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Installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Roaming User Profiles, Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, or Citrix Presentation Server

This section describes installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with roaming user profiles,Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, or Citrix Presentation Server.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access is not supported for installation with roaming user profiles, Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, or Citrix Presentation Server. If you are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with roaming user profiles, Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, or Citrix Presentation Server, you should install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook from the command prompt and include the parameter disableofflinecapability. This will remove the offline button from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook user interface. For instructions about how to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook from the command line, see Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook .

Roaming User Profiles

A roaming user profile is a copy of the local user profile that is copied to, and stored on, a server share. This profile is downloaded to each computer a user logs onto on a network. Changes made to a roaming user profile are synchronized with the server copy of the profile when the user logs off. The advantage of roaming user profiles is that users do not need to create a profile on each computer they use on a network.

While the roaming user profile moves with the user, software applications, like Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook do not. Identical applications need to be installed on each computer that the user roams to.

Windows Server Remote Desktop Services

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) in Windows Server 2008 is the new name for Terminal Services. RDS is a centralized desktop and application platform solution that uses presentation and desktop virtualization technologies.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook is supported for running on Windows Server 2008 orWindows Server 2008 R2 of Remote Desktop Services. When users run an application on Remote Desktop Services, the application execution occurs on the server. Only keyboard, mouse, and display information are transmitted over the network. Users see only their own individual sessions, which are managed transparently by the server operating system and remain independent of any other client session.

For more information, see Remote Desktop Services.

Citrix XenApp

Deploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Citrix XenApp 6 instructions are available on the Microsoft Download Center at White Paper: Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook Compatibility with Citrix XenApp 6.