Returns the list of host domains that are on the Allow List for an Office Online Server farm.
The Get-OfficeWebAppsHost cmdlet returns the list of host domains to which Office Online Server allows file operations requests, such as file retrieval, metadata retrieval, and file changes. This list, known as the Allow List, is a security feature that prevents unwanted hosts from connecting to an Office Online Server farm and using it for file operations without your knowledge.
The wildcard * is assumed for any domain that appears on the Allow List so that requests to all subdomains are also allowed. For example, if the domain is on the Allow List, then Office Online Server also allows requests to the domains and Requests to other domains (such as are not allowed.
If there are no domains on the Allow List, Office Online Server allows file requests to hosts in any domain. Do not leave this list blank if your Office Online Server farm is accessible from the Internet. Otherwise anyone can use your Office Online Server farm to view and edit content.
This example returns the host domains that are on the Allow List.
If there are multiple domains in the Allow List, please run the following:
Get-OfficeWebAppsHost | Select allowList -ExpandProperty allowList
This example returns the host domains that are on the Allow List without ellipsis truncation in the case of multiple domains.