Map Active Directory Domain Services attributes to properties in System Center - Service Manager
Using an Active Directory connector, Service Manager synchronizes data with the User, Group, Computer, and Printer Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) objects. The following tables describe the mapping between the attributes of the Active Directory objects and the corresponding Service Manager class properties.
The following table describes the mapping between the attributes of the Active Directory User object and the Service Manager Microsoft.AD.User class properties.
Active Directory user attribute | Microsoft.AD.User property |
physicaldeliveryofficename | Office |
displayname | displayname |
company | Company |
employeeid | Employeeid |
department | Department |
telephonenumber | BusinessPhone |
homePhone | HomePhone |
facsimileTelephoneNumber | Fax |
mobile | Mobile |
pager | Pager |
givenname | FirstName |
initials | Initials |
sn | LastName |
distinguishedname | Distinguishedname |
title | Title |
manager | manager |
samaccountname | UserName |
l | City |
StreetAddress | StreetAddress |
st | State |
postalCode | Zip |
co | Country |
localeID | Locale |
msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress | SipAddress |
objectSid | SID |
Domain | Domain |
The following table describes the mapping between the attributes of the Active Directory Group object and the Service Manager Microsoft.AD.UserBase class properties.
Active Directory group attribute | Microsoft.AD.UserBase property |
displayname | displayname |
distinguishedname | Distinguishedname |
samaccountname | samaccountname |
objectSid | SID |
Domain | Domain |
The following table describes the mapping between the attributes of the Active Directory PrintQueue object and the Service Manager Microsoft.AD.Printer class properties.
Active Directory printer attribute | Microsoft.AD.Printer property |
uNCName | uNCName |
serverName | serverName |
shortServerName | shortServerName |
printerName | printerName |
printNetworkAddress | printNetworkAddress |
printShareName | printShareName |
isDeleted | isDeleted |
driverName | driverName |
driverVersion | driverVersion |
printMemory | printMemory |
printCollate | printCollate |
printOwner | printOwner |
assetNumber | assetNumber |
managedBy | managedBy |
printDuplexSupported | printDuplexSupported |
printColor | printColor |
printStaplingSupported | printStaplingSupported |
versionNumber | versionNumber |
url | url |
printMediaSupported | printMediaSupported |
printRateUnit | printRateUnit |
printMaxXExtent | printMaxXExtent |
printKeepPrintedJobs | printKeepPrintedJobs |
printRate | printRate |
printMediaReady | printMediaReady |
printPagesPerMinute | printPagesPerMinute |
printMaxResolutionSupported | printMaxResolutionSupported |
printMACAddress | printBinNames |
printMACAddress | printMACAddress |
portName | portName |
physicalLocationObject | physicalLocationObject |
keywords | keywords |
printNotify | printNotify |
wWWHomePage | wWWHomePage |
whenChanged | whenChanged |
modifyTimeStamp | modifyTimeStamp |
location | location |
canonicalName | canonicalName |
displayname | displayname |
cn | Fullname |
distinguishedname | Distinguishedname |
description | description |
The following table describes the mapping between the attributes of the Active Directory Computer object and the Service Manager Microsoft.Windows.Computer class properties.
Active Directory computer attribute | Microsoft.Windows.Computer property |
msDS-SiteName | ActiveDirectorySite |
dNSHostName | DNSName |
ipHostNumber | IPAddress |
networkAddress | NetworkName |
msDS-PrincipalName | PrincipalName |
displayname | displayname |
samaccountname | NetbiosComputerName |
objectSid | ActiveDirectoryObjectSid |
ou | OrganizationalUnit |
Domain | NetbiosDomainName |