Release approved purchase requisition (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Procurement and sourcing > Common > Purchase requisitions > Release approved purchase requisitions.

Use this form to review approved purchase requisition lines that have been held for manual processing, consolidate eligible requisition lines, and manually convert the approved purchase requisitions to purchase orders.

Tasks that use this form

Create purchase orders manually from purchase requisitions

Key tasks: Consolidate purchase requisitions

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Review approved purchase requisition lines, consolidate eligible purchase requisition lines, and generate purchase orders from requisition lines. You can also export the purchase requisition list to Microsoft Excel or view documents that are attached to a selected purchase requisition.




Purchase order

Manually create a purchase order for approved purchase requisitions, a consolidation opportunity, or for individual purchase requisition lines that have been consolidated. This action changes the purchase requisition line status to Closed and removes the purchase requisition from the list page.

Consolidation opportunities

Opens the Purchase requisition consolidation form, where you can create a new consolidation opportunity, add selected requisition lines to an existing consolidation opportunity, or modify an existing consolidation opportunity.

Purchase requisitions

Open the Purchase requisitions form to view the details for a selected purchase requisition.


View on-hand inventory for the item in the selected purchase requisition line.




Consolidation status

Displays the consolidation status for purchase requisition lines. Values include:

  • None – The purchase requisition line is not eligible for demand consolidation.

  • Pending consolidation – The purchase requisition line has been added to a consolidation opportunity, but the consolidation opportunity has not been processed yet.

  • Consolidated – The purchase requisition line has been added to a consolidation opportunity and the consolidation opportunity has been processed and closed.


The currency that the line item was originally requested in.

Net amount

The total price for the line item. The net amount is calculated by using the following calculation. (Quantity * unit price / price unit) + charges – discounts).


The procurement category that item on the purchase requisition line is assigned to.


The unit of measure that is assigned to the item on the purchase requisition line.

Requested date

The delivery date that was requested for the line item in the purchase requisition.

Accounting date

The date that is used to record the accounting entry in the general ledger and to validate budget funds available.

Buying legal entity

The name of the organization that enters into a contract with the vendor, and incurs the cost of the product once it is purchased. This is usually the legal entity in which the requester is employed. Requesters can also be granted permission to request products for other legal entities.

Receiving operating unit

The name of the organization’s operating unit, such as the department or cost center, that is receiving the product. This is usually the operating unit that the requester holds a position in. Requesters can also be granted permission to request products for other operating units. Usually, the operating unit is used as a cost accumulator on accounting distributions to measure operational performance.


Displays the source of the selected product on the purchase requisition line. Values include:

  • Internal catalog item – A product in a procurement catalog that can be requested by using a purchase requisition.

  • External catalog item – A product that is selected from a vendor catalog. External catalog items can only be added to a purchase requisition using the procurement site in Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The product must be selected from the vendor’s catalog and added to the shopping cart on the procurement site.

  • Non catalog item – A product that is identified by description and by procurement category when you cannot find the appropriate item in the applicable procurement.

See also

Purchase requisition consolidation (form)

Purchase order creation and demand consolidation rule (form)

About demand consolidation

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