Batch order overview (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Production control > Inquiries > Batch > Batch order overview.

Use this form to view the status of a production batch. You can also view details for finished items, the attached formula and routes, and any jobs associated with the batch. If you want to view only certain batches, use the Criteria pane. You can view batches by batch type, current status, remaining status, or production pool. To save your criteria so that it appears every time, you open the Batch order overview, select Lock before you close the form.

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.





View the status of batch jobs and finished items for production.


View any connections that the selected batch has to other modules.


View items that are consumed by the selected batch. The item numbers must be located in the Item form to view them.


View information for the route. This includes the related operation, assigned work center or work center group, and scheduled dates and times.


View a list of jobs in the selected batch, sorted by operation number.


View any co-products or by-products that are associated with the selected batch.





Use this button to display details about the batch order, formula lines, production route, and jobs for the selected batch order. The form that is displayed when you click Details is different depending on the Tab view that is currently displayed in the Batch order overview form.

  • From the Batch and Reference tabs, the Batch order form is displayed.

  • From the Formula tab, the Formula lines form is displayed.

  • From the Route tab, the Production route form is displayed.

  • From the Jobs tab, the Jobs form is displayed.





If you use any Criteria fields to confine your inquiry to certain batch orders, and if you then want to save your criteria, select Lock before you close the form.



To inquire by batch type, select a value in the Type field. To save the criteria, select the corresponding Lock check box before you close the inquiry.



To inquire by batch status, select a value in the Status field. To save the criteria, select the corresponding Lock check box before you close the inquiry.


Remain status

To inquire by what is the remaining status, select a value in the Remain status field. To save the criteria, select the corresponding Lock check box before you close the inquiry.


Production pool

To inquire by production pool, select a value in the Production pool field. To save the criteria, select the corresponding Lock check box before you close the inquiry.


The identification that is assigned to the batch. When new batch orders are created, the identifier is generated. However, you can also enter the batch identifier manually.

Item number

The identification for the item to be produced in the batch.

CW quantity

The scheduled production quantity in catch weight units.


The scheduled quantity of the production batch.

CW quantity started

The quantity of the catch weight at the start of production.


The quantity at the start of production.

CW good qty

The good quantity in catch weight units to be reported as finished.

Report as finished

If selected, the operation is finished. If the operation is reported as finished, you get a warning if you try to record a quantity or time for the operation.

Start date

The scheduled date to start the operation. The start date is calculated together with operations scheduling or jobs scheduling.

End date

The scheduled end date for the production route operation. The end date is calculated together with operations scheduling or jobs scheduling.


The status of the batch order in the overall production cycle. Every time that an update or scheduling is run on a batch order, the production status is updated. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 updates the production status every time that an update or scheduling is run on a batch order.


The typical life cycle of a batch order starts when the first order is created in production, at which time the status Created is assigned. Status updates for subsequent phases include the following: Estimated, Planned, Released, Started, Reported as finished, and Ended.


The name of the batch item.


The type of source item that is related to this batch. The values are as follows:

  • Sales order – the batch is attached to a specific sales order.

  • Purchase order – the batch is attached to a specific purchase order.

  • Batch – the batch is related to another batch.


The number of the planned order that generated the batch, if the batch was derived from the Item requirement statistics form. If the field is blank, no reference exists for the planned order.


Enter or view the desired delivery or finish date for the batch. You can use the delivery date in the production's operations or job scheduling, where the scheduling can be selected backward from the delivery date.

If you perform operations scheduling or job scheduling for a batch order that has automatic creation of underproductions defined in the formula, the delivery date is affected. The delivery date for the underproduction is set to the date when the items must be used in the production. The underproduction will then have operations scheduled backward from the delivery date.


If a batch is created directly from a sales order, the delivery date is transferred back to the ship date of the order line.

CW unit

The unit in which the consumption of catch weight is expressed.


The unit in which consumption is expressed.

CW estimated

The quantity of the catch weight that is used as the basis for cost estimating. This quantity can differ from the quantity of the catch weight that is planned, started, or reported as finished.


The latest date on which the production order was estimated.

CW remaining

The quantity that remains to be released to production specified in the catch weight unit. The remaining quantity is released when you post the production picking list journal. Creating and posting a picking list journal can be done manually or automatically when you start the production or reporting the production as finished.

Remaining quantity

The consumption that must be released to production in the formula unit with regard to the estimated quantity. Estimated release occurs for start or reporting as finished by using a release journal.

CW started

The amount that is released to the batch in catch weight units.


The latest date on which the start of the production order occurred.

CW released

The quantity that is released to production in catch weight units.

Released quantity

The consumption that is released to the production in the formula unit, but has not yet been included in the cost accounting.

Raw material date

The planned date for the material consumption.

Remain status

Indicates what remains to be done for a formula line. The values are as follows:

  • Material consumption – Materials remain to be delivered to production relative to the cost-estimated consumption for a specific formula line.

  • Route consumption – Operation quantities and hours have yet to be reported for the route that is attached to the batch.

  • Report as finished – The quantity that has been reported as finished.

  • Ended – The batch order remains to be ended. All materials have been delivered for a specific formula line.


Oper No.

The operation number for the route. This number defines the sequence for the operation that the production process follows.


The operation number that indicates the priority of the batch. The higher the number, the higher the priority. Priority is used when you may want to control simultaneous operations. Simultaneous operations are characterized by the fact that they appropriate several work centers at the same time, for example, a machine and a tool. This is accomplished by giving the same Oper. No. to all operations that must be executed at the same time.

The priority determines which operation is the primary one. The primary operation should be the operation that loads the work center that is regarded as the bottleneck for simultaneous operations. A bottleneck work center is not defined in any special way in the system, because individual routes and productions determine which work centers form the bottleneck. Thus a work center regarded as a bottleneck on one route, and therefore defined as primary for simultaneous operations on that route, can be secondary on another route. If the operation is not primary, the times derived from the primary operation are used to schedule the secondary operation. Therefore you do not have to specify times for secondary operations. If there are no parallel operations for an Oper. No, the operation is created by using priority primary.


The identifier or the name of the production route operation.


Operations with the same Oper. No. that use the same work center are not permitted, and you cannot use an operation in the same route more than one time. You maintain operations in the Operations form.


The identification for the resource that is used for the route.

Resource type

The name of the resource that is used for the route. The resource types include the following: Machine, Vendor, Human Resources, Tool, and Location.

Good quantity

The number of approved items reported as finished when you post the journal.

Error quantity

The number of defective items reported as finished when you post the journal.


The number of consumed hours for the job type process or setter. The number is calculated if you entered starting time and ending time, and if the working time was defined for the current calendar.

Reported as finished

If selected, the operation is finished. If you try to record a quantity or time after reporting the operation as finished, you will receive a warning.


Oper. No.

The operation number for the job.

Task type

The type of task to be performed to complete the job. The values are as follows:

  • Queue before – Waiting time before the operation can be started.

  • Setup – Fixed time used for clearing a work center before the operation is started.

  • Process – Time used for the execution of the operation.

  • Overlap – Operation is started before previous operation is ended.

  • Transport – Time that it takes to transfer the items to the next location, which can be the next work center, the production route, or stock.

  • Queue after – Time the items must wait after the operation is finished before the next operation can start.

Start time

The scheduled start time for the job. The start time is calculated in connection with operations scheduling or jobs scheduling.

End time

The scheduled end time for the job. The end time is calculated in connection with operations scheduling or jobs scheduling.


The hours worked on the operation as input by using the job card.

Job status

The type of work to be performed to complete the job. The values are as follows:

  • Coming – Job has not started.

  • Waiting – Job is waiting to start.

  • Stopped – Job has stopped.

  • Started – Job has restarted.

  • Ended – Operation or production has been reported as finished. You can change the job status to Ended using the job journal, route journal, or reporting-as-finished.

See also

Batch order (form)

Formula line (form)

Item requirement statistics (form)

Job (form)

Operations (form)

Production route (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).