Fitting Adapters Into the StreamInsight Server Architecture



Input and output adapters were introduced in an earlier version of StreamInsight. Though they have been superseded by the current development model, they are still available for developers who are maintaining legacy code. For more information about the current development model, see Developer's Guide (StreamInsight).

The adapter framework of Microsoft StreamInsight allows developers to create interfaces to event stores such as Web servers, devices or sensors, and stock tickers or news feeds; and to event sinks such as pagers, monitoring devices, KPI dashboards, trading stations, or databases. Incoming events are continuously streamed into standing queries in the StreamInsight server, which process and transform the data according to the logic defined in each query. The query result at the output can then be used to trigger specific actions.

The following illustration presents a high-level overview of the StreamInsight adapter architecture.

Architectural Overview of CEP