Dfsdiag TestDCs


Applies To: Windows Server 2012, Windows 8

Checks the configuration of domain controllers by performing the following tests on each domain controller in the specified domain:

  • Verifies that the Distributed File System (DFS) Namespace service is running and that its Startup Type is set to Automatic.

  • Checks for the support of site-costed referrals for NETLOGON and SYSVOL.

  • Verifies the consistency of the site association by hostname and IP address.

For examples of how this command can be used, see <?Comment LV: Because this topic is so short, do we really need a link to the Examples section below? 2010-08-24T15:53:00Z Id='1?>Examples<?CommentEnd Id='1' ?>.


DFSDiag /TestDCs [/Domain:<Domain name>]




/Domain:<Domain name>

Domain that you want to check.


/Domain is an optional parameter. The default value is the local domain that the local host is joined to.


To verify the configuration of domain controllers in the Contoso.com domain, type:

DFSDiag /TestDCs /Domain:Contoso.com

Additional references