Predefined SQL view reports


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM) includes several SQL views to help you create custom reports. SQL views provide a simpler method that querying tables directly, by populating columns with data collected from multiple tables in the database. You don’t need -depth knowledge of the entire database or the relationship between tables and keys.

On the other hand SQL views can degrade performance if used too frequently because the view runs each time it’s queries. In addition the supported views might not include all the columns you need.

SQL views

The following table summarizes the predefined SQL views.

View Field Data type Description

Contains the list of computers on which a DPM protection agent from this DPM server is installed.
ServerName String The name of the computer
Vw_DPM_Agents Version String DPM agent version on that computer

List of alerts from last 30 days
Severity Integer



Alert severity
Vw_DPM_Alerts Resolution Integer

0 = Active

1 = Recommended action in progress

2 = Resolved
Alert state
Vw_DPM_Alerts OccurredSince Date and Time First time alert was raised
Vw_DPM_Alerts ResolvedTime Date and Time Time when alert was resolved
Vw_DPM_Alerts Type Integer Alert type

Tapes currently online in DPM owned libraries, as of the last inventory.
UserFriendlyName String Library name
Vw_DPM_CurrentOnlineMedia ImportPoolMediaCount Integer Tapes imported to the DPM server
Vw_DPM_CurrentOnlineMedia FreePoolMediaCount Integer Tapes marked as free or blank
Vw_DPM_CurrentOnlineMedia AdminPoolMediaCount Integer Tapes with active data

Disk usage statistics for replicas in the storage pool.
PhysicalPath String Protected data source name
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ReplicaId GUID Unique identifier for replica
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica PGId GUID Unique identifier for protection group to which the data source belongs
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ProductionServerName String Server on which data source is located
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica DiskAllocated Big Integer Total disk space allocated to data source
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica DiskUsed Big Integer Total disk space used by data source
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica FreeSpace Big Integer DiskAllocated - DiskUsed
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ReplicaAllocated Big Integer Part of DiskAllocated reserved for replica of data source
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ReplicaUsed Big Integer Part of ReplicaAllocated actually in use
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ShadowCopyAllocated Big Integer Part of DiskAllocated reserved for recovery points of data source
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ShadowCopyUsed Big Integer Part of ShadowCopyAllocated actually in use
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica StartDateTime Date and time
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica EndDateTime Date and time
Vw_DPM_Disk_Usage_Replica ScheduleType Integer

0=weekly; 1=monthly; 2=quarterly; 3=yearly

Counts for disk recovery points available for each data source.
DataSourceName String Protected data source name
Vw_DPM_DiskRecoveryPoints PGId GUID Unique identifier for protection group to which data source belongs
Vw_DPM_DiskRecoveryPoints ServerId GUID Unique identifier for server to which data source belongs
Vw_DPM_DiskRecoveryPoints Frequency Integer Number of available recovery points

Historical information about recoveries that took longer than 24 hours.
DataSourceName String The data source that was recovered
Vw_DPM_LongRecoveries TargetServerName String The name of the server to which recovery was done
Vw_DPM_LongRecoveries WriterId GUID Identifies the type of the data source that was recovered
Vw_DPM_LongRecoveries StartTime Date and time The time at which the recovery was started
Vw_DPM_LongRecoveries EndTime Date and time The time at which the recovery ended

Information about state of all tapes known to DPM.
MediaLabel String The label on the tape
Vw_DPM_Media MediaBarcode String The barcode for the tape
Vw_DPM_Media IsOnline Integer Whether the tape is online
Vw_DPM_Media LibraryName String The name of the library in which the tape exists.

NULL if tape is offline
Vw_DPM_Media MediaSlotNumber Integer The slot number in which the tape exists.

NULL if tape is offline

If in a drive, this represents the home slot of the tape (to which the tape returns on a dismount).
Vw_DPM_Media PGName String The name of the protection group in which the tape exists
Vw_DPM_Media MediaExpiryDate Date and time The time when all data sets on this tape will expire.

Can have the date in the past or NULL if the tape is free.

Tape counts for a given library.
LibraryName String The name of the library
Vw_DPM_MediaPool_Media FreeMedia Integer Number of tapes that are free in this library
Vw_DPM_MediaPool_Media FreeMediaThreshold Integer The threshold below which this library generates an alert

Current disk space usage by various data sources.
ReplicaId GUID Identifier of the replica
Vw_DPM_ProtectedDataSource PGId GUID Identifier of the protection group to which the replica belongs
Vw_DPM_ProtectedDataSource AllocatedSize Big integer Disk space allocated to the data source
Vw_DPM_ProtectedDataSource UsedSize Big integer Disk space currently used by the data source
Vw_DPM_ProtectedDataSource ProductionServerName String The name of the computer on which the data source exists
Vw_DPM_ProtectedDataSource StorageNode String Always set to the DPM server

Table with information about all protection groups.
PGId GUID Unique identifier for the protection group
Vw_DPM_ProtectedGroup ProtectionGroupName String Protection group name
Vw_DPM_ProtectedGroup CreationTime Date and time Time protection group was created

History of counts for recovery jobs in various time durations.
StartDateTime Date and time The time at which the statistic was collected
Vw_DPM_RecoveryDuration EndDateTime Date and time Internal
Vw_DPM_RecoveryDuration ScheduleType Integer The frequency for which this particular statistic was collected
Vw_DPM_RecoveryDuration RecoveryDuration Integer Indicates if the recovery was less than 6 hours, between 6-24 hours, or greater than 24 hours
Vw_DPM_RecoveryDuration RecoveryCount Integer Number of recoveries

Detailed information about recent recovery jobs.
DataSourceName String The data source for which recovery was run
Vw_DPM_RecoveryJob ServerName String The server to which recovery was performed
Vw_DPM_RecoveryJob CreationTime Date and time Time at which the recovery job was run
Vw_DPM_RecoveryJob FailureCode Integer Error code in case of failure of the recovery job
Vw_DPM_RecoveryJob Status Integer



Status of the recovery job

Status of recent recovery point creation jobs on disk.
String The data source for which the backup was created String
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointDisk String The server on which the data source exists String
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointDisk Date and time The time at which the recovery point creation job was run Date and time
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointDisk Integer



Status of the recovery point creation job Integer



Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointDisk Integer Zero if succeeded.

Else, set to a DPM error code.

Status of recent recovery point creation jobs on tape.
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointTape String The data source for which the backup was created String
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointTape String The server on which the data source exists String
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointTape Date and time The time at which the recovery point creation job was run Date and time
Vw_DPM_RecoveryPointTape Integer



Status of the recovery point creation job Integer




Listing of all replicas managed by DPM.
ReplicaId GUID Unique identifierentifier generated by DPM for the replica volume
Vw_DPM_Replica PhysicalPath String The name of the data source on the replica
Vw_DPM_Replica ServerName String Name of the server to which the data source belongs
Vw_DPM_Replica ValidFrom Date and time When the replica was created
Vw_DPM_Replica ValidTo Date and time The date on which the replica was made inactive
Vw_DPM_Replica PGId GUID Unique identifierentifier generated by DPM for the protection group to which the data source belongs
Vw_DPM_Replica StorageNode String Always set to the DPM server

List of all protected computers.
ServerId GUID Unique identifierentifier generated by DPM for the protected computer
Vw_DPM_Server ServerName String Fully qualified domain name for the computer
Vw_DPM_Server NetBiosName String Name
Vw_DPM_Server DomainName String Domain in which the computer belongs
Vw_DPM_Server IsRG Integer If this computer represents a Resource Group

Counts for tape recovery points available for each data source.
DataSourceName String The name of the protected data source
Vw_DPM_TapeRecoveryPoints PGId GUID The unique identifierentifier for the protection group to which this data source belongs
Vw_DPM_TapeRecoveryPoints ServerId GUID The unique identifierentifier for the server to which this data source belongs
Vw_DPM_TapeRecoveryPoints Frequency Integer The number of available recovery points
Vw_DPM_TapeRecoveryPoints Term Integer

0=ShortTerm; 1=LongTerm
The schedule to which the recovery point corresponds

Historical information on tape usage counts.
StartDateTime Date and time
Vw_DPM_TapeStat EndDateTime Date and time
Vw_DPM_TapeStat ScheduleType Integer Integer




Vw_DPM_TapeStat Free Integer Number of free tapes at end-time
Vw_DPM_TapeStat Online Integer Number of online tapes at end time

Historical tape usage data per protection group.
StartDateTime Date and time Start time
Vw_DPM_TapeUsagePerPG EndDateTime Date and time End time
Vw_DPM_TapeUsagePerPG PGName String Name of the protection group
Vw_DPM_TapeUsagePerPG ScheduleType Integer Integer




Vw_DPM_TapeUsagePerPG Online Integer Number of online tapes at end time
Vw_DPM_TapeUsagePerPG Offline Integer Number of offline tapes at end time

Total disk space usage historical trend.
StartDateTime Date and time
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend EndDateTime Date and time
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend ScheduleType Integer Integer




Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend DiskSpaceCapacity Big integer The total storage in storage pool at end-time
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend PreviousDiskSpaceCapacity Big integer Total storage in storage pool in previous corresponding period
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend DiskSpaceAllocated Big integer The disk space from storage pool that has been allocated
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend PreviousDiskSpaceAllocated Big integer The disk space from storage pool that was allocated in the previous corresponding period
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend DiskSpaceUsed Big integer The actual disk space usage
Vw_DPM_Total_Disk_Trend PreviousDiskSpaceUsed Big integer The used disk space in the previous corresponding period

Information about all recent recovery point jobs.
DataSourceName String The name of the protected data source
Vw_DPM_Total_RecoveryPoint ServerName String The server to which the data source belongs
Vw_DPM_Total_RecoveryPoint CreationTime Date and time The time at which the recovery point creation job was run
Vw_DPM_Total_RecoveryPoint Status Integer



Status of the recovery point creation job
Vw_DPM_Total_RecoveryPoint ErrorCode Integer Error code in recovery point creation

Alert types

The following table summarizes the alert types.

-1 RestoreDBAlert
0 NullType
1 AgentIncompatibleAlert
2 AgentUnreachableAlert
5 MediaVerificationFailedAlert
6 MediaEraseFailedAlert
7 DetailedInventoryFailedAlert
8 MediaDecommissionedAlert
9 MediaDataEraseAlert
10 FreeMediaThresholdAlert
11 DataSetCopyFailedAlert
12 BackupToTapeFailedAlert
13 BackupToTapeCatalogFailedAlert
14 LibraryDriveAlert
15 LibraryNotAvailableAlert
16 LibraryNotWorkingEfficientlyAlert
17 MediaRequiredAlert
18 ReplicaInitializationInProgressAlert
19 SynchronizationFailedAlert
20 StopProtectionFailedAlert
21 RecoveryInProgressAlert
22 RecoveryPartiallySuccessfulAlert
23 RecoverySuccessfulAlert
24 RecoveryFailedAlert
25 ShadowCopyFailedAlert
26 ReplicaInMissingStateAlert
27 ReplicaInInvalidStateAlert
28 PartialDeployedClusterAlert
29 AgentTaskFailAlert
30 SqmOptInAlert
31 DiskThresholdCrossedAlert
32 VerificationInProgressAlert
33 DiskMissingAlert
34 CatalogThresholdCrossedAlert
35 DatasetDataVerificationFailed
36 SCDiskThresholdCrossedAlert
37 ConfigureProtectionFailedAlert
38 ReplicaManualLoadPendingAlert
39 ReplicaInitializationPendingAlert
40 CertificateExpiringAlert
41 EvalShareInquiryAlert
42 ShadowCopyConsolidationRequired