Back up and restore a generic data source


Updated: May 13, 2016

DPM provides the Generic Data Source (GDS) infrastructure so that you can protect any Microsoft workload as long as it has a VSS writer.

What’s supported

You can back up the following:

  • Complete backup using Express Full backup

  • Original location recovery

  • Referential data sources

  • Backend data source with shared disk cluster support

  • Multi-domain support

  • Tape support

What’s not supported

DPM does not support disaster recovery for generic data sources.

Registering a new data source

You’ll need to run the Modify-RegisteredWriters command to add, remove or modify the VSS writer ID for a data source to the list that’s registered with DPM.

Run the command


Modify-RegisteredWriters.ps1 [[-DpmServerName] <String>] [-List] [<CommonParameters>]

Modify-RegisteredWriters.ps1 [[-DpmServerName] <String>] [-Remove] [-Writers] <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Modify-RegisteredWriters.ps1 [[-DpmServerName] <String>] [-Add] [-Writers] <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Parameter Type Description
DPMServerNAme String Specifies the DPM server against which this command should run. By default, the command is run against the local DPM.
List SwitchParameter Indicates that the command should display the list of registered writer IDs.
Add SwitchParameter Indicates that the command should add the list of writer IDs to the list of the writer IDs that is registered with DPM.
Remove SwitchParameter Indicates that the given list of writer IDs must be removed from the list of the writer IDs that is registered with DPM.
Writers String Comma-separated list of writer ID.


Example 1

The Modify-RegisteredWriters command displays the list of writers that are currently registered with the local DPM server.

Modify-RegisteredWriters -List

Example 2

The Modify-RegisteredWriters command adds the two new writer IDs to the list of registered writers on the local DPM server.

Modify-RegisteredWriters -Add -Writers "46eef637-28ca-4223-8bb6-2e87bd945179,e1cdedc6-d9d2-4fc3-8af6-5d0d0fe3e8af"

Example 3

The Modify-RegisteredWriters command removes the specified writer ID from the list of registered writers on DPM server

Modify-RegisteredWriters -DpmServerName -Remove -Writers 46eef637-28ca-4223-8bb6-2e87bd945179