Estimate cost (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use this form to review the estimated cost allocation percentage for a co-product with a cost allocation method of TCA. This feature lets you view the expected cost allocation. This can then be compared with the actual cost allocation after the production order is ended. You can also view the cost price for each co-product in the formula.


To use the TCA (Total Cost Allocation) method with a co-product, the Total cost allocation check box for the related formula version in the Formula form must be selected.

Open the form

  1. Click Inventory and warehouse management > Common > Formula.

  2. Select the formula item and then click Co-products. The Co-products form is displayed.

  3. Click Estimate cost.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View information about the formula version size, cost price, cost allocation percentage, and estimated cost percentage for the finished product.

Co-product cost

View information about the co-product cost price, cost allocation percentage, and estimated cost percentage.




Allocate cost percentages

Click this button to perform the TCA calculation for the co-products.





Item number

The identification for the finished product associated with the selected formula version.

Product name

The product name for the finished product.


Production type

The production type for the formula item, which identifies whether the item is a Planning item or Formula item.


The identification for the formula.

Formula size

The size of the formula that is that is required to produce a certain quantity of an end item. For example, if chemicals are being mixed in a vessel, the formula would be maintained based on the vessel size. This size is what is represented by formula size.

(Formula version)


The unit of measure for the formula item.

CW size

The formula size of the finished product if it is a catch weight item.

(Formula version)

CW unit

The catch weight unit of measure.

(Formula version)

Cost price

The cost price for the formula item.

(Formula version)

Cost allocation percent

The cost allocation percentage for the formula item.

Estimated cost percentage

The estimated cost percentage for the formula item.


Item number

The identification for the co-product.


Production type

The production type for the co-product.

CW quantity

The co-product quantity expected to be produced in catch weight units.

(Co product)

CW unit

The catch weight unit of measure for the co-product.


The number of units expected to be produced of the co-product. For a catch weight item, the displayed value is based on the conversion of the catch weight unit to the inventory unit. You cannot change this value.



The unit in which the Quantity of the co-product is expressed.

Per series

The number of units of finished product that are expected to be produced.


Cost price

The cost price for the co-product.

Cost allocation

The cost allocation method for the co-product. The method will always display TCA for all co-products that are attached to a version that has TCA marked.


Cost allocation percent

The cost allocation percent that is entered manually in the Co-products form. This is usually not needed if cost prices for the co-products are entered and the calculation method is set to TCA. However, if the calculation method is set to a different value, then the cost allocation percent is used to allocate costs among different co-products.

Estimate cost percent

The estimated cost allocation percent for each co-product that was calculated after you clicked the Cost percentages button. The calculation takes the weighted average of the costs and quantity of all co-products to be produced and assigns a factor to each co-product. The total production is then allocated to each co-product based on this factor.

See also

Co-products (form)

Formula (form)

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