Test security settings in Project Server 2010


Applies to: Project Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-11-10

Summary:  The second article in a series of nine articles about how to test a Microsoft Project Server 2010 deployment as an enterprise project management system administrator or solution tester. Use the series as a guide to test the functionality of a newly deployed Project Server 2010 instance. The articles in this series discuss the functionalities that are on the Server Settings page, and some initial tests that you can run to connect and check server communications by using the Project Professional 2010 client application.


  • Configure users

  • Configure groups

  • Configure categories

  • Configure security templates

  • Configure Project Web App permissions

  • Next steps

Configure users

If a user does not exist in the system, you can create the account.

The following test scenario describes the steps that you must take to create new resources or users in Project Server 2010.


You must have security permissions to create a new resource.

Test Step Expected / Desired Results Actual Results (if deviation)

1. Open Microsoft Project Web App.

The Project Web App loads.

2. Click Server Settings.

The Server Settings page appears

3. Click Manage users.

The list of users is displayed.

4. Click the new user button.

The new user page is displayed.

5. Important:

   Select the User can be assigned as a resource check box.

This setting ensures that the resource account is created when the user account is created.

6. Complete the identification information:

  • Display name (required field)

  • E-mail address

  • RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure)

  • Initials

  • Hyperlink name

  • Hyperlink URL

The identification information is completed.

7. Complete the user authentication information.

The authentication information is completed.

8. Complete the assignment attribute information:

  • Check/Uncheck resource can be leveled.

  • Base Calendar

  • Default booking type (example: Can set all resources to default to the proposed booking type.)

  • Timesheet manager; that is, the person who approves timesheets.

The assignment attribute information is completed.

9. Check/Uncheck Synchronize Tasks in Exchange Server Details information.

Synchronizes the project tasks with the resource’s tasks in the Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox.

10. Select the Department. Click the button to select the resource department.

The selected Resource Department appears in the text box.

11. Enter Resource Custom Fields. Select Yes/No on used for placeholder capacity.

The selected custom field appears in the text box.

12. Complete the security groups.

The selected groups appear in the right-hand box.

13. Complete the security categories.

     Make sure that you complete the user permissions for the specific category.

The categories are added to the Categories box together with the related permissions.

14. Complete the Group fields:

  • Group

  • Code

  • Cost Center

  • Cost Type

The group fields are completed.

15. Complete the team details:

  • Team Assignment Pool

  • Team Name

The team details are completed.

Configure groups

When the data is migrated, the existing Project Server groups are created in Project Server 2010.

This test scenario enables the administrator to do the following important tasks:

  • Check that the existing groups are created. (All groups must be checked.)

  • Check what new features have been added to the groups. (Example: New security features.)


You must have security permissions to administer Project Server groups.

Test Step Expected / Desired Results Actual Results (if deviation)

1. Open Project Web App.

The Project Web App loads.

2. Click Server Settings.

The Server Settings page appears

3. Click Manage groups.

The list of groups is displayed.

4. Click a group.

Details about the group display.

5. Check that all the fields for the group are populated.

Confirm that the group information is correct.

6. Check that Group information is correct.

Confirm that the group information is correct.

7. Check that the correct users belong to the group.

Confirm that the users are correct.

8. Check that the correct security categories belong to the group.

Confirm that the security categories are correct.

9. Check that the Global Permissions are correct.


Take note of all the new permissions.
Example: New Section on Time & Task Management.

Confirm that the Global Permissions are correct.

10. Click the Save button.

Changes to the group should be updated to the server. Open the group again to confirm that you are satisfied with the changes.

Configure categories

When the data is migrated, the existing Project Server groups are created in Project Server 2010.

This test scenario enables the administrator to do the following important tasks:

  • Check that the existing categories are created. (All categories must be checked.)

  • Check what new features have been added to the categories. (Example: New security features.)


You must have security permissions to administer project categories.

Test Step Expected / Desired Results Actual Results (if deviation)

1. Open Project Web App.

The Project Web App loads.

2. Click Server Settings.

The Server Settings page appears

3. Click Manage categories.

The list of categories is displayed.

4. Click a category.

Details about the category display.

5. Check that the name and description are correct.

Confirm that the name and description are correct.

6. Check that the users and groups that belong to the category are correct.


'*' indicates that it is a group.

Confirm that the users and groups that belong to this category are correct.

7. Check the projects that belong to the group.

    Take note of any changes in the security permissions for the project.

Confirm that the projects that belong to the category are correct.

8. Check that the resources that belong to the group are correct.

Confirm that the resources that belong to the group are correct.

9. Check the resource security permissions.

    Take note of the new security permissions.

Confirm that the resource security permissions are correct.

10. Check the views that belong to the category.

Confirm on the screen that the PWA Views that belong to the category are correct.

Configure security templates

Use security templates to allocate permission to groups or users. Use the dropdown displays to assign permissions.


You must have security permissions to administer Project Server security templates.

Test Step Expected / Desired Results Actual Results (if deviation)

1. Open Project Web App.

The Project Web App loads.

2. Click Server Settings.

The Server Settings page appears

3. Click Manage security templates.

The list of security templates is displayed.

4. Click a security template.

5. Check that the name and description of the template are correct.

Confirm that the name and description are correct.

6. Check the category permissions.

    Take note of the new permissions.

    Example: Approve Timesheets

Confirm that the category permissions for the security template are correct.

7. Check the global permissions.

    Take note of the new permissions.

    Example: Manage Timesheet and Financial Periods.

Confirm that the global permissions for the security template are correct.

8. Click Save.

Changes are saved to the server.

Configure Project Web App permissions

Project Web App permissions control which global and category permissions are enabled on Project Server. An administrator can use Project Web App permissions to deny service to all Project Server users for a particular feature in Project Professional 2010 or Project Web App. If a Project Web App permission is enabled, the equivalent global or category permission is enabled for users who have those permissions.

For example, if you deny the Delete Project Web App permission, users cannot delete projects, regardless of whether they have the Delete Project category permission.

Test Step Expected / Desired Results Actual Results (if deviation)

1. Open Project Web App.

The Project Web App loads.

2. Click Server Settings.

The Server Settings page appears

3. Click Project Web App Permissions.

The Project Web App Permissions page appears.

4. Confirm that the PWA permissions migrated correctly.

    Take note of the new permissions in the server.

5. Click Save.

Changes are saved to the server.