VBA functions in MDX and DAX
This document contains a crossed reference of all VBA functions available in Visual Basic for Applications Functions that are supported in MDX. The list includes notes when there is functional equivalence with the DAX language.
Function Name | Supported | Notes |
Abs | DAX, MDX | |
Array | Not supported | |
Asc | MDX only | |
AscW | MDX only | |
Atn | MDX only | |
CallByName | Not supported | |
CBool | MDX only | |
CByte | MDX only | |
CCur | MDX only | |
CDate | MDX only | |
CDbl | MDX only | |
CDec | MDX only | |
Choose | MDX only | |
Chr | MDX only | |
CInt | MDX only | |
CLng | MDX only | |
CLngLng | Not supported | |
CLngPtr | Not supported | |
Command | Not supported | |
Cos | MDX only | |
CreateObject | Not supported | |
CSng | MDX only | |
CStr | MDX only | |
CurDir | Not supported | |
CVar | MDX only | |
CVErr | Not supported | |
Date | MDX only | Warning DAX implements a different function with the same name; the DATE(Year, Month, Day) function, used to generate a date type value from the given arguments |
DateAdd | MDX only | Warning DAX implements a different function with the same name; the DATEADD (<dates>,<number_of_intervals>,<interval>) function, used to shift the given dates by a number of given intervals |
DateDiff | MDX only | |
DatePart | MDX only | |
DateSerial | MDX only | |
DateValue | DAX, MDX | |
Day | DAX, MDX | |
DDB | MDX only | |
Dir | Not supported | |
DoEvents | Not supported | |
Environ | Not supported | |
EOF | Not supported | |
Error | Not supported | |
Exp | DAX, MDX | |
FileAttr | Not supported | |
FileDateTime | Not supported | |
FileLen | Not supported | |
Filter | Not supported | Warning MDX implements a different function with the same name; the FILTER(Set_Expression, Logical_Expression) function returns the set that results from filtering a specified set based on a search condition from the given arguments Warning DAX implements a different function with the same name; the FILTER (<table>,<filter>) function Returns a table that represents a subset of another table or expression from the given arguments |
Fix | MDX only | |
Format (Visual Basic for Applications) | DAX, MDX | |
FormatCurrency | Not supported | |
FormatDateTime | Not supported | |
FormatNumber | Not supported | |
FormatPercent | Not supported | |
FreeFile | Not supported | |
FV | MDX only | |
GetAllSettings | Not supported | |
GetAttr | Not supported | |
GetObject | Not supported | |
GetSetting | Not supported | |
Hex | MDX only | |
Hour | DAX, MDX | |
Iif | MDX only | Warning DAX implements a similar function with the name: IF (logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) function. |
IMEStatus | Not supported | |
Input | Not supported | |
InputBox | Not supported | |
InStr | MDX only | |
InStrRev | Not supported | |
Int | DAX, MDX | |
IPmt | MDX only | |
IRR | MDX only | |
IsArray | MDX only | |
IsDateMDX only | ||
IsEmpty | MDX only | |
IsError | DAX, MDX | |
IsMissing | MDX only | |
IsNull | MDX only | |
IsNumeric | MDX only | |
IsObject | Not supported | |
Join | Not supported | |
LBound | Not supported | |
LCase | MDX only | |
Left | DAX, MDX | |
Len | DAX, MDX | |
Loc | Not supported | |
LOF | Not supported | |
Log | MDX only | Important DAX implements a different function with the same name; the LOG (number, base) function. Returns the logarithm of a number to the base specified from the given arguments. |
LTrim | MDX only | |
MacID | Not supported | |
MacScript | Not supported | |
Mid | DAX, MDX | |
Minute | DAX, MDX | |
MIRR | MDX only | |
Month | DAX, MDX | |
MonthName | Not supported | |
MsgBox | Not supported | |
Now | DAX, MDX | |
NPer | MDX only | |
NPV | MDX only | |
Oct | MDX only | |
Partition | MDX only | |
Pmt | MDX only | |
PPmt | MDX only | |
PV | MDX only | |
QBColor | MDX only | |
Rate | MDX only | |
Replace | Not supported | |
RGB | MDX only | |
Right | DAX, MDX | |
Rnd | MDX only | |
Round | DAX, MDX | |
RTrim | MDX only | |
Second | DAX, MDX | |
Seek | Not supported | |
Sgn | DAX, MDX | |
Shell | Not supported | |
Sin | MDX only | |
SLN | MDX only | |
Space | MDX only | |
Spc | Not supported | |
Split | Not supported | |
Sqr | MDX only | |
Str | MDX only | |
StrComp | MDX only | |
StrConv | MDX only | |
String | MDX only | |
StrReverse | Not supported | |
Switch | MDX only | |
SYD | MDX only | |
Tab | Not supported | |
Tan | MDX only | |
Time | Not supported | |
Timer | MDX only | |
TimeSerial | MDX only | |
TimeValue | DAX, MDX | |
Trim | DAX, MDX | |
TypeName | MDX only | |
UBound | Not supported | |
UCase | MDX only | |
Val | MDX only | |
VarType | Not supported | |
Weekday | DAX, MDX | |
WeekdayName | Not supported | |
Year | DAX, MDX |