Global roles in Microsoft Entra ID allow you to manage permissions and access to capabilities in all of Microsoft 365, which also includes Exchange Online. For more information, see Microsoft Entra permissions.
But, if you need to limit permissions and capabilities to features in Exchange Online, you can assign Exchange Online permissions in the Exchange admin center (EAC) and in Exchange Online PowerShell.
You need to be member of the Organization Management role group in Exchange Online. Specifically, the Role Management role in Exchange Online allows users to view, create, and modify Exchange Online role groups. By default, that role is assigned only to the Organization Management role group.
Exchange Online includes a large set of predefined permissions, based on the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions model, which you can use right away to easily grant permissions to your admins and users. You can use the permissions features in Exchange Online to get your new organization up and running quickly.
Managing permissions in Exchange Online gives users access to features in the EAC and Exchange Online PowerShell. To grant permissions to other features, such as compliance features in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, or security features in the Microsoft Defender portal, see the following articles:
Several advanced RBAC features and concepts aren't discussed in this article. If the functionality described in this article doesn't meet your needs, and you want to further customize your permissions model, see Understanding Role Based Access Control.
Role-based permissions
Exchange Online permissions are based on the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model. RBAC is the same permissions model that's used by most Microsoft 365 services and Exchange Server, so if you're familiar with the permission structure in these services, granting permissions in Exchange Online should be familiar.
A role or management role grants the permissions to do a set of tasks. Exchange Online permissions use the following types of roles:
Administrator roles: Defines the set of tasks that an admin can do. When an administrator role is assigned to a role group, and an admin or user is a member of that role group, that person is granted the permissions provided by the role. These roles are listed and described in this article.
End-user roles: These roles, which are assigned using role assignment policies, enable users to manage aspects of their own mailbox and distribution groups that they own. End-user roles begin with the prefix My. For more information, see the section later in this article.
Roles give users permissions to perform tasks by making Exchange Online cmdlets available users. Because the EAC and Exchange Online PowerShell use cmdlets to manage Exchange Online, granting access to a cmdlet gives the admin or user permission to do the task in either of the Exchange Online management interfaces.
A role group makes it easier to assign roles to admins. When a role is assigned to a role group, the permissions granted by the role are granted to all the members of the role group. Exchange Online permissions include default role groups for the most common tasks and functions that you need to assign. You can also create custom role group. We recommend adding individual users as members to the default role groups or custom role groups instead of assigning roles directly to users. Role group members can be Exchange Online users and other role groups.
Adding users to Exchange Online role groups grants administrative rights to users in Exchange Online without adding them to Microsoft Entra roles. Users receive the permissions granted by the role group in Exchange Online only without permission to other Microsoft 365 features or workload.
The rest of this article describes the administrator roles and role groups in Exchange Online.
The table in this section lists the default administrator role groups that are available in Exchange Online, and the roles that are assigned to the role groups by default. To grant permissions to a user to perform tasks in Exchange Online, add them to the appropriate role group.
If you work in a small organization that has only a few admins, you might need to add those admins to the Organization Management role group only, and you might never need to use the other role groups. If you work in a larger organization, you might have admins who perform specific tasks administering Exchange Online, such as recipient configuration. In those cases, you might add one administrator to the Recipient Management role group, and another administrator to the Organization Management role group. Those admins can then manage their specific areas of Exchange Online, but they don't have permissions to manage areas they're not responsible for.
As a further example, if an admin is added to the Audit Logs role group, they only have access to the parameter set relating to audit settings within the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. If another admin is added to the Mail Recipients role group, they have access to a much larger parameter set within the Set-Mailbox cmdlet, allowing management of recipients to a greater extent.
If the built-in role groups in Exchange Online don't match the job function of your admins, you can create role groups and add roles to them. For more information, see Manage role groups in Exchange Online.
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Communication Compliance Admin
Communication Compliance Investigation
Communication Compliance Administrators
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Communication Compliance Admin
Compliance Administrator
Manage settings for device management, data loss prevention, reports, and preservation.
Communication Compliance Admin
Insider Risk Management Admin
Compliance Management
Members can configure and manage compliance settings within Exchange in accordance with their policies.
Audit Logs
Compliance Admin
Data Loss Prevention
Information Rights Management
Message Tracking
Retention Management
Transport Rules
View-Only Audit Logs
View-Only Configuration
View-Only Recipients
Discovery Management
Members can perform searches of mailboxes in the Exchange Online organization for data that meets specific criteria and can also configure legal holds on mailboxes.
Legal Hold
Mailbox Search
ExchangeServiceAdmins_-<unique value>¹
Membership in this role group is synchronized across services and is managed centrally. You can't manage this role group in Exchange Online.
This role group doesn't have any roles assigned to it. However, it's a member of the Organization Management role group (as Exchange Service Administrator) and inherits the permissions provided by that role group.
You can add members to this role group by adding users to the Microsoft Entra ID Exchange admin role in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Help Desk
Members can view and manage the configuration for individual recipients and view recipients in an Exchange organization. Members of this role group can only manage the configuration each user can manage on their own mailbox.
Reset Password
User Options
View-Only Recipients
Hygiene Management
Members can manage Exchange anti-spam features, grant permissions for antivirus products to integrate with Exchange, and manage mail flow rules.
Transport Hygiene
View-Only Configuration
View-Only Recipients
Information Protection
Full control over all information protection features, including sensitivity labels and their policies, DLP, all classifier types, activity and content explorers, and all related reports.
Information Protection Admin
Information Protection Analyst²
Information Protection Investigator
Information Protection Reader
Information Protection Admins
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Information Protection Admin
Information Protection Analysts
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Information Protection Analyst²
Information Protection Investigators
Search the unified audit log
Information Protection Investigator
Information Protection Readers
Search the unified audit log and view the Mail Traffic and Mail Traffic Summary reports.
Information Protection Reader
Insider Risk Management
Manage access control for Insider risk management.
Insider Risk Management Admin
Insider Risk Management Investigation
Insider Risk Management Admins
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Insider Risk Management Admin
Insider Risk Management Investigators
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Insider Risk Management Investigation
Organization Management
Members have administrative access to the entire Exchange Online organization and can perform almost any task in Exchange Online.
Important: Because the Organization Management role group is a powerful role, only users that perform organizational-level administrative tasks that can potentially impact the entire Exchange Online organization should be members of this role group.
Audit Logs
Communication Compliance Admin
Communication Compliance Investigation
Compliance Admin
Data Loss Prevention
Distribution Groups
E-Mail Address Policies
Federated Sharing
Information Protection Admin
Information Protection Analyst²
Information Protection Investigator
Information Protection Reader
Information Rights Management
Insider Risk Management Admin
Insider Risk Management Investigation
Legal Hold
Mail Enabled Public Folders
Mail Recipient Creation
Mail Recipients
Mail Tips
Message Tracking
Move Mailboxes
Org Custom Apps
Org Marketplace Apps
Organization Client Access
Organization Configuration
Organization Transport Settings
Privacy Management Admin
Privacy Management Investigation
Public Folders
Recipient Policies
Remote and Accepted Domains
Reset Password
Retention Management
Role Management
Security Admin
Security Group Creation and Membership
Security Reader
Transport Hygiene
Transport Rules
User Options
View-Only Audit Logs
View-Only Configuration
View-Only Recipients
Privacy Management
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Privacy Management Admin
Privacy Management Investigation
Privacy Management Administrators
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Privacy Management Admin
Privacy Management Investigators
The role assignments in this role group give access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Privacy Management Investigation
Recipient Management
Members have administrative access to create or modify Exchange Online recipients within the Exchange Online organization.
Distribution Groups
Mail Recipient Creation
Mail Recipients
Message Tracking
Move Mailboxes
Recipient Policies
Reset Password
Records Management
Members can configure compliance features, such as retention policy tags, message classifications, and mail flow rules (also known as transport rules).
Audit Logs
Message Tracking
Retention Management
Transport Rules
Not used
Security Administrator
Membership in this role group is synchronized across services and is managed centrally. You can't manage this role group in Exchange Online.
You can add members to this role group by adding users to the Microsoft Entra Security admin role in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Security Admin
Security Operator
Manage security alerts, and also view reports and settings of security features.
Tenant AllowBlockList Manager
Security Reader
Membership in this role group is synchronized across services and is managed centrally. You can't manage this role group in Exchange Online.
You can add members to this role group by adding users to the Microsoft Entra Security reader role in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Security Reader
TenantAdmins_-<unique value>
Membership in this role group is synchronized across services and is managed centrally. You can't manage this role group in Exchange Online.
This role group doesn't have any roles assigned to it. However, it's a member of the Organization Management role group (as Company Administrator) and inherits the permissions provided by that role group.
You can add members to this role group by adding users to the Microsoft Entra ID Global Administrator role in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Important: Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.
View-Only Organization Management
Members can view the properties of any object in the Exchange Online organization.
The table in this section lists the available administrator roles and the role groups that they're assigned to by default.
Roles that aren't assigned to the Organization Management role group by default are marked with *
Role names that start with the prefix 'My' (for example, MyContactInformation) are end-user roles. End-user roles are assigned to users in role assignment policies, which allow users to operate on object they own (for example, their own account or distribution groups they created). For more information, see Role assignment policies in Exchange Online.
Many of the compliance-related roles that are also available in Microsoft Purview compliance and Microsoft Entra don't offer much capability in Exchange Online by themselves.
Enables admins to manage address lists, global address lists, and offline address lists in an organization.
Audit Logs
Search the administrator audit log and view the results.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Records Management
Communication Compliance Admin
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Communication Compliance
Communication Compliance Administrators
Compliance Administrator
Organization Management
Communication Compliance Investigation
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Communication Compliance
Organization Management
Compliance Admin
Lets people view and edit settings and reports for compliance features.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Data Loss Prevention
This role was related to the older mail flow rule (transport rule) related Data Loss Prevention (DLP) settings in the organization. This role gives access to report and mail flow rule management in Exchange Online.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Distribution Groups
Create and manage all distribution groups, mail-enabled security groups, and members.
Organization Management
Recipient Management
E-Mail Address Policies
Enables admins to manage email address policies in an organization.
Organization Management
Federated Sharing
Enables admins to manage cross-forest and cross-organization sharing in an organization.
Organization Management
Information Protection Admin
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Search the unified audit log and view the Mail Traffic and Mail Traffic Summary reports.
Information Protection
Information Protection Readers
Organization Management
Information Rights Management
Manage the Information Rights Management (IRM) features of Exchange in an organization.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Insider Risk Management Admin
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Compliance Administrator
Insider Risk Management
Insider Risk Management Admins
Organization Management
Insider Risk Management Investigation
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Insider Risk Management
Insider Risk Management Investigators
Organization Management
Enables admins to manage journaling configuration in an organization.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Records Management
Legal Hold
Enables admins to configure whether data within a mailbox should be retained for litigation purposes in an organization.
Discovery Management
Organization Management
Mail Enabled Public Folders
Enables admins to configure whether individual public folders are mail-enabled or mail-disabled in an organization.
Organization Management
Mail Recipient Creation
Create and remove mail users and mail contacts.
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Mail Recipients
Modify existing mail users and mail contacts.
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Mail Tips
Enables admins to manage MailTip settings in an organization.
Organization Management
Mailbox Import Export*
Enables admins to import and export mailbox content.
Mailbox Search*
Enables admins to search the content of one or more mailboxes in an organization.
Discovery Management
Message Tracking
Enables admins to track messages in an organization.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Records Management
Enables admins to migrate mailboxes and mailbox content into or out of an organization.
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Move Mailboxes
Enables admins to move mailboxes.
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Not used
Org Custom Apps
Enables users to view and modify their org custom apps.
Organization Management
Org Marketplace Apps
Enables users to view and modify their org marketplace apps.
Organization Management
Organization Client Access
Enables admins to manage Client Access settings in an organization.
Organization Management
Organization Configuration
Enables admins to manage organization-wide settings.
Organization Management
Organization Transport Settings
Enables admins to manage hybrid and organization-wide mail transport settings.
Organization Management
Privacy Management Admin
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Organization Management
Privacy Management
Privacy Management Administrators
Privacy Management Investigation
This role gives access to the Test-TextExtraction cmdlet in Exchange Online.
Organization Management
Privacy Management
Privacy Management Investigators
Public Folders
Enables admins to manage public folders in an organization.
Organization Management
Recipient Policies
Enables admins to manage recipient policies (authentication policies, data encryption policies mobile device mailbox policies, and Outlook on the web mailbox policies) in an organization.
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Remote and Accepted Domains
Manage remote domains, accepted domains, and connectors.
Organization Management
Reset Password
Enables admins to set room mailbox passwords.
Help Desk
Organization Management
Recipient Management
Retention Management
Lets people manage retention policies.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Records Management
Role Management
Enables admins to manage management role groups, role assignment policies, management roles, role entries, assignments, and scopes in an organization.
Organization Management
Security Admin
Manage the configuration and reports for all security and protection features.
Organization Management
Security Administrator
Security Group Creation and Membership
Create and manage mail-enabled security groups.
Organization Management
Security Reader
View the configuration and reports for security and protection features.
Manage anti-malware, anti-spam features, and anti-spoofing features.
Hygiene Management
Organization Management
Transport Rules
Create and manage mail flow rules (also known as transport rules).
Compliance Management
Organization Management
Records Management
User Options
Enables admins to view the Outlook on the web options of users in the organization.
Help Desk
Organization Management
View-Only Audit Logs
Search the administrator audit log and view the results.
Compliance Management
Organization Management
View-Only Configuration
View all of the organization and mail flow (non-recipient) settings in the organization.
Compliance Management
Hygiene Management
Organization Management
View-Only Organization Management
View-Only Recipients
View recipient properties and run message trace.
Compliance Management
Help Desk
Hygiene Management
Organization Management
View-Only Organization Management
¹ By default, this role isn't assigned to any role groups in standalone Exchange Online Protection.
Microsoft 365 permissions in Exchange Online
When you create a user in the Microsoft 365 admin center, you can choose whether to assign various Microsoft Entra roles (for example, Exchange Administrator or Global Reader), to the user. Most of the Microsoft Entra roles grant administrative permissions to the user in Exchange Online.
The account you used to create your Exchange Online organization is automatically assigned to the Global Administrator role.
The following table lists the Microsoft Entra roles and the Exchange Online role groups that they correspond to. For more information about these roles, see Microsoft Entra permissions.
Microsoft Entra role
Exchange Online role group
Global Administrator
Organization Management
Note: The Global Administrator role and the Organization Management role group are tied together using a special Company Administrator role group. The Company Administrator role group is managed internally and can't be modified directly.
Exchange Administrator
Organization Management
Global Reader
View-Only Organization Management
Helpdesk Administrator
Help Desk
Service Support Administrator
SharePoint Administrator
Teams Administrator
Exchange Recipient Administrator
Recipient Management
User Experience Success Manager
Users can be granted administrative rights in Exchange Online without adding them to Microsoft Entra roles by adding the user as a member of an Exchange Online role group. The user gets permissions in Exchange Online, but they don't get permissions in other Microsoft 365 workloads.
Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. Using lower permissioned accounts helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use an existing role.
This module examines the use of roles and role groups in the Microsoft 365 permission model, including role management, best practices when configuring admin roles, delegating roles, and elevating privileges.
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