Batch order (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Production control > Common > Production orders > All production orders. Double-click an existing production order. To create a batch order, on the Production order tab, on the Action Pane, in the New group, click Batch order.


For a batch order, the production type is always Process. To locate batch orders, use the Filter option at the top of the form and enter Process for the Type to filter.

Use this form to create and manage new batch orders. Batch orders are requests to start manufacturing an item. All information associated with the item to be produced is contained in the batch order. This includes information from the formula to be produced, operations resources, routes, and operations.

Ingredients are described with item numbers and consumption, and with a range of other data that is used for processing in the production system.

When you create a batch order for a selected item, a copy of the formula for that item from base data is automatically placed in the production formula. If the item does not have a formula, and no formula number is assigned when the batch order is created, the batch order will still be created but it will be blank.

You can edit, insert, or delete lines without it affecting related formulas in the base data. You can also copy other formulas into a production batch order. Changes can be made to the batch order at any point in the production sequence up to and including the status Start. However, after production is started, changes can no longer be made.


If you make changes that affect cost estimation or job scheduling, you will have to run Estimation, Operations scheduling or Job scheduling, or a combination, again before you continue.

Tasks that use this form

Create a batch order

Add a formula line to a batch order

Change a formula line in a batch order

Create a rework batch order

Create a split batch order

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Production order

Perform tasks associated with creating and managing batch orders.


Schedule operations and jobs for batch orders.


Perform various inquiries and functions pertaining to batch orders.





Create a batch order, or select or edit information about existing batch orders.


View or modify general identification and production information, status, scheduling dates and production pool groupings for the selected batch orders.


Define the criteria you want to use to process the production order. These include the date that the formula becomes effective, the route number on which the production is based, production scheduling information, the method for posting the order to the ledger, and the measurement factors of the item being produced.


View information for the batch order which relates to other modules, such as the item reference production type, the reference number and lot, and the reference level. This tab also identifies the identification for the master plan.


The updates for the active batch order.


When the multisite functionality is activated, you can filter batch orders by site. Select the check box, and then select a site in the list to display batch orders for the site on the Overview tab. If you do not select to filter by site, all batch orders are displayed regardless of site.


The Filter tab is available when you activate the multisite functionality.

Inventory dimensions

View dimensions for the production item.

Financial dimensions

View information about financial dimensions, such as the default dimensions and where the dimensions are used in account structures and advanced rule structures.




Formula lines

Open the Formula lines, batch form, where you can create or update the formula for the item being produced.


Open the Production route form, where you can create or update production routes for the item being produced.


Open the Jobs, Production form, where you can monitor jobs that are associated with production.


To view fields that display application-generated information about production jobs, see the General and Scheduling tabs in this form.

Batch order

Open the Create batch form to set up a new batch order for production.

Rework order

Open the Create production order form to modify details to rework the order. To rework a batch order, the Rework batch field must be selected.


Run an estimate of how much it will consume in material and capacity costs. If you do not run cost estimation, the system calculates it automatically before continuing to the next step.


Release batch orders that are ready for the shop floor.


Send batch orders into production on the shop floor.

Report as finished

Report all or part of a production as finished.


Send batch orders into production on the shop floor.


Open the Log form to view related master schedules and forecast schedules, and their aggregated results.


Access functions that are required to update the status of a batch order. These functions follow the sequential flow in the production life cycle of the batch order as described here.


If you require electronic signatures, a Signature form is automatically displayed during the batch order Release and Report as finished updates, respectively. You must be authorized to sign this form, and your signature must be successfully executed for the changes to be committed. If your signature is not authenticated then these functions are denied and the changes get rejected.

  • Estimation – Estimate the material and capacity costs in the production process. If you do not run cost estimation, the system calculates it before continuing to the next step.

  • Operations scheduling – Create and run an operations schedule. You often use this type of scheduling to obtain an estimate of the duration of the production process.

  • Job scheduling – Create and run a job schedule. Job scheduling provides a detailed schedule of current capacity.

  • Release – Release batch orders that are ready for the shop floor.

  • Start – Send batch orders to production on the shop floor.

  • Reported as finished – Report all or part of a production as finished.

  • End – Finish batch orders and assign Ended status to them.

  • Price calculation – Calculate costs for material and time consumption.

  • Split – Split a batch order into two or more orders. The maximum quantity you can split is the quantity that is not in production.

  • Reset status – Reset the status of a batch order.

  • Log – Sort batch orders by their stage in the production life cycle.

  • Batch balancing – Open the Batch balancing form, where you can view a list of raw material lines in a batch order and adjust the batch formula quantities based on the potency of the active ingredient.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Price calculation - View calculated costs for material and time consumption.

  • Route transactions - View information for related route transactions, such as transaction dates, vouchers, and costs.

  • Indirect cost transactions - Analyze indirect cost transactions.

  • Reference list - View the relationship between related productions and subproductions.

  • Capacity reservations - Check or reserve capacity for a related work center or work center group.

  • Net requirements - View details of planned orders and projected inventory levels that are generated for an item by master scheduling or forecast scheduling.

  • Explosion - View the requirements' explosion for the batch order.

  • Production posting - View a list of posted batch orders.

  • Committed cost - View committed costs for the batch order. These costs are the costs of items that are fixed for purchase from the vendor.

  • Non conformances - Create or view details about a related nonconformance item.

  • Quality orders - Create or view details about a related quality order.

  • Open MSDS Document - Open the MSDS documents form to view and maintain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS documents) for the item. MSDS documents are used in regulatory materials compliance and reporting. If an MSDS document does not exist for the item, this selection is not available.


Open a submenu of journal types, and then select a journal to report activity for the batch order.

For example, you can report material and time consumption, co/by products, and production reported as finished. Because journal postings also involve ledger postings, journals are directly linked to the ledger system.


Open a submenu that contains the following commands, which you can use to view and manage information related to producing a batch order:

  • Transactions - View inventory transactions for the active item.

  • On-hand - View on-hand inventory for the active item, by dimension.

  • Lot - Query receipt and issue transactions for the specified lot number.

  • Trace - Track inventory dimensions.

  • Reservation - Reserve inventory on hand.

  • Marking - Mark lots for the active batch order.

  • Registration - Register inventory receipts.

  • Pick – Register, view, and pick inventory issues.

  • Output orders - Create or view information for output batch orders.

  • Dimensions display - Select the inventory dimensions for output batch orders.

  • Multi dimension on-hand - View multidimension on-hand inventory for the selected container unit and the inventory unit.

  • Reset shelf life dates - Open the Batch form, where you can view and maintain dates that determine the shelf life of the active item.


A graphical view of the batch order in a Gantt chart. The batch orders are grouped on the chart by work centers.


If the Gantt button is not active, make sure that the scheduling status is not set to Operations scheduling on the General tab.

Co/By products

Open the Co/By products, Batch form to create or update a co-product or by-product for the item being produced.

Reset status

Update the production status of the selected batch orders.


Update inventory dimensions and pick or update item issues from the lot.

Order details

Open a submenu and select one of the following options:

  • Formula ─ Open the Formula lines-Batch form to create or update a batch formula line.

  • Co-products ─ Open the Co-products batch form to view or update a co-product batch formula line.

  • Cost ─ Open the Co-product cost allocation form to

  • Route ─ Open the Production route form to

  • All jobs ─ Open the Jobs form to view all jobs associated to the batch order.

Consolidated batch order

Open a submenu and select one of the following options:

  • Consolidated on-hand ─ Open the Consolidated on-hand form to view consolidated on-hand inventory for the bulk and packed item

  • Add to ─ Open the Consolidated batch orders form to add a Bulk order or Packed order to the consolidated batch order.

  • Remove from ─ Open the Consolidated batch orders form to remove a Bulk order or Packed order from the consolidated batch order.

  • Update consolidated batch order ─ Update information for the selected Bulk order or Packed order.

Schedule operations

Schedule operations for the selected batch order.

Schedule jobs

Schedule jobs for the selected batch order.

Locked for rescheduling

Toggles the reschedule lock for the selected batch order.


Open a submenu and select the dimensions to display. For more information see About inventory dimensions and dimension groups.

Multi-dimension on-hand

View multi-dimension on-hand inventory records for the batch order.

Net requirements

View the net requirement profile for the item.


View details for how the current transaction is exploded in the master plan.

Multilevel pegging

View upstream and downstream multi-level pegging.


Select from a group of journal options to view specific details for the batch order, or select All to view a complete list of journals and journal lines for the batch order.

Manage quality

Open the Non-conformance form or Quality order form to view any compliance-related details about the batch order.

Related information

View various types of information for the batch order, which include the following:

  • Estimation and cost for the production

  • Indirect costs

  • Any capacity reservations related to the current transaction

  • A list of posted route transactions

  • A list of transactions posted in production


View the Product safety data sheet if one is required for the batch order item for compliance purposes.




Batch order

The identification for the batch order. This is a unique identification of the consolidated batch order. When new the orders are created, the number is either allocated automatically or entered manually.

Item number

The identification for the item to be produced. You define the item at production set up. This field cannot be changed.


The name for the item being produced in the batch order.


The status of the batch order in the overall production cycle. The production status is updated every time that an update or scheduling is run. The typical life cycle of the order starts when the order is first created. The order is automatically assigned the Created status at this point.

Status updates for subsequent phases include the following: Estimated, Planned, Released, Started, Reported as finished, and Ended.

Scheduling status

The scheduling status of the batch order. The values are Operations scheduling and Job scheduling.


To use the Gantt button, the scheduling status must be set to Operations scheduling, which is the less detailed of the two scheduling status types.

Remain status

The remaining status of the batch order.

Quality order status

The current status of the quality order associated with the batch order. The status values are None, Open quality order, and Closed quality order.


Let’s say that the quality order is closed before Inventory registration or Report as finished (RAF), and the quality order is set up to update inventory batch attributes. Then any inventory batches that are created or updated from the related batch order receipts during registration or RAF are updated by using the attribute values from the quality order. If attribute values already exist for a batch, a message is displayed that prompts a decision whether to continue with the update.

Type (Production)

The production type, which is Process. The production type is automatically assigned to the batch order.

CW quantity

Enter or view the scheduled production quantity in the catch weight unit.

CW unit

The catch weight unit of measure. The value in this field is always expressed as a whole number.


View or enter the batch size, which is the scheduled production quantity.


View or enter the desired delivery or finish date for the batch order. If a batch order is created directly from a sales order, the delivery date is automatically back dated to the ship date of the order line.


View or enter the time at which the batch order will be delivered.


The color that is used in the Gantt chart if it is defined in the color setup.

Rework batch

If selected, the batch order is a rework batch order. You create a rework batch order to reprocess a previously finished formula item, for example to enhance its quality or to address a product flaw. You can rework a formula item only if the originating batch order is at or beyond the status of Reported as finished.


View or select the production pool assigned to the batch order. Process manufacturing uses production pools to group batches with similar characteristics, such as the type of item to be produced or the person who created the batch order.

Production group

Select or view the production group for the production. You use production groups to control posting of item consumption, items in process, work center consumption, and work centers in process. You can also use them as a reporting parameter when generating reports.


If you plan to use production groups without any accounting consequences, you should use production pools instead.

Start date

The scheduled start date for the batch order.

End date

The scheduled end date for the batch order.

Start time

The scheduled start time for the batch order.

End time

The scheduled end time for the batch order.

Formula date

The formula date, which controls the formula version that is active for the item when the batch order is created. You can define which lines are to be copied from the current formula version through this date.

Formula number

The identifier for the formula used as the basis for the batch order. There may be several versions of a formula item, but for each batch order there is only one current formula used as the basis for the batch order.


Select or view how the formula line items should be reserved. The reservation options are Automatic and Manual.

The initial reservation is made at the time the batch order is cost estimated. After the initial reservation, the value is proposed on the formula lines, which you can either accept or change for each line item.


If you create a rework batch order, automatic reservation is not available. You must manually reserve the quantity specified in the rework batch order.


The yield percentage of formula lines.


If selected, the batch order is locked for rescheduling.


View or enter the batch order priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority.

Route number

The identification for the route used in the batch order.


The latest date on which the start of the batch order occurred.

Check route

If selected, the route of the batch order is tested.


The field can be corrected for productions if the Status is lower than Reported as finished.

The following options exist:

  • Item+Resource ─ The posting of item consumption is as specified is as specified in the Item group form. Operations resource consumption posting is based on the value in the Resources form and the Work center groups form.

  • Item+Category ─ The posting of item consumption is as specified in the Item group form. Operations resource consumption posting is based on the value in the Cost categories form

  • Item+Category, Production groups ─ Item consumption and operations resource consumption are posted exclusively by the value in the Production groups form.

Items in progress (IIP)

Items in progress can consist of two sets of accounts: one for outbound items, called a picking list, and one for inbound items, called reporting-as-finished. When you post an item in process, the following changes occur:

  • The item consumption is credited to the new account in the picking list, and a similar debit is made in the picking list's offset account.

  • The item receipt is debited from the new account for reporting-as-finished, and a similar credit is made in the reporting-as-finished offset account.

Work in progress (WIP)

When you post work in process, the operations resource consumption is credited in the new account for WIP issues, and the credit is offset in WIP inventory. When a production is cost accounted, the WIP issue and offset posting is settled and carried over to the created cost accounting accounts. Upon cost accounting, the item consumption is credited according to posting settings and you offset in the account setup for the finished item produced. The operations resource consumption is similarly credited according to the posting settings for issues and offset according to posting settings. A production's posting setup depends on the method selected, and depending on the method, the account settings can be found in the following forms: Resources form, Work center groups form, Production groups form, Cost categories form, and the Item group form.

The posting process is illustrated in the following example:

  1. For each delivery, posting occurs through the posting setup, and therefore you can post delivered items separately. These are then also items in process (IIP). The item consumption value is the on-hand inventory's average cost price. If the on-hand inventory's quantity or value is equal to or less than zero, the consumption is set to the standard cost price. The cost price specified for the item. If you indicated for the item that the standard cost price must always be used, the item consumption is valued at the standard cost price. For more information, see the Fixed receipt price field in the Item model groups form.

  2. Every time that operations resource consumption is registered, WIP is posted through the posting setup.

  3. Another material consumption posting; see 1.

  4. Another operations resource consumption posting; see 2.

  5. For each reporting-as-finished, posting occurs again through the posting setup, and therefore you can post separately the value of items reported as finished. This is also IIP. The item's value is the standard cost price for the item. See the Fixed receipt price field in the Item model groups form.

  6. Another reporting-as-finished.

  7. Cost accounting.

  8. IIP, that is, the picking list is settled.

  9. IIP, that is, reporting-as-finished is settled.

  10. The issue is posted and offset in the offset account for issues.

  11. WIP is settled.

  12. The operations resource consumption is posted and offset in the offset account for operations resources.

  13. The sum of operations resource consumption and item consumption represents the value of the finished production. Therefore, the receipt is equal to the sum of the issue + the sum of the operations resource consumption.

In practice, the production does not have to be registered in different accounts, which simplifies the chart of accounts. You can control this by specifying the same account for several purposes, for example the item group. See the Item group form.

After the production has been cost accounted, you can post transactions with the closing of the inventory. See the Closing and adjustment form.

Select how the consolidated order is to be posted in the ledger, for both items and work in process, in addition to the costing of the consolidated batch order.


Select or view the profit setting that has been used, or that will most likely be used, to calculate a sales price for the batch order. The price is calculated during estimating and cost accounting.

Co-product variations

If selected, the formula line item allows for variations in co-products and by-products before you report the batch order as finished. You can add new co-products or by-products, and you can change the good quantities of any that are already included. If this check box is not selected, only the co-products and by-products defined in the original formula version, and any with zero quantities, are available.


If you select Co-product variations when you add an item in the Formula form, it is automatically selected in the Batch order form. You can change the setting in this field by either selecting the check box or clearing it.

Total Cost Allocation

If selected, the cost allocation calculation is dynamic based on the quantity reported as finished using dollarized weighting. This eliminates the requirement to review cost allocations for every batch. For more information, see About the methodology for total cost allocation.

Reference type

The reference type, which is determined based on the purpose of the batch order. If the batch order is:

  • Created to an order line, the sales order is displayed.

  • Created for a purchase or a project, the purchase order or project is displayed.

  • A reference to another batch order, the process is displayed.

Reference number

The number of the sales order, purchase order, or batch from which the batch order is derived. If there are no connections, the field is blank. You cannot change this field.

Reference lot

The numbers of the reference lot and the item lot to which the batch order belongs. The item to be produced goes into inventory and from there into the lot that is specified in this field. It is not relevant that the item does not physically reach the inventory.

Original production

The original production batch order upon which the current split batch order is based.

Reference production

If the batch order is part of a main batch, the identifier for the main batch order is displayed. Otherwise the batch order identifier appears. This field works together with the Reference level field.

Reference level

The level of the batch order in the batch hierarchy if this batch order is part of a main batch. This field works together with the Reference production field.

When the selected batch is part of a main batch, the batch level as it relates to the main batch displays in the Reference level field. For example, if the level of the main batch is 0, the derived batches are at level 1, and the batches derived from them are at level 2. If no references to other batches exist, the value is 0. The references to subordinate levels are estimated. Therefore any change to a batch can affect the other batch references. Subordinate levels indicate derived batches, which means that their level numbers are higher than that of the current batch.

Master plan

The identification for the master plan.


This field, together with the Master plan field, contains the reference system for the master scheduling proposal.

If the production was derived from the Item requirement statistics form, the field will contain the number of the planned order that generated the production. If the field is blank, no reference exists for the planned order. The field cannot be edited.

Created date and time

The date and time that the record was created.


The latest date on which the batch order was estimated.


The latest date on which the batch order was scheduled.


The latest date on which the batch order was started in production.

Reported as finished

The date on which the batch order was reported as finished.


The date on which the batch order was updated to End status.

CW unit

The catch weight unit of measure if the item is catch weight.


The quantity for each stage in the production process. Each quantity relates to its corresponding Posting field, which are Estimated, Scheduled, Started, Reported as finished, and Ended.

CW quantity

The catch weight quantity for each stage in the production process. Each quantity relates to its corresponding Posting field, which are Estimated, Scheduled, Started, Reported as finished, and Ended.


The scheduling direction last used.

Scheduling date

The scheduling date last used.

Scheduling time

The scheduling time last used.

Report remainder as finished

The quantity remaining to be reported as finished.

CW report remainder as finished

The catch weight quantity remaining to be reported as finished.


The type of container if the active item's configuration is set to Container.


The identifier of the site for the active item.


The status of the batch order in the overall production cycle. The production status is updated every time an update or schedule is run. The typical life cycle of a batch order begins when the first batch order is created in production. The status of the batch order created is Created.

The following are the status updates that are available for subsequent phases of the production cycle:

  • Estimated

  • Scheduled

  • Planned

  • Released

  • Started

  • Reported as finished

  • End


Select or view the code for the item characteristics that were created in the Properties form.

Lot ID

The identifier for the lot to which the production is attached.

Dimension No.

The scheduling direction that was last used.


Select this check box, to select the site location to filter the information by site.


Select or view the department for the batch order. If dimensions for the batch order exist then they are transferred to the route. However, if the batch order dimension fields are left blank, the default dimensions from the work center is used.


Select or view the purpose for the batch order. If dimensions for the batch order exist, they are transferred to the route. However, if the batch order dimension fields are left blank, the default dimensions from the work center are used.


The size of the active item.


The color of the active item.


Select or view the warehouse where the active item is currently stored.

Batch number

Select or view the batch number dimension.


The location inside the warehouse where the active item is currently stored.

Pallet ID

The unique identification code for the selected pallet.

Serial number

Select or view the serial number dimension.

See also

Consolidated batch orders (form)

Consolidated on-hand (form)

Create batch (form)

Create production order (form)

Inventory transactions (form)

Item requirement statistics (form)

Log (form)

Lot (form)

Marking (form)

Nonconformance (form)

On-hand inventory (form)

Quality orders (form)

Reservation (form)

Trace inventory dimensions (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).