party will commit to purchasing a specific quantity or value of product over a period of time in exchange for favorable prices and discounts. See also |
purchase agreement policy |
A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase agreement terms. See also |
purchase item |
An itemized product that participates in a procurement process. See also |
purchase order |
A source document that documents the offer to buy products or the acceptance of an offer to sell products in exchange for payment. See also |
purchase order discount |
An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a purchase order. See also |
purchase order overdelivery percentage |
The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity. See also |
purchase order policy |
A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase order terms and to control order processing. See also |
purchase order underdelivery percentage |
The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity. See also |
purchase price |
The price of product acquisition calculated as the extended price minus trade discounts. See also |
purchase quotation |
A source document that documents an offer to purchase a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date in response to a request for quotation in a procurement process. See also |
purchase request |
An economic event that generates requirements for products. See also |
purchase requisition |
A source document that documents product requests so that they can be submitted for review and be used to authorize purchasing by a purchasing organization. See also |
purchase unit |
A unit of measure for expressing quantities of purchased product. See also |
purchase unit price |
The price of a purchase unit. See also |
purchase VAT |
The tax on an organization’s purchases or input supplies, which is levied on the purchase price. |
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quantity |
An exact measure of some countable operational or financial characteristic represented by a number. See also |
quantity variance |
The difference between an ordered product quantity and a delivered product quantity when no more deliveries are expected. See also |
quantity variance |
The difference between an ordered product quantity and a received product quantity when no more receipts are expected. See also |
query-based report |
A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query. See also |
queue workflow work item |
A workflow work item that is assigned to a work item queue. See also |
quotation |
A source document that documents an offer to supply a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date. See also |
quotation currency unit |
The currency unit in an exchange rate calculation. See also |
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radio frequency identification |
A technology that uses radio frequencies to identify products. An RFID-capable product has an RFID tag that can transmit information, such as serial number, to an RF reader, which converts the information into digital data that can be sent to a computer. |
rate engine |
An engine that creates a rating structure and sets up an interface between rating services and carrier companies. |
rate shopping |
The process of locating and displaying all shipping rates that are available for a particular load. |
real account |
An account balance that is carried forward into a subsequent fiscal period. See also |
realized gain |
The increase in the value of an asset calculated as the difference in the value of the asset when two economic events occur and when the difference is recognized on the occurrence of the second event as an increase in wealth. See also |
realized loss |
The decrease in the value of an asset calculated as the difference in the value of the asset when two economic events occur and when the difference is recognized on the occurrence of the second event as a reduction in wealth. See also |
rebate |
A refund of an amount after the full amount has been paid. See also |
receipt advice |
A business document that documents a summary of the products a buyer receives from a vendor. See also |
receipt item |
An itemized product that is received in an operations process. See also |
recognition accounting rule |
An accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue and expenditure in accounts and on financial statements. See also |
reconcile |
To compare and adjust two or more accounts or statements so that the figures agree. See also |
reconciliation |
A practice of adjusting two or more accounts or statements so that the figures agree. See also |
record |
The data that defines and describes the parties, products, locations, and activities that compose the economic transaction. See also |
record |
To account for the financial and operational consequences of an economic, resource flow, or accounting event. See also |
record |
An account of an economic transaction. See also |
recoverable sales tax |
A sales tax levied on purchased products that is deducted from the sales tax levied on the sale of the purchased products when both sales taxes are paid by the same party. See also |
recruitment project |
A project to coordinate and track a program of recruiting activities and documentation. See also |
reduction key |
A method that is used to increase or decrease forecast requirements in master planning, based on user defined percentages that are applied during specific periods. |
reference |
The state of being related or referred. |
reference |
To relate to another entity. |
reference |
A source of related information. |
reference |
A statement of the qualifications of an applicant made by a person who knows the applicant. See also |
reference data |
Named entities that have no describing properties or numeric values. See also |
refund |
The return of an amount paid. See also |
register |
A record that is used to record the operational, legal, and financial consequences of resource flow events in an accounting system. See also |
register |
To automatically update the progression or output of work done outside of the application. |
regulated product |
A product that is regulated by a government authority that requires compliance and audit reporting. See also |
reinstate charge |
To reintroduce interest or fees that were originally waived for a party. See also |
relate |
To collect objects in a set. |
relation |
A set of objects. See also |
relationship |
A connection between objects. See also |
replacement cost |
The current cost of replacing an existing asset with a similar asset with equivalent operational capability. See also |
replenishment |
An inventory management process in which a warehouse location is automatically or manually restocked based on predefined criteria to maintain the correct inventory levels at the location. |
report |
To update the progression or output of work done outside of the application. The reporting action is taken by a person. |
report |
A document that is generated by an application. |
Report Data Provider-based report |
A report where the data source is defined in a Report Data Provider (RDP) class. See also |
report definition |
The blueprint for a report before the report is processed or rendered. A report definition contains information about the query and layout for the report. See also |
reporting currency |
The monetary unit of measure used to record the converted monetary value of economic transactions in ledger accounts for financial and management reporting purposes. See also |
reporting currency unit |
A currency unit that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events and to prepare and report ancillary financial statements. See also |
request for quotation |
A source document that documents an invitation to bid on supplying a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date. See also |
requested ship date |
The date that the selling party should ship items to meet the customer's or vendor's requested receipt date. See also |
requester |
The person who requests the economic resources. See also |
resource |
A stock of money, product, or people services used in the performance of an activity. See also |
respondent |
A party that provides a response. See also |
responsibility |
An obligation of a party to perform an assigned job and to be held accountable for the outcome of the results. See also |
restricted product |
A product whose distribution is limited or constrained by a government authority. See also |
return on equity |
The ratio of profitability calculated by dividing net income by owners' equity. See also |
revenue |
An increase in an organization's assets or a decrease in an organization's liabilities during a reporting period. See also |
revenue cycle |
A recurring set of sales, fulfillment, payment, and transfer activities controlled by one or more parties that participate in exchange and nonexchange transactions. See also |
revenue recognition accounting rule |
A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements. See also |
reverse charge VAT |
A value-added tax (VAT) on products that is owed by the customer that receives the product, not by the vendor that delivers the product. See also |
A technology that uses radio frequencies to identify products. An RFID-capable product has an RFID tag that can transmit information, such as serial number, to an RF reader, which converts the information into digital data that can be sent to a computer. |
A source document that documents an invitation to bid on supplying a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date. See also |
right |
An entitlement granted by contract or law. See also |
role |
In the security model, a behavior pattern of a person playing an organization role, a functional role, and an application role. See also |
role |
A behavior pattern of a participant in a relationship. See also |
rounding amount |
An amount expressed as its nearest round number. See also |
routing |
The selection of carrier routes for transporting freight from origin points to destination points. |
rule |
A condition-action pair that prescribes the action taken when the condition is met. See also |
Rule-based configuration |
A configuration technology that uses rules to develop product masters and to configure distinct products. See also |
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SaaS |
The capability provided to the consumer for using the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email), or a program interface. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings. |
sales agreement |
A source document that documents an agreement between two or more parties based on an understanding that a selling party will commit to selling a specific quantity or value of product over a period of time in exchange for favorable prices and discounts. See also |
sales agreement policy |
A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales agreement terms. See also |
sales item |
An itemized product that participates in a sales process. See also |
sales order |
A source document that documents the offer to sell products or the acceptance of an offer to buy products in exchange for payment. See also |
sales order discount |
An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a sales order. See also |
sales order policy |
A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales order terms and to control order processing and payment processes. See also |
sales quotation |
A source document that documents an offer to supply a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date in response to a request for quotation in a sales process. See also |
sales tax |
A tax levied on the sale of products. See also |
sales tax hierarchy |
A hierarchy that organizes multiple levels of sales tax reporting codes, such as tax types, tax components, excise record types, and service accounting codes. |
sales tax hierarchy node |
A node in a sales tax hierarchy that represents sales tax information, such as the tax component or the excise record type. |
sales tax hierarchy structure |
A structure that contains multiple levels of sales tax reporting nodes and that does not contain data. This structure is used as a template to create a sales tax hierarchy. |
sales unit |
A unit of measure for expressing quantities of sales product. See also |
sales unit price |
The price of a sales unit. See also |
sales VAT |
The tax on an organization’s sales, which is levied on the sales price. |
sample item |
An itemized product that is selected for inspection. See also |
scale factor |
A ratio to convert from one number precision to another. |
schedule |
A timetable of planned activities and economic resource allocations. See also |
scope of organization control |
The direct or indirect amount of control that an operating unit has over the output of a process. See also |
security model |
A structure that organizes application access control permissions by using privilege, duty, and business process classifiers and that grants permissions that are aggregated into duties to user role assignments. See also |
security role |
A defined set of application access privileges. The security role assigned to a user determines which tasks the user can perform and which parts of the user interface the user can view. All users must be assigned at least one security role in order to access the system. See also |
segregation of duties |
A design principle used to reduce the risk of fraud, irregularities, and errors that separates the recording, verification, authorization, custody of assets, and periodic review duties of people who participate in, document, or record the financial consequences of economic transactions. See also |
selling period |
The period of time between an item or right receipt date and its expiration date. See also |
A European banking industry initiative that enables secure electronic payment transfers between bank accounts within and across euro areas. |
sequencing |
The order in which jobs are processed or operations are performed at a manufacturing facility to achieve objectives. |
service |
A change in the state of a consuming party or a change in the state of an item belonging to a consuming party that is produced by an activity performed by a providing party. See also |
service group |
A logical combination of services that are maintained as one. See also |
service item |
An itemized service that participates in an operations process. See also |
shared asset |
An asset that is used by more than one cash-generating unit (CGU). An example is a distribution center that is used to store items before they are transported to different markets that share that same distribution center. |
shelf life |
The period of time between an item's manufacture date and its expiration date. See also |
ship date |
The date that items are shipped from a shipping location. See also |
shipment |
A quantity of freight that is created against a source document such as a sales order, purchase order, or transfer order, and that is transported from an origin point to a destination point. You can consolidate inbound or outbound shipments that are going to the same destination point into a single load. |
shopping cart |
A virtual container that stores products that have been selected for purchase from a procurement catalog or a vendor catalog. See also |
short-term debt |
A current obligation that is payable within one year. See also |
SI |
The international metric system of units of measurement. See also |
signal |
A notification of an event that triggers an activity. See also |
Single Euro Payments Area |
A European banking industry initiative that enables secure electronic payment transfers between bank accounts within and across euro areas. See also |
single use kanban |
A type of kanban that is used with a fixed quantity kanban rule to meet exceptionally high demand. A single use kanban does not trigger a new kanban when it is discarded. See also |
site |
A collection of files and metadata that comprises a complete website when published to an HTTP server on the World Wide Web. |
An item and its assigned inventory dimensions. |
smart rounding |
A marketing practice to use odd numbers that are marginally less than their nearest round number to set prices. See also |
soft booking |
A project booking that tentatively assigns a resource to a project or activity without committing it to the schedule. See also |
software as a service |
The capability provided to the consumer for using the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email), or a program interface. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings. |
source company account |
The legal entity that is the origin of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction. See also |
source document |
An original record that evidences the occurrence of one or more economic, resource flow, and accounting events. A source document is entered into a system that records, classifies, tracks, and reports on the economic resources exchanged or committed at the time of the event. See also |
source document amount |
A monetary amount measurement that is documented on a source document. See also |
source inventory location |
The inventory location where materials required by a kanban production activity or transfer activity are picked. See also |
source requirement |
The product quantity documented on a source document line that creates a pegging requirement. See also |
special depreciation allowance |
A deduction from the depreciable basis of qualifying fixed assets taken in the first year of service. See also |
spend |
An expenditure in the procurement domain. See also |
split source document |
A source document that documents partial product quantities and monetary amounts from one referenced document of the same class. See also |
state |
The condition of a system, process, or party. See also |
statistical account |
A classifier of economic resource quantity used to classify debit or credit entries in an accounting system. See also |
statistical baseline forecast |
An estimate of future demand that is created by applying a forecasting algorithm to historical transaction data. |
status |
The condition of an object in a system or process. See also |
step |
An operation in a task that progresses an activity towards completion. See also |
stock |
An accumulation of items that are owned and controlled by organizations. See also |
stock flow event |
The occurrence of an action that registers the input and output of stock in stores, buffers, queues, and accounts. See also |
stock item |
An itemized product item that participates in a stock tracking process. See also |
stock keeping unit |
An item and its assigned inventory dimensions. |
stocked |
A policy that controls whether products are tracked in stock. See also |
storage dimension |
The site, warehouse, and inventory location attributes that are used to locate an item in storage. See also |
Storno accounting |
The practice of using negative numbers to reverse original journal account entries. See also |
subcontracting |
The practice of outsourcing service activities to vendors. See also |
subledger journal account entry |
An account entry in a subledger journal account. See also |
subledger journal entry |
A journal entry in a subledger journal. See also |
subtotal |
An intermediate partial sum, quantity, or amount. See also |
supermarket |
A just-in-time inventory location that has finite capacity and is used to batch material near a point of consumption. See also |
supplied inventory location |
The inventory location where an item is consumed and where the replenishment of the item is planned. See also |
surrogate key |
A single attribute candidate key whose values are system-generated and that does not represent properties that identify objects in the real world. See also |
swipe |
To slide a machine-readable card through a magnetic stripe reader. |
system currency unit |
A currency unit that is used as the default currency unit if no currency unit is specified when entering monetary amounts. See also |
system language |
The default language that is used by the application text localization system. |
system of units |
A set of units used for measurement or exchange. See also |
system services |
A group of integrated services that enables you to access information from and interact with your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. |
system-defined financial dimension type |
A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type. See also |
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takt time |
The time that it takes to produce one unit of a product. See also |
task |
An atomic activity assigned to one or more persons or pieces of equipment responsible for meeting the requirements of the activity. See also |
tax |
A charge levied by a governing authority. See also |
tax branch |
A branch office that is used to record value-added tax (VAT) and inventory movement. All the branch offices of a VAT-registered legal entity are referred to as tax branches. Each tax branch uses the same tax registration number as the head office of the legal entity. |
tax liability |
A government authority's legal claim to the assets of a legal entity. See also |
tax variance |
The difference between an expected tax and an actual tax. See also |
taxable amount |
An amount that is subject to tax. See also |
taxable product |
A product that is subject to taxation. See also |
team |
An organization whose members share a common responsibility, interest, or objective. See also |
technosphere |
The entities that are outside the organization’s operational boundary. Materials that come from the technosphere are bought or sold, rather than acquired from the environment. See also |
third-party logistics |
A party that provides logistics services to customers. See also |
three-way matching policy |
A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices and that requires one or more vendor invoice quantities to match with one or more product receipt quantities. See also |
till |
The removable tray in a cash register drawer. |
total |
The whole sum, quantity, amount, or aggregate. See also |
tracking dimension |
The batch number and serial number attributes that are used to track an item. See also |
trade discount |
A discount that does not depend on prompt payment. See also |
trading relationship |
A relationship that is formed when a buying party and a selling party enter into an agreement. See also |
transaction |
A social economic exchange action. |
transaction |
A physical economic exchange action. |
transaction |
A data manipulation action processed by a database. See also |
transaction currency unit |
A currency unit that a party accepts for payment. See also |
transaction data |
Entities that document economic, resource flow, and accounting events and record their financial, legal, and operational consequences. See also |
transaction threshold |
The maximum limit of a transaction value, up to which a tax on the transaction value is not calculated. |
transfer batch |
The quantity of one or more items that is transferred or that can be transferred. See also |
transit engine |
An engine that calculates the number of days that it will take for shipped freight to get from its origin point to its destination point. |
transportation demand |
A sales order, purchase order, or transfer order that is ready for transportation planning. |
trial balance |
A report that lists the balances of ledger accounts for a specified time period. See also |
turnover threshold |
The maximum limit of a cumulative transaction value, up to which a tax on the transaction value is calculated by using concessional rates instead of standard rates. |
two-way matching policy |
A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices. See also |
type |
A form or structure that distinguishes a particular class of objects. |
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U.S. Customary System |
The system of weights and measurements maintained by the National Bureau of Standards in the United States. |
A language for defining XML business documents that is maintained by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). See also |
unit class |
A classification of units of measurement. See also |
unit contribution margin |
The unit sales price minus the unit variable cost. |
unit of measure |
A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement. See also |
unit of work |
An object that uses referential integrity constraints to sequence database reading and writing operations in one atomic work process. |
Universal Business Language |
A language for defining XML business documents that is maintained by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). See also |
unrealized gain |
The anticipated increase in the value of an asset calculated as the difference in the value of the asset when two economic events occur and when the difference is recognized on the occurrence of the second event as an anticipated increase in wealth. See also |
unrealized loss |
The anticipated decrease in the value of an asset calculated as the difference in the value of the asset when two economic events occur and when the difference is recognized on the occurrence of the second event as an anticipated reduction in wealth. See also |
unrealized sales VAT |
The calculated value-added tax (VAT) amount that is not due until the invoice is paid. This amount is posted to an unrealized sales VAT account and can be claimed only after a receipt or tax invoice is printed. |
unrealized VAT |
The calculated value-added tax (VAT) amount that is not due until the invoice is paid. This amount is posted to an unrealized purchase VAT account and can be claimed only after the receipt of a receipt/tax invoice or a tax invoice. |
unsolicited vendor |
A vendor that applies to supply products to one or more legal entities without responding to a formal or informal request. See also |
upcast |
An expression that modifies an object type into the type of a base class. See also |
use tax |
An excise tax levied on products in the United States where a sales tax is not levied. See also |
user-defined financial dimension type |
A financial dimension mapped to a user-defined list of values. See also |
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valid time state table |
A table that tracks the state of an entity over time using a valid-from and a valid-to column. |
value stream |
An operating unit that controls one or more production flows. See also |
value-added tax |
A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage. See also |
variable compensation |
Compensation, contingent on discretion, performance, or results, that is awarded to an employee by an organization. See also |
variance |
The difference between two values, such as the difference between estimated and actual expenses. |
variance |
The difference between an expected and an actual economic resource. See also |
variant configuration technology |
A method of modeling product masters and searching for product variant configurations. See also |
A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage. See also |
vendor |
A party that supplies products to one or more legal entities in exchange for payment. See also |
vendor analysis report |
A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers. See also |
vendor catalog |
A listing of product offerings that are available for purchase from a vendor. See also |
vendor invoice |
A source document that documents a vendor payment request. A vendor invoice can refer to one or more purchase orders. When the vendor invoice is authorized, a payment can be made to the vendor. See also |
vendor prepayment |
A payment made to a vendor before any items are received or services are performed. See also |
version |
The status of an entity participating in a release process. See also |
void |
To prohibit the use of a document as a contract. See also |
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waive charge |
To withdraw the interest or fees originally owed by a party. See also |
wave |
A logical grouping of warehouse work items that is created by means of a wave template configuration, processed either automatically or manually, and then released to pick the items for production or shipping. |
weight engine |
An engine that is called automatically when the volume of a package is not proportional to its weight. |
Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory. |
withholding tax |
A tax levied by a government authority that is deducted from compensation. See also |
work |
The entire range of inventory-related tasks that are performed by a company's warehouse employees. The creation of warehouse work is triggered either automatically by user-defined settings or manually by a worker. Each work item is performed on a mobile device by a warehouse worker. |
work breakdown structure |
A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work. |
work cell |
A resource group that participates in a production flow activity. See also |
work in process |
Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory. |
work item queue |
A list that contains workflow work items that are assigned to users. |
work item queue assignment expression |
A statement that conditionally assigns work items to specific work item queues. See also |
worker |
A person who assumes the role of an employee or a contractor and is paid in exchange for services. See also |
workflow |
A workflow process that is executing. |
workflow decision element |
A guard condition that controls the logical branching of task sequences within a workflow process. A workflow decision can be made by a user or by an automation rule. See also |
workflow document |
A view of data that is submitted to workflow for processing. See also |
workflow element |
A modeling element used to define workflow processes. See also |
workflow escalation action |
An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee. See also |
workflow execution account |
A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows. See also |
workflow history |
A view of the workflow tracking data generated by the workflow runtime. See also |
workflow host |
An environment in which the workflow runtime is started so that it can be accessed as a service. See also |
workflow instance |
A workflow activated by and executing in the workflow host. See also |
workflow list form |
A form that displays a list of workflows for a particular module, along with the versions of the workflow. See also |
workflow participant |
A person who assumes the role of user in a workflow process. See also |
workflow runtime |
A software component that activates and executes workflow instances using Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation. See also |
workflow scope |
The extent of activity controlled by a workflow process. See also |
workflow tracking data |
The data that is logged during the execution of a workflow instance. See also |
workflow type |
A set of metadata and event handlers in the Application Object Tree (AOT) that defines a workflow design template. See also |
write off |
To remove a debt that will not be paid by a party. See also |
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X++ |
The object-oriented programming language used to develop software for the Microsoft Dynamics AX application. |
x-report |
A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register. See also |
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year-end closing |
An accounting process that occurs at the end of the fiscal year and is used to transfer the balances of the temporary owners’ equity accounts to the permanent owners’ equity account, to carry forward closing account balances from one accounting period to opening account balances in the subsequent accounting period, and to generate financial statements. See also |
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zero-rated |
Denotes products for which the buyer pays no value-added tax (VAT) and for which the seller can recover the cost of the input tax levied on the sale. |
z-report |
A type of report that is generated to record current sales totals for a specific cash register and to close the current work shift. See also |
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